Removing Norton 360



I just tried to remove Norton 360 from a ME machine using the removal tool
downloaded from the Symantec site and got the following error on trying to
run the tool:

The Norton Removal Tool linked to missing export KERNEL 32.dll

Anyone any ideas what this means and how I can get round it.


As Norton 360 is not intended to be used with WinMe (System Requirements
:-Operating System: Windows® XP Home/XP Pro/XP Media 2005 +, Vista Home
Basic/Home Premium/Business/Ultimate Build 6000 and later (Not compatible
with Vista RC1/RC2)) then I would guess that it failed during installation.

So 'perhaps' you might just get away with running System Restore and rolling
back to before you attempted to install it - unless you've poked about
further (attempting to run the Norton Removal Tool) and damaged other files.


"graham" <> wrote in message
>I just tried to remove Norton 360 from a ME machine using the removal tool
>downloaded from the Symantec site and got the following error on trying to
>run the tool:
> The Norton Removal Tool linked to missing export KERNEL 32.dll
> GetVolumePathNameW.
> Anyone any ideas what this means and how I can get round it.


+1 on what Mart said and, especially with Me, you would be much better off
staying away from all things Norton (Symantec). Unless they have changed in
very recent years, all support comes out of Pakistan (or some other
non-English speaking country) and their products are comprised of very
invasive bloatware. The Symantec site touches on your error message and
says nothing more than it is a result of attempting to install the software
on an unsupported OS. Better hope that the SR works!!!
Heirloom, old and dumped Norton years ago

"Mart" <mart(NoSpam)@nospam.nospam> wrote in message
> As Norton 360 is not intended to be used with WinMe (System Requirements
> :-Operating System: Windows® XP Home/XP Pro/XP Media 2005 +, Vista Home
> Basic/Home Premium/Business/Ultimate Build 6000 and later (Not compatible
> with Vista RC1/RC2)) then I would guess that it failed during
> installation.
> So 'perhaps' you might just get away with running System Restore and
> rolling back to before you attempted to install it - unless you've poked
> about further (attempting to run the Norton Removal Tool) and damaged
> other files.
> Mart
> "graham" <> wrote in message
>>I just tried to remove Norton 360 from a ME machine using the removal tool
>>downloaded from the Symantec site and got the following error on trying to
>>run the tool:
>> The Norton Removal Tool linked to missing export KERNEL 32.dll
>> GetVolumePathNameW.
>> Anyone any ideas what this means and how I can get round it.



"graham" <> wrote in message
>I just tried to remove Norton 360 from a ME machine using the removal tool
>downloaded from the Symantec site and got the following error on trying to
>run the tool:
> The Norton Removal Tool linked to missing export KERNEL 32.dll
> GetVolumePathNameW.
> Anyone any ideas what this means and how I can get round it.

Thanks to Mart and Heirloom for your responses. Both were very helpful in
pointing me in the right direction. The machine was in fact that of a friend
who told me the system was ME which was obvious when it booted up and that
Norton was the 360 which I did not think to check. My friend had asked me to
remove the Norton which I attempted to do with a copy of the removal tool I
already had. As the tool failed I gave up at that point. Following your
advice I have asked my friend to verify the version of Norton and after
doing some more digging on the Symantec site I have found that there are two
versions of the removal tool one for win9x/ME and another for XP etc. Mine
happens to be the latter hence the failure. I now have the correct version
so next time I visit my friend I will try again.

I will let you know the result.



Thanks for the follow-up - and good luck.


"graham" <> wrote in message
> "graham" <> wrote in message
>>I just tried to remove Norton 360 from a ME machine using the removal tool
>>downloaded from the Symantec site and got the following error on trying to
>>run the tool:
>> The Norton Removal Tool linked to missing export KERNEL 32.dll
>> GetVolumePathNameW.
>> Anyone any ideas what this means and how I can get round it.

