Windows 11
Microsoft Windows 11 board.
34731 topics in this forum
CLiP license id does not match the device in the bound device license,
by Guest kedarreis kirkendoll- 0 replies
i get this error whenever i try to play any games from Microsoft. i just bought this new computer and after updating it i cant play anything. I've tried resetting the apps, and logging out of the accounts. and doing commands and spamming the application but nothing works. Continue reading...
The start logo on my PC is acting strange
by Guest Bình Bùi- 0 replies
I don't know what the red mark on the window means. I am using official windows 11 pro.IMG:!AlhVHX-z2sgO8HTOc3DpBxFwSDIR Continue reading...
Laptop has grown slower after repair
by Guest Korra Vella- 0 replies
my laptop has had a fan issue for a while with it being loud and revving so I recently went to have it repaired. I got it back last Tuesday and they had replaced the fan since it was faulty. However, ever since I've only opened it twice.The first time I noticed it was notably slower, like, way slower. the logo didn't even load, it was just a black screen. When I first turned it on I had to try again and when I got to my desktop it took forever to even register mouse drags.yesterday, I turned it on again, or at least tried to. I'd be met with it saying it needs an update, followed by a blue scr Continue reading...
Who deleted my apps and shortcuts, wasn't me.
by Guest Jason Jenneke- 0 replies
I have and use several PC's daily. A desktop and a laptop at work, 3 laptops for different purposes and a desktop at home. I use them all (for different reasons) everyday, At work, it's a desktop (setup as a server) and a laptop (workstation situation). All that works fine with my office apps and such.However, at home I use my desktop (older win 10) for audio recording and video editing. It has tons of memory and HDD space, I backup user data often etc. The newest laptop I've purchased is awesome; has a bunch of memory and works fantastically for audio recording as well. Untill...One day (toda Continue reading...
After last update no longer able to adjust screen brightness on windows 10
by Guest Linda Miskimen- 0 replies
After last update no longer able to adjust screen brightness on windows 10 Continue reading...
Starting yesterday my computer no longer acts like secure boot is active
by Guest Paul Wagner1- 0 replies
Hi,I just noticed that secure boot is no longer showing as enabled. I only discovered this because One Drive was not letting me sign in. I checked the BIOS and it's still selected. I went to the motherboard's website and updated the BIOS to latest version. I then cleared the factory keys in the BIOS and cleared the TMP but Windows is still reporting that secure boot is not on. I contacted the Motherboard manufacturer and explained the issue but I'm really not sure if they will get back to me, however, the board is still under warranty. I also, tried deleting the folder in App Data Local Continue reading...
Help i unistalledmy wifi driver thing by accidetn my pc isnt working pls IM CRYING
by Guest James Agbolade- 0 replies
Pls help it isnt working i need help ASAP I restart my oc and it isnt working pls help me mom will be mad at me Continue reading...
Can't download either windows 10 or windows 11 ISO image
by Guest AyrenR- 0 replies
Hello dear support,I'm trying to download Windows 10 ISO image, but getting this mistake: We are unable to complete your request at this time. Some users, entities and locations are banned from using this service. For this reason, leveraging anonymous or location hiding technologies when connecting to this service is not generally allowed. If you believe that you encountered this problem in error, please try again. If the problem persists you may contact Microsoft Support – Contact Us page for assistance. Refer to message code 715-123130 and bde3923a-b36d-46e5-94e0-fcc585cd39de.Please kindly h Continue reading...
how could I disable this prompt when dragging a window?
by Guest Ivette Sweigert- 0 replies
I don't wanna see this prompt when dragging windows, it is annoying. Continue reading...
how could I disable this prompt when dragging a window?
by Guest Ivette Sweigert- 0 replies
I don't wanna see this prompt when dragging windows, it is annoying. Continue reading...
¿Cómo puedo modificar el volumen de mi disco C? No me da opción. Sí del disco E. ¿Por qué?
by Guest GB _- 0 replies
Hola estimada comunidad, quiero extender el espacio disponible de mi Unidad C y no me da la opción. Solo me permite "reducir el volumen". ¿Por qué sucede esto? Espacio disponible tengo sin asignar. Sí, en cambio, me permite extender y reducir el volumen de la unidad E.¿Podrían ayudarme por favor? Mil graciasUso windows 11, 64 bits Continue reading...
can't access the system app. I don't know randomly my microsfot store app are not accessible. show the given error
by Guest Sourabh110- 0 replies
I tired restarting. doesn't workI Continue reading...
