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Old and no longer relevant topics.
by Guest Miss_Sue- 3 replies
Another error message I've been getting almost constantly since day before yesterday is 0x800ccc0e (Unable to connect to the server). I still can send/receive messages at times. I went out to the web site and the instructions there are for Outlook Express, I have Outlook. Step #4 tells you to change the information in the smpt. I talked with my ISP techies, they said I shouldn't change it. We checked all of my Outlook settings and they are OK. With them on the line with me, I decided to try changing I even tried changing my smpt just to see if it would work, I could not send messages at all then. We changed it back to they way they had me set…
What's happened to my right click context menus?
by Guest Matt- 0 replies
Since I got the latest windows update, when right clicking items in the taskbar to get the context menu (and also some other context menus), the menu is completely invisible until I roll my over items in the menu, at which point they reappear. Everything was fine until my machine rebooted after receiving the latest update. (July 11th update) HELP! I'm going to have to roll back and swicth off auto updates if there sin't a fix for this.
Slow Downloading Windows Updates
by Guest Lochieb- 0 replies
Hi, I recently had to force windows update agent back on and i also had to reinstall KB927891 so I could see the download sizes thats okay now but when I download updates it says It will take over 2 hours I have never had this happen to me on my ADSL Connection before i was getting less than 1 hour for the download but not now It should never say over 2 hours on a ADSL Connection now should it??
KB928365: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework versie
by Guest Vishnoe- 1 reply
KB928365: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework versie 2.0 Dit wilt Windows XP niet installeren, terwijl het een atomatische update is. Zucht?? Weet iemand raad??
Security Update for Windows Vista (KB935807)
by Guest AChung- 3 replies
As recently reported by other users, I have the same problem on installing this Security Update, which is considered as important, into my home PC equipped with Windows Vista Home Basic (32 bits) through Windows Update automatically. My PC had been restarted in the process of updating but was shut down again. As a result, the Security Update could not be installed successfully. On the other hand, I tried to download this security update "Windows 6.0 - KB935807 - x86.msu" from the article KB935807 and had successfully installed as revealed by Windows Update. However, the automatic update alert of "Security Update for Windows Vista" (KB935807) cannot b…
windows update blijft KB928366 herhalen.
by Guest Pieter van Dijk- 1 reply
M'n computer heeft nu al meerdere malen aangegeven dat er een nieuwe update is, ik heb deze al een paar keer geinstalleerd, maar hij blijft maar aangeven dat er een nieuwe update is. als ik kijk bij de updategeschiedenis van windowsupdate staat er dat hij goed geinstalleerd is. Het gaat om de volgende update: KB928366: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework versie 1.1 Service Pack 1: Beveiligingsupdate voor Microsoft .NET Framework versie 1.1 Service Pack 1 Komt het omdat ik service pack 2 heb?? please HELP!!!
Re: Error 0 x 80072EE2
by Guest Guille- 0 replies
It worked on me, I am running Windows Vista Home Premium, first I deleted as much as I could in SOftwareDistribution folder, then I got error 80070003 and then Windows Help Files walked me easily on solving this, by stoping Windows Update services and deleting content on two specific folders. Thanks! "Taurarian" wrote: > Error 0x80072EE2 is: ERROR_INTERNET_TIMEOUT - The request has timed out. > > > You receive an "Error 0x80072EE2" or "Error 0x80072EFD" error message when you try to > use Windows Update > > See also: > When searching for available updates on the Windows Update site, …
Re: Error 0x80072ee2 Windows Update
by Guest Peter Foldes- 3 replies
posted to the windows update group via crosspost -- Peter Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged. "Guille" <> wrote in message > On the Spanish side of the forum, I am not getting all the help I need, so I > am coming here to see if you guys can help me (is good to know English). > > The thing is, I got like 2 weeks with this issue, today I finally decided to > get official support via email from Micro$oft but when I try to submit the > form, I get an erro…
Hey it's a crappy Windows update that doesn't work!
by Guest fluffy cupcake- 2 replies
Hey, let's all download a software update that we don't want (I never asked for it) and watch as it doesn't work. The wonders of modern technology! Thanks Microsoft. Fluffy Cupcale
Fail to Install security update
by Guest Rudy3343- 5 replies
hey ppl, can anyone shed some light on why these security update are not installing. Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 1.1 Service Pack 1 (KB928366). and (.Net Framework 2.0) all failed to install. Can anyone help? i see there alot of other having the same problem I microsoft can hurry and send a fix. -- Thank alot ppl.
July 2007 Microsoft Windows Update
by Guest rugged_lads- 0 replies
The following message is for information purposes only. I went to Microsoft Security Bulletin for NET Framework Ver2.0- KB928365. The patch from Microsoft Update was not a correct one. The correct one is: 931212(Microsoft Security Bulletin MS07-040). As for the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool, its also incorrect in your Microsoft Update. Please go to for (931212) for Mal Software Removal Tool Please use these links if you have some tech know-hows. Otherwise, please a…
KB928366 Successful download
by Guest 3 replies
I reinstalled .Net Framework V1.1 and the SP1 over the existing files and the download worked with no problems. Perhaps this is the fix required.
