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  1. S

    Adding Options To Right-Click Menu In Word 2007

    Hi All, I want to customize the options in right-click menu for Word 2007. I need this, as I find the options provided by MS are either insufficient or displayed arbitrarilly. I'm not an adminstrator / programer at my office. Hence, it will be helpful if you can give me a work around without...
  2. S

    Table Format In Ms Word

    I created a 1*1 table in Word 2007 and pasted a flowchart from Excel 2007 in that cell. I had two problems. 1. The cell and the flowchart extended beyond the page breadth wise . 2. The cell without the image was repeated in the next 8 pages. Neither could I re-size the cell and flowchart on...
  3. S


    Hi All, I'm Shanker, a technical writer based at Chennai (Old name - Madras, India). My interests include technology and psychology. I've joined this forum to learn more about MS Office and get help to solve my problems in that. I would be happy to contribute if I can.
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