RE: Run Vista legally for at least one year/ Vista Activation doesn't



If ANY one can run Vista successfully for a year I will be very surprised. I
have had it for a month and have had 17 crashes due to it. The first one was
in the first 10 minutes. My company is at the leading edge for graphics,
games, music, and media. We all know that Vista is NOT a good thing. We are
looking into ways to convert to mac to avoid the billions of serious problems
with Microsoft Windows.

"Chad Harris" wrote:

> Brian Livingston has a new trick:
> Microsoft has built into Vista a function that allows anyone to extend the
> operating system's activation deadline not just three times, but many times.
> The same one-line command that postpones Vista's activation deadline to 120
> days can be used an indefinite number of times by first changing a Registry
> key from 0 to 1.
> This isn't a hacker exploit. It doesn't require any tools or utilities
> whatsoever. Microsoft even documented the Registry key, although obtusely,
> on its Technet site.
> But dishonest PC sellers could use the procedure to install thousands of
> copies of Vista and sell them to unsuspecting consumers or businesses as
> legitimately activated copies. This would certainly violate the Vista EULA,
> but consumers might not realize this until the PCs they bought started
> demanding activation - and failing - months or years later.
> The following describes the Registry key that's involved.
> Step 1. While running a copy of Windows Vista that hasn't yet been
> activated, click the Start button, type regedit into the Search box, then
> press Enter to launch the Registry Editor.
> Step 2. Explore down to the following Registry key:
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ SL
> Step 3. Right-click the Registry key named SkipRearm and click Edit. The
> default is a Dword (a double word or 4 bytes) with a hex value of 00000000.
> Change this value to any positive integer, such as 00000001, save the
> change, and close the Registry Editor.
> Step 4. Start a command prompt with administrative rights. The fastest way
> to do this is to click the Start button, enter cmd in the Search box, then
> press Ctrl+Shift+Enter. If you're asked for a network username and password,
> provide the ones that log you into your domain. You may be asked to approve
> a User Account Control prompt and to provide an administrator password.
> Step 5. Type one of the following two commands and press Enter:
> slmgr -rearm
> or
> rundll32 slc.dll,SLReArmWindows
> Either command uses Vista's built-in Software Licensing Manager (SLMGR) to
> push the activation deadline out to 30 days after the command is run.
> Changing SkipRearm from 0 to 1 allows SLMGR to do this an indefinite number
> of times. Running either command initializes the value of SkipRearm back to
> 0.
> Step 6. Reboot the PC to make the postponement take effect. (After you log
> in, if you like, you can open a command prompt and run the command
> slmgr -xpr to see Vista's new expiration date and time. I explained the
> slmgr command and its parameters in my Feb. 15 article.)
> Step 7. To extend the activation deadline of Vista indefinitely, repeat
> steps 1 through 6 as necessary
> Read full story and other tricks at source:
> Microsoft allows bypass of Vista activation
> By Brian Livingston
> Microsoft always says it opposes "software pirates" who sell thousands of
> unauthorized copies of Windows.
> But the Redmond company has made things a lot easier for pirates by adding a
> line to the Registry that can be changed from 0 to 1 to postpone the need to
> "activate" Vista indefinitely.
> Activation doesn't stop true software piracy
> As most Windows users know, Microsoft has required "product activation"
> since the release of Windows XP in 2001. XP must be activated by
> communicating with servers in Redmond within 30 days of installation. By
> contrast, Microsoft Office XP, 2003, and 2007 require activatation before
> the package is used 5 to 50 times, depending on the version, according to a
> company FAQ. If a PC has no Internet connection, a user may activate a
> product by dialing a telephone number in various countries.
> The activation process will complete successfully only if the software has
> not been previously activated, such as on a different machine. If activation
> isn't completed within the trial period, Microsoft products temporarily shut
> down some of their features. MS Office loses the ability to edit and save
> files. After Vista's activation deadline runs out, the user can do little
> other than use Internet Explorer to activate the operating system or buy a
> new license.
> Microsoft describes its product activation scheme as a way to foil software
> pirates. However, as I previously described in an InfoWorld Magazine article
> on Oct. 22, 2001, activation does nothing to stop mass piracy. The Redmond
> company actually included in Windows XP a small file, Wpa.dbl, that makes it
> easy for pirates to create thousands of machines that validate perfectly.
> Far from stopping software piracy, product activation has primarily been
> designed to prevent home users from installing one copy of Windows on a home
> machine and a personal-use copy on a laptop. As I explained in an article on
> Mar. 8, buying a copyrighted work and making another copy strictly for
> personal use is specifically permitted to consumers by the U.S. Copyright
> Act and the copyright laws of many other countries.
> For example, courts have repeatedly ruled that consumers can make copies of
> copyrighted songs or television programs for personal use (not for
> distribution or resale). This principle is legally known as "fair use." The
> home edition of Microsoft Office 2007 reflects this principle, allowing
> consumers to activate three copies of a single purchased product. Microsoft
> Windows XP and Vista, however, allow only one activation.
> Surprisingly, Microsoft has embedded into its new Vista operating system a
> feature that makes things easier than ever for true, mass software pirates.
> These tricksters will be able to produce thousands of Windows PCs machines
> that won't demand activation indefinitely - at least for a year or more.
> Leaving the activation barn door open
> I reported in a Feb. 1 article that the upgrade version of Windows Vista
> allows itself to be clean-installed to a new hard drive. The new Microsoft
> operating system completely omits any checking for a qualifying previous
> version of Windows. This allows the upgrade version of Vista to successfully
> upgrade over a nonactivated, trial version of itself.
> After my article appeared, ZDnet blogger Ed Bott summarized the secret in a
> post on Feb. 15. He flatly states, "You satisfied every condition of the
> license agreement and aren't skating by on a technicality. The fact that you
> have to use a kludgey workaround to use the license you've purchased and are
> legally entitled to is Microsoft's fault."
> In my own piece, I had speculated that clean-installing the upgrade version
> of Vista "probably violates the Vista EULA (End User License Agreement)."
> But more and more computer experts are saying that the procedure is fully
> compliant with the EULA and, in any event, is perfectly legal.
> I wrote a follow-up story on Feb. 15. I reported that Microsoft includes in
> Vista a one-line command that even novices can use to postpone the product's
> activation deadline three times. This can extend the deadline from its
> original 30 days to as much as 120 days - almost four months.
> posted a report on my story on Feb. 17. The magazine quotes a
> Microsoft spokeswoman as saying that extending Vista's activation deadline
> as I described it "is not a violation of the Vista End User License
> Agreement." I'm glad that's clear.
> The feature that I've revealing today shows that Microsoft has built into
> Vista a function that allows anyone to extend the operating system's
> activation deadline not just three times, but many times. The same one-line