Eventhough my router has worked my laptop says no internet,secured.when ran troubleshooter it says can't reach the DHCP server. What can I do to connect internet to my laptop Continue reading...
keyboard and mouse bug
by Guest idan cohen1- 0 replies
Hey so middle of the day I have getting a bug with my keyboard and mouse about 10m my keyboard every letter is opening random stuff exmp: D opening one drive L opening linkin... and more in this time of period i cant do anything with my pc and i cant open any app when i try to open a app its asking me to accept it to change setting on my pc thats it i tried restarting my pc and i tried restarting windows a couple of times but its still presists i tried with device manager to uninstall keyboard driver but its still not working Continue reading...
Why Microsoft update catalog block my location ̣(I'm in Vietnam)
by Guest Duong Pham24- 0 replies
Why Microsoft update catalog block my location ̣When I want to download update it says it block my connection Continue reading...
Booting program in Win-10 how to solve it?
by Guest Carlos R.Jimenez- 0 replies
Booting program in Win-10 how to solve it? Continue reading...
Unable to find administrator account on lockscreen.
by Guest April Kris Castillo- 0 replies
I tried creating another desktop account for my Windows 11 Laptop but when I try to sign in it only displays, "The User Profile Service service failed the sign-in. User profile cannot be loaded." I also tried starting it up using safe mode but the problem still persist.I want to sign in as an administrator but I can't find the administrator's account on lockscreen hence I could not access the command prompts and any other functions. I can only go to the lockscreen and the Advance Options. How can I sign in again as an administrator? Continue reading...
by Guest karthick karthick- 0 replies
Kartik Continue reading...
Windows Setup
by Guest tsidkenu forbes- 0 replies
Hi, I recently gotten a new ssd because my old ssd was corrupted, but when I insert my new ssd into my hp laptop it's unable to be located in windows setup in the partition setup area aka (where do you want to install windows) but is able to locate my old ssd. What do I do?... Continue reading...
Flickering white and black screen when watching my friends stream on discord
by Guest alfredo paramo- 0 replies
My screen flickers when I full screen the stream only really quick on discord only Continue reading...
Windows 10 Activation Error 0xc0ea000a
by Guest Héctor Quijas- 0 replies
I have a brand new PC built by myself in which I installed Windows 10 Home using the installation tool from windows official web page. Then I bought a license from the microsoft store, which activated windows 10, after that I restarted the computer and found out that the windows was not activated anymore due to the following error:it looks like the hardware on this device has changed. Make sure you're connected to the internet and try again later.Error code: 0xc0ea000a Since I bought a digital license key I do not have a serial number to re-enter, I haven't been able to contact customer suport Continue reading...
There is no option of Microsoft digita gift card
by Guest Hardik Shrestha- 0 replies
Hello, I am from nepal. There is a problem i wanted to ask. There is no option of redeeming Microsoft digital gift card i started collecting Microsoft reward form long ago but there is no option of redeeming it Continue reading...
Windows Logs - System errors/warnings
by Guest Mitch and Leanne Geddes- 0 replies
Hello Microsoft Community,Recently I've had issues with running games, specifically they randomly minimize to task bar, which is quite annoying. I've had this issue for a while now and only recently has it started to occur more frequently. This issue only occurs in while running games. These games are Rocket League, Apex Legends, Rainbow Six Siege, War Thunder. There may be more that I haven't mentioned because I haven't played those games since before the issue began. In response to this I decided to have a look at event viewer, and I found a ton of errors and warnings under Windows Logs - Sy Continue reading...
How do i log in to my pc if i never had a password?
by Guest Jeretic Nina- 0 replies
I tried to sign in to my pc that never had a pasword and now it is demanding that i change my password and whatever i type in is either wrong or too short. Continue reading...
Не устанавливается Windows SDK for Windows 7
by Guest Orobul256- 0 replies
Установил на Windows 7 Framework 4, но эта программа Windows SDK for Windows 7, так и не хочет устанавливаться, что делать? Мне эта программа нужна, чтобы подписать сертификат и установить драйвер на видеоадаптер Continue reading...