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Windows 7

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  1. BONJOUR, je ne parviens pas a utiliser outlookil se ferme tous seul apres quelque secondes ,*** Email address is removed for privacy ***.View the full article
  2. Hi I'm Lawson and I was trying to boot up my computer to see what was on it after a VERY long time from when I was last on it. And when I tried to turn it on it would not turn on and it would beep and blink orange and white. No error message no anything basically then what I listed.View the full article
  3. Hi, I'm just want windows 7 key,I can't see the label under my laptop, how can I get it please View the full article
  4. im intending on buying a windows 7 premium home key but am unable to find a download link for a windows 7 iso that i would use the key on, what can i do?View the full article
  5. Hello!I need to download the Japanese language package for our lab computer, which is offline, so I need to download it and save it on my drive first. But I couldn't find the language package anywhere. Does anyone know about it? Warm regards,View the full article
  6. Cannot perform System Backup, too little space on C:(300 MB min); proposed remedy, delete some program(s) on C, but cannot uninstall program(s) on C due to insufficient space! HELP, please!View the full article
  7. Hi all,Elaborating on the question, back in the day, i bought a legit windows 7 home disc. I've installed it on a fresh pc and down the road, upgraded it to windows 10. Time went by and i stopped using the pc and gave it away and so the device went dormant. Recently, i checked my microsoft account and i saw that the license was still attached to the old pc and i figured i'll use it on a new build that i was planning.So a couple of days back, i've finished the new pc build and installed windows 10 using the Media Creation Tool.I entered my product key and everything installed with no issues. ThView the full article
  8. I enabled the network adapter but it is not enabled after enabling it. Because power management is on. I want to off it but cannot showing power management tabView the full article
  9. I have an old pc with windows 7 and I plug a wireless usb internet adapter but it show that no usb internet adapter is connected View the full article
  10. I want publisher (Windows 7 edition) on my computer with windows 11, is it possible?View the full article
  11. Hi, I cannot login to ky windows 7 right now. I never change my password. I just used it the other day and it works fine. Now that I need to login to my computer,it's not working anymore. is anyone can help me about this?View the full article
  12. Good afternoon. I'm unpuecable to restore my computer bwt not registered recovery key My id is 8BD756AEView the full article
  13. Hi! This is to say I have 3 Fujitsu Lifebook P series laptops all with NO OS! I've tried installing like Windows XP or even a lightweight Windows 7 on it but no matter what, not even an old official physical DVD copy of Windows 7, the laptops do NOT boot from USB at all! It doesnt have a DVD drive. so i hooked one up via USB... still nothing.. i checked plug & play OS and USB support in the bios, and done every which way possible, can someone help asap? I need to get at least 1 of these fixed because my dad's old laptop stopped working. View the full article
  14. não consigo instalar atualização baixa pelo update, sistema informa o erro 80070103, como corrigir para poder atualizar o sistema para Windows 10View the full article
  15. DELL inspiron15N5050をwindows7 HP で使用しています。昨日10にアップグレードしたのですが、認証が出来なかったので7に戻そうとしました。ただ、Cドライブに空き容量が少ないとのことで、Cドライブのプログラム内の不要そうなものを削除してみました。(削除したものは失念しています)何とか元の7に戻ったのですが、chrome、edge、firefoxいずれも「…は有効なWin32アプリケーションではありません。」と表記されネットにアクセスできない状態です。AmazonKindleは読めますし、ファイルに保存している写真、動画や音楽も普通に鑑賞できます。ChromeやEdgeのソフトを削除してもどのブラウザも起動しないので再インストールも出来ない状態です。他のPCからHDDにChromeのソフトを入れて、HDD内のChromeを起動させてもみましたが、同様の表示がなされます。解決策があれば、ぜひともご教示下さい。Windows7のCD-ROMで再インストール、もしくはいっそのことWindows10のCD‐ROMをインストールが最終手段でしょうか・・・ご回答、宜しくお願いします。View the full article
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