> command that postpones Vista's activation deadline to 120 days can be used
> an indefinite number of times by first changing a Registry key from 0 to 1.
> This isn't a hacker exploit. It doesn't require any tools or utilities
> whatsoever. Microsoft even documented the Registry key, although obtusely,
> on its Technet site.
> But dishonest PC sellers could use the procedure to install thousands of
> copies of Vista and sell them to unsuspecting consumers or businesses as
> legitimately activated copies. This would certainly violate the Vista EULA,
> but consumers might not realize this until the PCs they bought started
> demanding activation - and failing - months or years later.
> The following describes the Registry key that's involved.
> Step 1. While running a copy of Windows Vista that hasn't yet been
> activated, click the Start button, type regedit into the Search box, then
> press Enter to launch the Registry Editor.
> Step 2. Explore down to the following Registry key:
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ SL
> Step 3. Right-click the Registry key named SkipRearm and click Edit. The
> default is a Dword (a double word or 4 bytes) with a hex value of 00000000.
> Change this value to any positive integer, such as 00000001, save the
> change, and close the Registry Editor.
> Step 4. Start a command prompt with administrative rights. The fastest way
> to do this is to click the Start button, enter cmd in the Search box, then
> press Ctrl+Shift+Enter. If you're asked for a network username and password,
> provide the ones that log you into your domain. You may be asked to approve
> a User Account Control prompt and to provide an administrator password.
> Step 5. Type one of the following two commands and press Enter:
> slmgr -rearm
> or
> rundll32 slc.dll,SLReArmWindows
> Either command uses Vista's built-in Software Licensing Manager (SLMGR) to
> push the activation deadline out to 30 days after the command is run.
> Changing SkipRearm from 0 to 1 allows SLMGR to do this an indefinite number
> of times. Running either command initializes the value of SkipRearm back to
> 0.
> Step 6. Reboot the PC to make the postponement take effect. (After you log
> in, if you like, you can open a command prompt and run the command
> slmgr -xpr to see Vista's new expiration date and time. I explained the
> slmgr command and its parameters in my Feb. 15 article.)
> Step 7. To extend the activation deadline of Vista indefinitely, repeat
> steps 1 through 6 as necessary.
> Any crooked PC seller with even the slightest technical skill could easily
> install a command file that would carry out steps 1 through 6 automatically.
> The program could run slmgr -rearm three times, 30 days apart, to postpone
> Vista's activation deadline to 120 days. It could then run skip -rearm every
> 30 days, for a period of months if not years, by first resetting the
> SkipRearm key.
> The program could be scheduled to check Vista's activation deadline during
> every reboot, and to remind the user to reboot once a month if a deadline
> was nearing. The buyer of such a PC would never even see an activation
> reminder, much less be required to go through the activation process.
> If you happen to buy a Vista PC from a little-known seller, and the price
> was too good to be true, use Vista's search function to look for the string
> SkipRearm in files. You may discover that your "bargain" computer will
> mysteriously start demanding activation in a year or two - but your product
> key won't be valid.
> I asked Microsoft why SkipRearm is included in Vista if it can be used to
> create machines that appear not to need activation for long periods. A
> Microsoft spokewoman replied, "I connected with my colleagues and learned,
> unfortunately, we do not have information to share at this time." (I can't
> identify the speaker because the policy of Waggener Edstrom, Microsoft's
> public-relations firm, prohibits the naming of p.r. spokespersons.)
> In my testing of Microsoft's back-door loophole, I've found that the
> technique can be used to postpone the activation deadline one year or
> longer. It may or may not, however, work forever, as I describe below.
> Why does SkipRearm even exist in Vista?
> The Vista development teaam apparently inserted the SkipRearm loophole to
> help major corporations work around Microsoft's new Volume Licensing
> Agreement. This new program, which the Redmond company calls "Volume
> Licensing 2.0," requires buyers to set up a Key Management Service (KMS)
> host, as described by a Microsoft FAQ. Companies must choose from two types
> of digital keys and three different methods of activation to validate
> thousands of individual Vista machines within the corporate LAN.
> Activation of Windows XP, by comparison, requires merely that volume
> purchasers use a single product key. Corporate buyers obtain a unique key
> when signing a Volume Licensing Agreement. Microsoft has said, however, that
> most Windows XP piracy involves stolen product keys that are used by others
> to activate unauthorized machines.
> The new KMS requirement is intended to discourage such piracy, but it places
> a heavy burden on corporate IT administrators. For example, Microsoft
> provides a tool called System Preparation (sysprep.exe) to prepare Vista
> machines for use. If a system can't be completely prepped within 30 days
> after installation, an admin can run the command sysprep /generalize to
> postpone the activation deadline another 30 days. However, like the
> slmgr -rearm command, sysprep /generalize will only succeed three times.
> To work around this, as a Technet document states, "Microsoft recommends
> that you use the SkipRearm setting if you plan on running Sysprep multiple
> times on a computer." This is echoed by Microsoft Knowledge Base article
> 929828.
> Contributing editor Susan Bradley points out, "The good guys have to go
> through this stupid implementation of a KMS deployment because of bad guys
> abusing the system." She strongly feels that users should comply with
> Microsoft's EULA provisions. "The operating system license has always been a
> one-machine install. ... Many of us forget the multiple-install rule [for
> Microsoft Office] since we are so used to the one license, one install
> rule," she adds.
> In its TechNet documents, Microsoft recommends the repeated use of
> SkipRearm. How many times is "multiple times"? My testing revealed that the
> answer is, well, indefinite.
> .. On a copy of Vista Ultimate that Microsoft released in New York City on
> Jan. 29, I found that changing SkipRearm from 0 to 1 allowed the command
> slmgr -rearm to postpone Vista's activation deadline eight separate times.
> After that, changing the 0 to 1 had no effect, preventing slmgr -rearm from
> moving the deadline. The use of slmgr -rearm 3 times, plus using SkipRearm 8
> times would eliminate Vista's activation nag screens for about one year (12
> periods of 30 days).
> .. On a copy of the upgrade version of Vista Home Premium that I bought in a
> retail store on Jan. 30, slmgr -rearm also worked 3 times and SkipRearm
> worked 8 times before losing their effect. This combination would, as with
> Vista Ultimate, permit a one-year use of Vista without nag screens
> appearing.
> .. On a copy of the full version of Vista Home Premium that I bought in a
> retail store on Mar. 14, SkipRearm had no effect on extending the use of
> slmgr -rearm at all. This suggests that Microsoft has slipstreamed a new
> version into stores, eliminating the SkipRearm feature in Vista Home. That
> could mean that changing the key from 0 to 1 will now work only in the
> business editions of Vista - Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate - so
> corporations can use the loophole.
> Where is the usage count of slmgr -rearm stored? Where is the usage count of
> SkipRearm stored? These bytes won't be hard for expert users to find. The
> use restrictions may be easily lifted. If so, this would allow crooked PC
> sellers to truly create machines that would never need activation, ever.