> Thanks to Mart and Heirloom for your responses. Both were very helpful in
> pointing me in the right direction. The machine was in fact that of a
> friend who told me the system was ME which was obvious when it booted up
> and that Norton was the 360 which I did not think to check. My friend had
> asked me to remove the Norton which I attempted to do with a copy of the
> removal tool I already had. As the tool failed I gave up at that point.
> Following your advice I have asked my friend to verify the version of
> Norton and after doing some more digging on the Symantec site I have found
> that there are two versions of the removal tool one for win9x/ME and
> another for XP etc. Mine happens to be the latter hence the failure. I now
> have the correct version so next time I visit my friend I will try again.
> I will let you know the result.
> Graham.


Yep, keep us posted on your results. I still think Mart's suggestion of SR
would be best, if available. One thing to keep in mind.....even after using
the Removal App from Symantec, you will have a crap load of entries left
over in your registry and probably a number of folders and/or files. It
would be a good idea to conduct a search in Windows Explorer for 'Symantec'
'Norton' '360' 'Live Update' and anything else you can think of related to
the app. If you are familiar with the registry, you can do the same search
through <regedit>, just be sure to backup the registry BEFORE making any
changes, just in case! The registry is not a playground for the
inexperienced, bad things can happen with a single keystroke.

When I removed Norton antivirus from my Me machine, there were numerous
files and folders and almost 300 registry entries that remained and had to
be manually removed. Hopefully, your '360' won't be that bad.

Keep us posted on your progress..........
Heirloom, old and looks like rain

"Mart" <mart(NoSpam)@nospam.nospam> wrote in message
> Thanks for the follow-up - and good luck.
> Mart
> "graham" <> wrote in message
>> "graham" <> wrote in message
>>>I just tried to remove Norton 360 from a ME machine using the removal
>>>tool downloaded from the Symantec site and got the following error on
>>>trying to run the tool:
>>> The Norton Removal Tool linked to missing export KERNEL 32.dll
>>> GetVolumePathNameW.
>>> Anyone any ideas what this means and how I can get round it.

>> Thanks to Mart and Heirloom for your responses. Both were very helpful in
>> pointing me in the right direction. The machine was in fact that of a
>> friend who told me the system was ME which was obvious when it booted up
>> and that Norton was the 360 which I did not think to check. My friend had
>> asked me to remove the Norton which I attempted to do with a copy of the
>> removal tool I already had. As the tool failed I gave up at that point.
>> Following your advice I have asked my friend to verify the version of
>> Norton and after doing some more digging on the Symantec site I have
>> found that there are two versions of the removal tool one for win9x/ME
>> and another for XP etc. Mine happens to be the latter hence the failure.
>> I now have the correct version so next time I visit my friend I will try
>> again.
>> I will let you know the result.
>> Graham.



"graham" <> wrote in message
>I just tried to remove Norton 360 from a ME machine using the removal tool
>downloaded from the Symantec site and got the following error on trying to
>run the tool:
> The Norton Removal Tool linked to missing export KERNEL 32.dll
> GetVolumePathNameW.
> Anyone any ideas what this means and how I can get round it.


Just got back from my friends place. The Norton turned out to be 2005 not
360. I first uninstalled the Symantec/Norton stuff via the Add/Remove
programs utility. The Norton uninstaller proudly told me that it had fully
installed my Norton product. Far from it there were lots of folders files
and registry entries still lying around. I then ran the 9x/ME version of
Symatec's Norton removal tool downloaded from their web site. This removed a
whole bunch of stuff and again proudly told me everything had been removed.
Wrong again. Still some folders, files and registry entries left. Deleted
all the files and folders and then with the aid of CCleaner and Registry
Mechanic and a lot of registry backups and computer restarts I think I
managed to completely clear out the registry and the start up file. At this
point a previously crawling machine began to relatively fly. Whilst in the
start up file I also cleared out some other unnecessary stuff with more
performance gains. I then downloaded and installed AVG antivirus cleaned up
with CCleaner and for good measure ran Windows Disk Cleaner and defragged
the machine.

My friend cannot believe the difference from a machine that took an age to
start up, do anything and sometimes would not even shut down to one that
starts up and shutsdown quickly and performs almost an order of magnitute

Thanks again for the pointers to sorting this out. It might have taken all
afternoon but well worth it in the end.



Good for you Graham. It's amazing what a little bit of spring (or is that
late summer?) cleaning can do and obviously time well spent. However, its no
great surprise to hear of the benefits of removing Norton (any version).
Many column-inches have been devoted to the topic in the WinMe news groups
over the years.