Net Framework and how I fixed it
by Guest PrairieSpirit- 19 replies
Hi everyone, I know that many of you have been having terrible problems with updates of the recent Net Framework. This is what I did (after remembering what I did before when this occured---Oh yes it happened before) to fix the problem and it worked nicely. This worked on windows XP SP2 MCE (media center edition) I uninstalled ALL Net Framework software on the computer. Now when you do this, you may get error's upon rebooting after this uninstall due to some software depending on Net Framework. I clicked ok on this error msg's and they quite after a bit. Then go to updates and update starting from Net Framework 3.0 then 2.0 and then 1.0 and al…
July Update issues
by Guest Steve Garry- 0 replies
Seems that there are 'issues' with the july patches. 2 machines done so far, problems with both. Machine 1 is XP home, machine 2 is XP Pro. The issue seems to be that for some reason, a restart is not enough. One machine froze when restarting, the other would not correctly reload the (Zone Labs) Firewall. In both cases, a power down followed by a cold boot seems to have got things working again. My guess is that there was something left in memory that confused things to the extent of screwing a program after the restart. There are times when I wonder about the validity of alllowing any machine to update from the web, in that all I seem to get recent…
by Guest lora c- 2 replies
the update i installed repeatenly appears to install over and over . ANY SOLUTIONS the update says update was successful and thats it -- chevy gal
Windows Update
by Guest rajmaster- 2 replies
hey i just was informed to download 5 updates from Windows updates on July the 10th...i installed them and it said to restart and i did but when i checked they all failed. i tried many more times and they all failed. the only one that worked was the Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 2.0 (KB929916) can you help me!
Where are my pre-Vista Upgrade documents?
by Guest Linda- 1 reply
Being in a stupid hurry, I didn't backup my files before installing the upgrade to Vista Ultimate. However, my hard drive still shows with regard to amount of hard drive used, that the files are still there somewhere, but WHERE? I'm frustrated at this point. Any help is appreciated.
Repeated update ussues!!!
by Guest mad as h*ll!- 3 replies
I apologize for starting another thread, but since this covers several of the topics I'm condensing it to a new thread. First, I want to say THANX! to you all for preventing from reformatting tonight!!! Now I know it wasn't just my computer the updates screwed up again. I just spent two hours on the phone with Dell and their last suggestion was reformat. They weren't aware this problem was occurring. My wouldn't install the 5 updates either. I could install the .net 1.1, manually only, but as others have reported, .net 2 said a component was missing. I tried uninstalling and re-installing both several times. cleaning files and registry each time. Although …
by Guest ArtificialDog- 1 reply
On a computer that has .NET Framework 1.0 or .NET Framework 1.1 installed, if you uninstall the security update corresponding to KB928366, KB929729, or KB928367, the file version is rolled back to the last Service Pack. This uninstall cleanup tool addresses this issue. Resolution: 1) , or ( . Download the Removal tool and Uninstall the Frame work … 2) Tried to rename Software Distribution, catroot and catroot2. 3) Try Windows Update …
Transferring Group Policy
by Guest Shejin- 1 reply
Is it possible to transfer Group Policy (Win 2000 server) from one machine to another ?
Patch management
by Guest Steve- 0 replies
I've been using NetChk Protect to install Windows patches for the past couple years on an XP machine, when they offered the service free to individuals. It installs multiple patches at once, reboots automatically when necessary, and avoids the WGA issue. Unfortunately, they're no longer free, and they're really set up to deal with Fortune 500-type companies. Anyone know of another service that might be more suited to an individual? Other than WindowsUpdate, of course. I'm now using a Vista PC. -- The most important tool of the scientist is the wastebasket. ....Albert Einstein
Windows Update XP Genuine Advantage ARGH!
by Guest kos- 11 replies
ok.. I'm trying to update my OS and when I come to the update page the only thing it will allow me to download is the genuine update tool. Fine. Do it. But the stupid thing won't install. It just downloads and fails. And then it won't give me any explaination of why. It says to check download history and click the failure (x) for more info.. but there is no failure (x).. it's a canceled (-). WTF. FIX THIS MICROSOFT.
Just got off the phone with Microsoft tech
by Guest Notgeekenuf- 1 reply
They moved my call up to Full Service and did not charge. After an hour or so of their controlling my computer, I no longer have the installer icon on the taskbar for KN928366. Basically what he did was to uninstall all .Net Frameworks, I had 1.1 installed, with a utility the tech got off of a blog - similar to Windows Installer CleanUp Utility. He then went to Windows update and installed .NET frameworks 1.1, 2 and 3 all at the same time. It took about 9 min - cable modem. Rebooted a few times and the icon left. He then emtied my temp internet folders and all seems well. After 6 hours of dealing with this crap.
Re: Windows updates wont install
by Guest WTC- 2 replies
Crossposted to: microsoft.public.windowsupdate -- William Crawford MS-MVP Windows Shell/User wrote: > I see looking through some of these threads that when folks post > thier error code they are then asked for the last few lines of some > log this the information(below) that you need to help me solve > this problem? if so please let me know what I need to do to get the > windows updates to install. > > [KB888302.log] > 1.453: > ====================================================================== > ========== > =====================================================================…
Windows Update Error
by Guest Wayne, D.R- 1 reply
KB929729 generates "Code643" error when installing. Stuck in a loop. Have upgraded from XP Media Edition to Vista Home Premium using upgrade CD provided through Dell. Laptop is Vista compatible. ---------------- This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then click "I Agree" in the message pane.…