I've been running Vista for 21 months with very little trouble. I saw about
5 BSOD's in the first 9 months, due to the nVidia drivers.
Haven't seen one in the past year. Vista works very good.

Vista Home Premium 32 SP1

"GT" <> wrote in message
> If ANY one can run Vista successfully for a year I will be very surprised.
> I
> have had it for a month and have had 17 crashes due to it. The first one
> was
> in the first 10 minutes. My company is at the leading edge for graphics,
> games, music, and media. We all know that Vista is NOT a good thing. We
> are
> looking into ways to convert to mac to avoid the billions of serious
> problems
> with Microsoft Windows.
> "Chad Harris" wrote:
>> Brian Livingston has a new trick:
>> Microsoft has built into Vista a function that allows anyone to extend
>> the
>> operating system's activation deadline not just three times, but many
>> times.
>> The same one-line command that postpones Vista's activation deadline to
>> 120
>> days can be used an indefinite number of times by first changing a
>> Registry
>> key from 0 to 1.
>> This isn't a hacker exploit. It doesn't require any tools or utilities
>> whatsoever. Microsoft even documented the Registry key, although
>> obtusely,
>> on its Technet site.
>> But dishonest PC sellers could use the procedure to install thousands of
>> copies of Vista and sell them to unsuspecting consumers or businesses as
>> legitimately activated copies. This would certainly violate the Vista
>> EULA,
>> but consumers might not realize this until the PCs they bought started
>> demanding activation - and failing - months or years later.
>> The following describes the Registry key that's involved.
>> Step 1. While running a copy of Windows Vista that hasn't yet been
>> activated, click the Start button, type regedit into the Search box, then
>> press Enter to launch the Registry Editor.
>> Step 2. Explore down to the following Registry key:
>> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \
>> SL
>> Step 3. Right-click the Registry key named SkipRearm and click Edit. The
>> default is a Dword (a double word or 4 bytes) with a hex value of
>> 00000000.
>> Change this value to any positive integer, such as 00000001, save the
>> change, and close the Registry Editor.
>> Step 4. Start a command prompt with administrative rights. The fastest
>> way
>> to do this is to click the Start button, enter cmd in the Search box,
>> then
>> press Ctrl+Shift+Enter. If you're asked for a network username and
>> password,
>> provide the ones that log you into your domain. You may be asked to
>> approve
>> a User Account Control prompt and to provide an administrator password.
>> Step 5. Type one of the following two commands and press Enter:
>> slmgr -rearm
>> or
>> rundll32 slc.dll,SLReArmWindows
>> Either command uses Vista's built-in Software Licensing Manager (SLMGR)
>> to
>> push the activation deadline out to 30 days after the command is run.
>> Changing SkipRearm from 0 to 1 allows SLMGR to do this an indefinite
>> number
>> of times. Running either command initializes the value of SkipRearm back
>> to
>> 0.
>> Step 6. Reboot the PC to make the postponement take effect. (After you
>> log
>> in, if you like, you can open a command prompt and run the command
>> slmgr -xpr to see Vista's new expiration date and time. I explained the
>> slmgr command and its parameters in my Feb. 15 article.)
>> Step 7. To extend the activation deadline of Vista indefinitely, repeat
>> steps 1 through 6 as necessary
>> Read full story and other tricks at source:
>> Microsoft allows bypass of Vista activation
>> By Brian Livingston
>> Microsoft always says it opposes "software pirates" who sell thousands of
>> unauthorized copies of Windows.
>> But the Redmond company has made things a lot easier for pirates by
>> adding a
>> line to the Registry that can be changed from 0 to 1 to postpone the need
>> to
>> "activate" Vista indefinitely.
>> Activation doesn't stop true software piracy
>> As most Windows users know, Microsoft has required "product activation"
>> since the release of Windows XP in 2001. XP must be activated by
>> communicating with servers in Redmond within 30 days of installation. By
>> contrast, Microsoft Office XP, 2003, and 2007 require activatation before
>> the package is used 5 to 50 times, depending on the version, according to
>> a
>> company FAQ. If a PC has no Internet connection, a user may activate a
>> product by dialing a telephone number in various countries.
>> The activation process will complete successfully only if the software
>> has
>> not been previously activated, such as on a different machine. If
>> activation
>> isn't completed within the trial period, Microsoft products temporarily
>> shut
>> down some of their features. MS Office loses the ability to edit and save
>> files. After Vista's activation deadline runs out, the user can do little
>> other than use Internet Explorer to activate the operating system or buy
>> a
>> new license.
>> Microsoft describes its product activation scheme as a way to foil
>> software
>> pirates. However, as I previously described in an InfoWorld Magazine
>> article
>> on Oct. 22, 2001, activation does nothing to stop mass piracy. The
>> Redmond
>> company actually included in Windows XP a small file, Wpa.dbl, that makes
>> it
>> easy for pirates to create thousands of machines that validate perfectly.
>> Far from stopping software piracy, product activation has primarily been
>> designed to prevent home users from installing one copy of Windows on a
>> home
>> machine and a personal-use copy on a laptop. As I explained in an article