"graham" <> wrote in message
> "graham" <> wrote in message
>>I just tried to remove Norton 360 from a ME machine using the removal tool
>>downloaded from the Symantec site and got the following error on trying to
>>run the tool:
>> The Norton Removal Tool linked to missing export KERNEL 32.dll
>> GetVolumePathNameW.
>> Anyone any ideas what this means and how I can get round it.

> Mart/Heirloom,
> Just got back from my friends place. The Norton turned out to be 2005 not
> 360. I first uninstalled the Symantec/Norton stuff via the Add/Remove
> programs utility. The Norton uninstaller proudly told me that it had fully
> installed my Norton product. Far from it there were lots of folders files
> and registry entries still lying around. I then ran the 9x/ME version of
> Symatec's Norton removal tool downloaded from their web site. This removed
> a whole bunch of stuff and again proudly told me everything had been
> removed. Wrong again. Still some folders, files and registry entries left.
> Deleted all the files and folders and then with the aid of CCleaner and
> Registry Mechanic and a lot of registry backups and computer restarts I
> think I managed to completely clear out the registry and the start up
> file. At this point a previously crawling machine began to relatively fly.
> Whilst in the start up file I also cleared out some other unnecessary
> stuff with more performance gains. I then downloaded and installed AVG
> antivirus cleaned up with CCleaner and for good measure ran Windows Disk
> Cleaner and defragged the machine.
> My friend cannot believe the difference from a machine that took an age to
> start up, do anything and sometimes would not even shut down to one that
> starts up and shutsdown quickly and performs almost an order of magnitute
> quicker.
> Thanks again for the pointers to sorting this out. It might have taken all
> afternoon but well worth it in the end.
> Graham.


You did good, graham! Another little app that may be helpful to you or
your friend, is jv16 Power Tools. It is no longer a free app, however, the
free version, compatible with Me is still available from a number of
download sites. The version for Me is 1.30.195. It has one of the best
registry cleaners I have seen for Me and it will back up any changes, just
in case.
You should know that I still found many (about 200) Norton/Symantec entries
even after running a variety of cleaners. Only a manual search in regedit
will prod them out. Once again, you must be careful stomping around in the
registry and make sure everything is backed up before doing anything.

It sounds like you have the machine in great shape, so, it may be that you
would be better off just leaving well enough alone! Keep up the good work
and thanks for letting us know.
Heirloom, old and sometimes things work well

"graham" <> wrote in message
> "graham" <> wrote in message
>>I just tried to remove Norton 360 from a ME machine using the removal tool
>>downloaded from the Symantec site and got the following error on trying to
>>run the tool:
>> The Norton Removal Tool linked to missing export KERNEL 32.dll
>> GetVolumePathNameW.
>> Anyone any ideas what this means and how I can get round it.

> Mart/Heirloom,
> Just got back from my friends place. The Norton turned out to be 2005 not
> 360. I first uninstalled the Symantec/Norton stuff via the Add/Remove
> programs utility. The Norton uninstaller proudly told me that it had fully
> installed my Norton product. Far from it there were lots of folders files
> and registry entries still lying around. I then ran the 9x/ME version of
> Symatec's Norton removal tool downloaded from their web site. This removed
> a whole bunch of stuff and again proudly told me everything had been
> removed. Wrong again. Still some folders, files and registry entries left.
> Deleted all the files and folders and then with the aid of CCleaner and
> Registry Mechanic and a lot of registry backups and computer restarts I
> think I managed to completely clear out the registry and the start up
> file. At this point a previously crawling machine began to relatively fly.
> Whilst in the start up file I also cleared out some other unnecessary
> stuff with more performance gains. I then downloaded and installed AVG
> antivirus cleaned up with CCleaner and for good measure ran Windows Disk
> Cleaner and defragged the machine.
> My friend cannot believe the difference from a machine that took an age to
> start up, do anything and sometimes would not even shut down to one that
> starts up and shutsdown quickly and performs almost an order of magnitute
> quicker.
> Thanks again for the pointers to sorting this out. It might have taken all
> afternoon but well worth it in the end.
> Graham.

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