>> on
>> Mar. 8, buying a copyrighted work and making another copy strictly for
>> personal use is specifically permitted to consumers by the U.S. Copyright
>> Act and the copyright laws of many other countries.
>> For example, courts have repeatedly ruled that consumers can make copies
>> of
>> copyrighted songs or television programs for personal use (not for
>> distribution or resale). This principle is legally known as "fair use."
>> The
>> home edition of Microsoft Office 2007 reflects this principle, allowing
>> consumers to activate three copies of a single purchased product.
>> Microsoft
>> Windows XP and Vista, however, allow only one activation.
>> Surprisingly, Microsoft has embedded into its new Vista operating system
>> a
>> feature that makes things easier than ever for true, mass software
>> pirates.
>> These tricksters will be able to produce thousands of Windows PCs
>> machines
>> that won't demand activation indefinitely - at least for a year or more.
>> Leaving the activation barn door open
>> I reported in a Feb. 1 article that the upgrade version of Windows Vista
>> allows itself to be clean-installed to a new hard drive. The new
>> Microsoft
>> operating system completely omits any checking for a qualifying previous
>> version of Windows. This allows the upgrade version of Vista to
>> successfully
>> upgrade over a nonactivated, trial version of itself.
>> After my article appeared, ZDnet blogger Ed Bott summarized the secret in
>> a
>> post on Feb. 15. He flatly states, "You satisfied every condition of the
>> license agreement and aren't skating by on a technicality. The fact that
>> you
>> have to use a kludgey workaround to use the license you've purchased and
>> are
>> legally entitled to is Microsoft's fault."
>> In my own piece, I had speculated that clean-installing the upgrade
>> version
>> of Vista "probably violates the Vista EULA (End User License Agreement)."
>> But more and more computer experts are saying that the procedure is fully
>> compliant with the EULA and, in any event, is perfectly legal.
>> I wrote a follow-up story on Feb. 15. I reported that Microsoft includes
>> in
>> Vista a one-line command that even novices can use to postpone the
>> product's
>> activation deadline three times. This can extend the deadline from its
>> original 30 days to as much as 120 days - almost four months.
>> posted a report on my story on Feb. 17. The magazine quotes a
>> Microsoft spokeswoman as saying that extending Vista's activation
>> deadline
>> as I described it "is not a violation of the Vista End User License
>> Agreement." I'm glad that's clear.
>> The feature that I've revealing today shows that Microsoft has built into
>> Vista a function that allows anyone to extend the operating system's
>> activation deadline not just three times, but many times. The same
>> one-line
>> command that postpones Vista's activation deadline to 120 days can be
>> used
>> an indefinite number of times by first changing a Registry key from 0 to
>> 1.
>> This isn't a hacker exploit. It doesn't require any tools or utilities
>> whatsoever. Microsoft even documented the Registry key, although
>> obtusely,
>> on its Technet site.
>> But dishonest PC sellers could use the procedure to install thousands of
>> copies of Vista and sell them to unsuspecting consumers or businesses as
>> legitimately activated copies. This would certainly violate the Vista
>> EULA,
>> but consumers might not realize this until the PCs they bought started
>> demanding activation - and failing - months or years later.
>> The following describes the Registry key that's involved.
>> Step 1. While running a copy of Windows Vista that hasn't yet been
>> activated, click the Start button, type regedit into the Search box, then
>> press Enter to launch the Registry Editor.
>> Step 2. Explore down to the following Registry key:
>> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \
>> SL
>> Step 3. Right-click the Registry key named SkipRearm and click Edit. The
>> default is a Dword (a double word or 4 bytes) with a hex value of
>> 00000000.
>> Change this value to any positive integer, such as 00000001, save the
>> change, and close the Registry Editor.
>> Step 4. Start a command prompt with administrative rights. The fastest
>> way
>> to do this is to click the Start button, enter cmd in the Search box,
>> then
>> press Ctrl+Shift+Enter. If you're asked for a network username and
>> password,
>> provide the ones that log you into your domain. You may be asked to
>> approve
>> a User Account Control prompt and to provide an administrator password.
>> Step 5. Type one of the following two commands and press Enter:
>> slmgr -rearm
>> or
>> rundll32 slc.dll,SLReArmWindows
>> Either command uses Vista's built-in Software Licensing Manager (SLMGR)
>> to
>> push the activation deadline out to 30 days after the command is run.
>> Changing SkipRearm from 0 to 1 allows SLMGR to do this an indefinite
>> number
>> of times. Running either command initializes the value of SkipRearm back
>> to
>> 0.
>> Step 6. Reboot the PC to make the postponement take effect. (After you
>> log
>> in, if you like, you can open a command prompt and run the command
>> slmgr -xpr to see Vista's new expiration date and time. I explained the
>> slmgr command and its parameters in my Feb. 15 article.)
>> Step 7. To extend the activation deadline of Vista indefinitely, repeat
>> steps 1 through 6 as necessary.
>> Any crooked PC seller with even the slightest technical skill could
>> easily
>> install a command file that would carry out steps 1 through 6
>> automatically.
>> The program could run slmgr -rearm three times, 30 days apart, to
>> postpone
>> Vista's activation deadline to 120 days. It could then run skip -rearm
>> every
>> 30 days, for a period of months if not years, by first resetting the
>> SkipRearm key.
>> The program could be scheduled to check Vista's activation deadline
>> during
>> every reboot, and to remind the user to reboot once a month if a deadline
>> was nearing. The buyer of such a PC would never even see an activation
>> reminder, much less be required to go through the activation process.
>> If you happen to buy a Vista PC from a little-known seller, and the price
>> was too good to be true, use Vista's search function to look for the
>> string
>> SkipRearm in files. You may discover that your "bargain" computer will
>> mysteriously start demanding activation in a year or two - but your
>> product
>> key won't be valid.
>> I asked Microsoft why SkipRearm is included in Vista if it can be used to
>> create machines that appear not to need activation for long periods. A
>> Microsoft spokewoman replied, "I connected with my colleagues and
>> learned,
>> unfortunately, we do not have information to share at this time." (I
>> can't
>> identify the speaker because the policy of Waggener Edstrom, Microsoft's
>> public-relations firm, prohibits the naming of p.r. spokespersons.)
>> In my testing of Microsoft's back-door loophole, I've found that the
>> technique can be used to postpone the activation deadline one year or
>> longer. It may or may not, however, work forever, as I describe below.
>> Why does SkipRearm even exist in Vista?
>> The Vista development teaam apparently inserted the SkipRearm loophole to
>> help major corporations work around Microsoft's new Volume Licensing
>> Agreement. This new program, which the Redmond company calls "Volume
>> Licensing 2.0," requires buyers to set up a Key Management Service (KMS)
>> host, as described by a Microsoft FAQ. Companies must choose from two
>> types
>> of digital keys and three different methods of activation to validate
>> thousands of individual Vista machines within the corporate LAN.
>> Activation of Windows XP, by comparison, requires merely that volume
>> purchasers use a single product key. Corporate buyers obtain a unique key
>> when signing a Volume Licensing Agreement. Microsoft has said, however,
>> that
>> most Windows XP piracy involves stolen product keys that are used by
>> others
>> to activate unauthorized machines.
>> The new KMS requirement is intended to discourage such piracy, but it
>> places
>> a heavy burden on corporate IT administrators. For example, Microsoft
>> provides a tool called System Preparation (sysprep.exe) to prepare Vista
>> machines for use. If a system can't be completely prepped within 30 days
>> after installation, an admin can run the command sysprep /generalize to
>> postpone the activation deadline another 30 days. However, like the
>> slmgr -rearm command, sysprep /generalize will only succeed three times.
>> To work around this, as a Technet document states, "Microsoft recommends
>> that you use the SkipRearm setting if you plan on running Sysprep
>> multiple
>> times on a computer." This is echoed by Microsoft Knowledge Base article
>> 929828.
>> Contributing editor Susan Bradley points out, "The good guys have to go
>> through this stupid implementation of a KMS deployment because of bad
>> guys
>> abusing the system." She strongly feels that users should comply with
>> Microsoft's EULA provisions. "The operating system license has always
>> been a
>> one-machine install. ... Many of us forget the multiple-install rule [for
>> Microsoft Office] since we are so used to the one license, one install
>> rule," she adds.
>> In its TechNet documents, Microsoft recommends the repeated use of
>> SkipRearm. How many times is "multiple times"? My testing revealed that
>> the
>> answer is, well, indefinite.
>> .. On a copy of Vista Ultimate that Microsoft released in New York City
>> on
>> Jan. 29, I found that changing SkipRearm from 0 to 1 allowed the command
>> slmgr -rearm to postpone Vista's activation deadline eight separate
>> times.
>> After that, changing the 0 to 1 had no effect, preventing slmgr -rearm
>> from
>> moving the deadline. The use of slmgr -rearm 3 times, plus using
>> SkipRearm 8
>> times would eliminate Vista's activation nag screens for about one year
>> (12
>> periods of 30 days).
>> .. On a copy of the upgrade version of Vista Home Premium that I bought
>> in a
>> retail store on Jan. 30, slmgr -rearm also worked 3 times and SkipRearm
>> worked 8 times before losing their effect. This combination would, as
>> with
>> Vista Ultimate, permit a one-year use of Vista without nag screens
>> appearing.
>> .. On a copy of the full version of Vista Home Premium that I bought in a
>> retail store on Mar. 14, SkipRearm had no effect on extending the use of
>> slmgr -rearm at all. This suggests that Microsoft has slipstreamed a new
>> version into stores, eliminating the SkipRearm feature in Vista Home.
>> That
>> could mean that changing the key from 0 to 1 will now work only in the
>> business editions of Vista - Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate - so
>> corporations can use the loophole.
>> Where is the usage count of slmgr -rearm stored? Where is the usage count
>> of
>> SkipRearm stored? These bytes won't be hard for expert users to find. The
>> use restrictions may be easily lifted. If so, this would allow crooked PC
>> sellers to truly create machines that would never need activation, ever.

Ken Blake, MVP

On Sun, 12 Oct 2008 18:38:00 -0700, GT <>

> If ANY one can run Vista successfully for a year I will be very surprised. I
> have had it for a month and have had 17 crashes due to it. The first one was
> in the first 10 minutes.

I don't want to get into an argument about this, but I'll tell you my
personal experience, which is very different from yours. I've been
running Vista here on my personal machine since RTM in November
2006--just short of two years. I have had zero crashes.

> My company is at the leading edge for graphics,
> games, music, and media. We all know that Vista is NOT a good thing. We are
> looking into ways to convert to mac to avoid the billions of serious problems
> with Microsoft Windows.
> "Chad Harris" wrote:
> > Brian Livingston has a new trick:
> >
> > Microsoft has built into Vista a function that allows anyone to extend the
> > operating system's activation deadline not just three times, but many times.
> > The same one-line command that postpones Vista's activation deadline to 120
> > days can be used an indefinite number of times by first changing a Registry
> > key from 0 to 1.
> >
> > This isn't a hacker exploit. It doesn't require any tools or utilities
> > whatsoever. Microsoft even documented the Registry key, although obtusely,
> > on its Technet site.
> >
> > But dishonest PC sellers could use the procedure to install thousands of
> > copies of Vista and sell them to unsuspecting consumers or businesses as
> > legitimately activated copies. This would certainly violate the Vista EULA,
> > but consumers might not realize this until the PCs they bought started
> > demanding activation - and failing - months or years later.
> >
> > The following describes the Registry key that's involved.
> >
> > Step 1. While running a copy of Windows Vista that hasn't yet been
> > activated, click the Start button, type regedit into the Search box, then
> > press Enter to launch the Registry Editor.
> >
> > Step 2. Explore down to the following Registry key:
> >
> > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ SL
> >
> > Step 3. Right-click the Registry key named SkipRearm and click Edit. The
> > default is a Dword (a double word or 4 bytes) with a hex value of 00000000.
> > Change this value to any positive integer, such as 00000001, save the
> > change, and close the Registry Editor.
> >
> > Step 4. Start a command prompt with administrative rights. The fastest way
> > to do this is to click the Start button, enter cmd in the Search box, then
> > press Ctrl+Shift+Enter. If you're asked for a network username and password,
> > provide the ones that log you into your domain. You may be asked to approve
> > a User Account Control prompt and to provide an administrator password.
> >
> > Step 5. Type one of the following two commands and press Enter:
> >
> > slmgr -rearm
> > or
> > rundll32 slc.dll,SLReArmWindows
> >
> > Either command uses Vista's built-in Software Licensing Manager (SLMGR) to
> > push the activation deadline out to 30 days after the command is run.
> > Changing SkipRearm from 0 to 1 allows SLMGR to do this an indefinite number
> > of times. Running either command initializes the value of SkipRearm back to
> > 0.
> >
> > Step 6. Reboot the PC to make the postponement take effect. (After you log
> > in, if you like, you can open a command prompt and run the command
> > slmgr -xpr to see Vista's new expiration date and time. I explained the
> > slmgr command and its parameters in my Feb. 15 article.)
> >
> > Step 7. To extend the activation deadline of Vista indefinitely, repeat
> > steps 1 through 6 as necessary
> >
> > Read full story and other tricks at source:
> >
> >
> >
> > Microsoft allows bypass of Vista activation
> >
> > By Brian Livingston
> >
> > Microsoft always says it opposes "software pirates" who sell thousands of
> > unauthorized copies of Windows.
> >
> > But the Redmond company has made things a lot easier for pirates by adding a
> > line to the Registry that can be changed from 0 to 1 to postpone the need to
> > "activate" Vista indefinitely.
> >
> >
> > Activation doesn't stop true software piracy
> >
> > As most Windows users know, Microsoft has required "product activation"
> > since the release of Windows XP in 2001. XP must be activated by
> > communicating with servers in Redmond within 30 days of installation. By
> > contrast, Microsoft Office XP, 2003, and 2007 require activatation before
> > the package is used 5 to 50 times, depending on the version, according to a
> > company FAQ. If a PC has no Internet connection, a user may activate a
> > product by dialing a telephone number in various countries.
> >
> > The activation process will complete successfully only if the software has
> > not been previously activated, such as on a different machine. If activation
> > isn't completed within the trial period, Microsoft products temporarily shut
> > down some of their features. MS Office loses the ability to edit and save
> > files. After Vista's activation deadline runs out, the user can do little
> > other than use Internet Explorer to activate the operating system or buy a
> > new license.
> >
> > Microsoft describes its product activation scheme as a way to foil software
> > pirates. However, as I previously described in an InfoWorld Magazine article
> > on Oct. 22, 2001, activation does nothing to stop mass piracy. The Redmond
> > company actually included in Windows XP a small file, Wpa.dbl, that makes it
> > easy for pirates to create thousands of machines that validate perfectly.
> >
> > Far from stopping software piracy, product activation has primarily been
> > designed to prevent home users from installing one copy of Windows on a home
> > machine and a personal-use copy on a laptop. As I explained in an article on
> > Mar. 8, buying a copyrighted work and making another copy strictly for
> > personal use is specifically permitted to consumers by the U.S. Copyright
> > Act and the copyright laws of many other countries.
> >
> > For example, courts have repeatedly ruled that consumers can make copies of
> > copyrighted songs or television programs for personal use (not for
> > distribution or resale). This principle is legally known as "fair use." The
> > home edition of Microsoft Office 2007 reflects this principle, allowing
> > consumers to activate three copies of a single purchased product. Microsoft
> > Windows XP and Vista, however, allow only one activation.
> >
> > Surprisingly, Microsoft has embedded into its new Vista operating system a
> > feature that makes things easier than ever for true, mass software pirates.
> > These tricksters will be able to produce thousands of Windows PCs machines
> > that won't demand activation indefinitely - at least for a year or more.
> >
> > Leaving the activation barn door open
> >
> > I reported in a Feb. 1 article that the upgrade version of Windows Vista
> > allows itself to be clean-installed to a new hard drive. The new Microsoft
> > operating system completely omits any checking for a qualifying previous
> > version of Windows. This allows the upgrade version of Vista to successfully
> > upgrade over a nonactivated, trial version of itself.
> >
> > After my article appeared, ZDnet blogger Ed Bott summarized the secret in a
> > post on Feb. 15. He flatly states, "You satisfied every condition of the
> > license agreement and aren't skating by on a technicality. The fact that you
> > have to use a kludgey workaround to use the license you've purchased and are
> > legally entitled to is Microsoft's fault."
> >
> > In my own piece, I had speculated that clean-installing the upgrade version
> > of Vista "probably violates the Vista EULA (End User License Agreement)."
> > But more and more computer experts are saying that the procedure is fully
> > compliant with the EULA and, in any event, is perfectly legal.
> >
> > I wrote a follow-up story on Feb. 15. I reported that Microsoft includes in
> > Vista a one-line command that even novices can use to postpone the product's
> > activation deadline three times. This can extend the deadline from its
> > original 30 days to as much as 120 days - almost four months.
> >
> > posted a report on my story on Feb. 17. The magazine quotes a
> > Microsoft spokeswoman as saying that extending Vista's activation deadline
> > as I described it "is not a violation of the Vista End User License
> > Agreement." I'm glad that's clear.
> >
> > The feature that I've revealing today shows that Microsoft has built into
> > Vista a function that allows anyone to extend the operating system's
> > activation deadline not just three times, but many times. The same one-line
> > command that postpones Vista's activation deadline to 120 days can be used
> > an indefinite number of times by first changing a Registry key from 0 to 1.
> >
> > This isn't a hacker exploit. It doesn't require any tools or utilities
> > whatsoever. Microsoft even documented the Registry key, although obtusely,
> > on its Technet site.
> >
> > But dishonest PC sellers could use the procedure to install thousands of
> > copies of Vista and sell them to unsuspecting consumers or businesses as
> > legitimately activated copies. This would certainly violate the Vista EULA,
> > but consumers might not realize this until the PCs they bought started
> > demanding activation - and failing - months or years later.
> >
> > The following describes the Registry key that's involved.
> >
> > Step 1. While running a copy of Windows Vista that hasn't yet been
> > activated, click the Start button, type regedit into the Search box, then
> > press Enter to launch the Registry Editor.
> >
> > Step 2. Explore down to the following Registry key:
> >
> > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ SL
> >
> > Step 3. Right-click the Registry key named SkipRearm and click Edit. The
> > default is a Dword (a double word or 4 bytes) with a hex value of 00000000.
> > Change this value to any positive integer, such as 00000001, save the
> > change, and close the Registry Editor.
> >
> > Step 4. Start a command prompt with administrative rights. The fastest way
> > to do this is to click the Start button, enter cmd in the Search box, then
> > press Ctrl+Shift+Enter. If you're asked for a network username and password,
> > provide the ones that log you into your domain. You may be asked to approve
> > a User Account Control prompt and to provide an administrator password.
> >
> > Step 5. Type one of the following two commands and press Enter:
> >
> > slmgr -rearm
> > or
> > rundll32 slc.dll,SLReArmWindows
> >
> > Either command uses Vista's built-in Software Licensing Manager (SLMGR) to
> > push the activation deadline out to 30 days after the command is run.
> > Changing SkipRearm from 0 to 1 allows SLMGR to do this an indefinite number
> > of times. Running either command initializes the value of SkipRearm back to
> > 0.
> >
> > Step 6. Reboot the PC to make the postponement take effect. (After you log
> > in, if you like, you can open a command prompt and run the command
> > slmgr -xpr to see Vista's new expiration date and time. I explained the
> > slmgr command and its parameters in my Feb. 15 article.)
> >
> > Step 7. To extend the activation deadline of Vista indefinitely, repeat
> > steps 1 through 6 as necessary.
> >
> > Any crooked PC seller with even the slightest technical skill could easily
> > install a command file that would carry out steps 1 through 6 automatically.
> > The program could run slmgr -rearm three times, 30 days apart, to postpone
> > Vista's activation deadline to 120 days. It could then run skip -rearm every
> > 30 days, for a period of months if not years, by first resetting the
> > SkipRearm key.
> >
> > The program could be scheduled to check Vista's activation deadline during
> > every reboot, and to remind the user to reboot once a month if a deadline
> > was nearing. The buyer of such a PC would never even see an activation
> > reminder, much less be required to go through the activation process.
> >
> > If you happen to buy a Vista PC from a little-known seller, and the price
> > was too good to be true, use Vista's search function to look for the string
> > SkipRearm in files. You may discover that your "bargain" computer will
> > mysteriously start demanding activation in a year or two - but your product
> > key won't be valid.
> >
> > I asked Microsoft why SkipRearm is included in Vista if it can be used to
> > create machines that appear not to need activation for long periods. A
> > Microsoft spokewoman replied, "I connected with my colleagues and learned,
> > unfortunately, we do not have information to share at this time." (I can't
> > identify the speaker because the policy of Waggener Edstrom, Microsoft's
> > public-relations firm, prohibits the naming of p.r. spokespersons.)
> >
> > In my testing of Microsoft's back-door loophole, I've found that the
> > technique can be used to postpone the activation deadline one year or
> > longer. It may or may not, however, work forever, as I describe below.
> >
> > Why does SkipRearm even exist in Vista?
> >
> > The Vista development teaam apparently inserted the SkipRearm loophole to
> > help major corporations work around Microsoft's new Volume Licensing
> > Agreement. This new program, which the Redmond company calls "Volume
> > Licensing 2.0," requires buyers to set up a Key Management Service (KMS)
> > host, as described by a Microsoft FAQ. Companies must choose from two types
> > of digital keys and three different methods of activation to validate
> > thousands of individual Vista machines within the corporate LAN.
> >
> > Activation of Windows XP, by comparison, requires merely that volume
> > purchasers use a single product key. Corporate buyers obtain a unique key
> > when signing a Volume Licensing Agreement. Microsoft has said, however, that
> > most Windows XP piracy involves stolen product keys that are used by others
> > to activate unauthorized machines.
> >
> > The new KMS requirement is intended to discourage such piracy, but it places
> > a heavy burden on corporate IT administrators. For example, Microsoft
> > provides a tool called System Preparation (sysprep.exe) to prepare Vista
> > machines for use. If a system can't be completely prepped within 30 days
> > after installation, an admin can run the command sysprep /generalize to
> > postpone the activation deadline another 30 days. However, like the
> > slmgr -rearm command, sysprep /generalize will only succeed three times.
> >
> > To work around this, as a Technet document states, "Microsoft recommends
> > that you use the SkipRearm setting if you plan on running Sysprep multiple
> > times on a computer." This is echoed by Microsoft Knowledge Base article
> > 929828.
> >
> > Contributing editor Susan Bradley points out, "The good guys have to go
> > through this stupid implementation of a KMS deployment because of bad guys
> > abusing the system." She strongly feels that users should comply with
> > Microsoft's EULA provisions. "The operating system license has always been a
> > one-machine install. ... Many of us forget the multiple-install rule [for
> > Microsoft Office] since we are so used to the one license, one install
> > rule," she adds.
> >
> > In its TechNet documents, Microsoft recommends the repeated use of
> > SkipRearm. How many times is "multiple times"? My testing revealed that the
> > answer is, well, indefinite.
> >
> > .. On a copy of Vista Ultimate that Microsoft released in New York City on
> > Jan. 29, I found that changing SkipRearm from 0 to 1 allowed the command
> > slmgr -rearm to postpone Vista's activation deadline eight separate times.
> > After that, changing the 0 to 1 had no effect, preventing slmgr -rearm from
> > moving the deadline. The use of slmgr -rearm 3 times, plus using SkipRearm 8
> > times would eliminate Vista's activation nag screens for about one year (12
> > periods of 30 days).
> >
> > .. On a copy of the upgrade version of Vista Home Premium that I bought in a
> > retail store on Jan. 30, slmgr -rearm also worked 3 times and SkipRearm
> > worked 8 times before losing their effect. This combination would, as with
> > Vista Ultimate, permit a one-year use of Vista without nag screens
> > appearing.
> >
> > .. On a copy of the full version of Vista Home Premium that I bought in a
> > retail store on Mar. 14, SkipRearm had no effect on extending the use of
> > slmgr -rearm at all. This suggests that Microsoft has slipstreamed a new
> > version into stores, eliminating the SkipRearm feature in Vista Home. That
> > could mean that changing the key from 0 to 1 will now work only in the
> > business editions of Vista - Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate - so
> > corporations can use the loophole.
> >
> > Where is the usage count of slmgr -rearm stored? Where is the usage count of
> > SkipRearm stored? These bytes won't be hard for expert users to find. The
> > use restrictions may be easily lifted. If so, this would allow crooked PC
> > sellers to truly create machines that would never need activation, ever.

Ken Blake, Microsoft MVP - Windows Desktop Experience
Please Reply to the Newsgroup


Been running since Feb. 17, 2007 with nary a hitch.
Solid, fast and dependable.

Amazing isn't it? what you thought you knew?



Vista is great,running fast as hell,no crashes at all. One tiny
problem,which is my fault.I deleted the recycle bin icon and cant get the
right one back. Only a pasted shortcut which doesnt change from full to
empty.Any ideas. But seriously its fantastic.Fingers crossed for the future.

"GT" <> wrote in message
> If ANY one can run Vista successfully for a year I will be very surprised.
> I
> have had it for a month and have had 17 crashes due to it. The first one
> was
> in the first 10 minutes. My company is at the leading edge for graphics,
> games, music, and media. We all know that Vista is NOT a good thing. We
> are
> looking into ways to convert to mac to avoid the billions of serious
> problems
> with Microsoft Windows.
> "Chad Harris" wrote:
>> Brian Livingston has a new trick:
>> Microsoft has built into Vista a function that allows anyone to extend
>> the
>> operating system's activation deadline not just three times, but many
>> times.
>> The same one-line command that postpones Vista's activation deadline to
>> 120
>> days can be used an indefinite number of times by first changing a
>> Registry
>> key from 0 to 1.
>> This isn't a hacker exploit. It doesn't require any tools or utilities
>> whatsoever. Microsoft even documented the Registry key, although
>> obtusely,
>> on its Technet site.
>> But dishonest PC sellers could use the procedure to install thousands of
>> copies of Vista and sell them to unsuspecting consumers or businesses as
>> legitimately activated copies. This would certainly violate the Vista
>> EULA,
>> but consumers might not realize this until the PCs they bought started
>> demanding activation - and failing - months or years later.
>> The following describes the Registry key that's involved.
>> Step 1. While running a copy of Windows Vista that hasn't yet been
>> activated, click the Start button, type regedit into the Search box, then
>> press Enter to launch the Registry Editor.
>> Step 2. Explore down to the following Registry key:
>> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \
>> SL
>> Step 3. Right-click the Registry key named SkipRearm and click Edit. The
>> default is a Dword (a double word or 4 bytes) with a hex value of
>> 00000000.
>> Change this value to any positive integer, such as 00000001, save the
>> change, and close the Registry Editor.
>> Step 4. Start a command prompt with administrative rights. The fastest
>> way
>> to do this is to click the Start button, enter cmd in the Search box,
>> then
>> press Ctrl+Shift+Enter. If you're asked for a network username and
>> password,
>> provide the ones that log you into your domain. You may be asked to
>> approve
>> a User Account Control prompt and to provide an administrator password.
>> Step 5. Type one of the following two commands and press Enter:
>> slmgr -rearm
>> or
>> rundll32 slc.dll,SLReArmWindows
>> Either command uses Vista's built-in Software Licensing Manager (SLMGR)
>> to
>> push the activation deadline out to 30 days after the command is run.
>> Changing SkipRearm from 0 to 1 allows SLMGR to do this an indefinite
>> number
>> of times. Running either command initializes the value of SkipRearm back
>> to
>> 0.
>> Step 6. Reboot the PC to make the postponement take effect. (After you
>> log
>> in, if you like, you can open a command prompt and run the command
>> slmgr -xpr to see Vista's new expiration date and time. I explained the
>> slmgr command and its parameters in my Feb. 15 article.)
>> Step 7. To extend the activation deadline of Vista indefinitely, repeat
>> steps 1 through 6 as necessary
>> Read full story and other tricks at source:
>> Microsoft allows bypass of Vista activation
>> By Brian Livingston
>> Microsoft always says it opposes "software pirates" who sell thousands of
>> unauthorized copies of Windows.
>> But the Redmond company has made things a lot easier for pirates by
>> adding a
>> line to the Registry that can be changed from 0 to 1 to postpone the need
>> to
>> "activate" Vista indefinitely.
>> Activation doesn't stop true software piracy
>> As most Windows users know, Microsoft has required "product activation"
>> since the release of Windows XP in 2001. XP must be activated by
>> communicating with servers in Redmond within 30 days of installation. By
>> contrast, Microsoft Office XP, 2003, and 2007 require activatation before
>> the package is used 5 to 50 times, depending on the version, according to
>> a
>> company FAQ. If a PC has no Internet connection, a user may activate a
>> product by dialing a telephone number in various countries.
>> The activation process will complete successfully only if the software
>> has
>> not been previously activated, such as on a different machine. If
>> activation
>> isn't completed within the trial period, Microsoft products temporarily
>> shut
>> down some of their features. MS Office loses the ability to edit and save
>> files. After Vista's activation deadline runs out, the user can do little
>> other than use Internet Explorer to activate the operating system or buy
>> a
>> new license.
>> Microsoft describes its product activation scheme as a way to foil
>> software
>> pirates. However, as I previously described in an InfoWorld Magazine
>> article
>> on Oct. 22, 2001, activation does nothing to stop mass piracy. The
>> Redmond
>> company actually included in Windows XP a small file, Wpa.dbl, that makes
>> it
>> easy for pirates to create thousands of machines that validate perfectly.
>> Far from stopping software piracy, product activation has primarily been
>> designed to prevent home users from installing one copy of Windows on a
>> home
>> machine and a personal-use copy on a laptop. As I explained in an article
>> on
>> Mar. 8, buying a copyrighted work and making another copy strictly for
>> personal use is specifically permitted to consumers by the U.S. Copyright
>> Act and the copyright laws of many other countries.
>> For example, courts have repeatedly ruled that consumers can make copies
>> of
>> copyrighted songs or television programs for personal use (not for
>> distribution or resale). This principle is legally known as "fair use."
>> The
>> home edition of Microsoft Office 2007 reflects this principle, allowing
>> consumers to activate three copies of a single purchased product.
>> Microsoft
>> Windows XP and Vista, however, allow only one activation.
>> Surprisingly, Microsoft has embedded into its new Vista operating system
>> a
>> feature that makes things easier than ever for true, mass software
>> pirates.
>> These tricksters will be able to produce thousands of Windows PCs
>> machines
>> that won't demand activation indefinitely - at least for a year or more.
>> Leaving the activation barn door open
>> I reported in a Feb. 1 article that the upgrade version of Windows Vista
>> allows itself to be clean-installed to a new hard drive. The new
>> Microsoft
>> operating system completely omits any checking for a qualifying previous
>> version of Windows. This allows the upgrade version of Vista to
>> successfully
>> upgrade over a nonactivated, trial version of itself.
>> After my article appeared, ZDnet blogger Ed Bott summarized the secret in
>> a
>> post on Feb. 15. He flatly states, "You satisfied every condition of the
>> license agreement and aren't skating by on a technicality. The fact that
>> you
>> have to use a kludgey workaround to use the license you've purchased and
>> are
>> legally entitled to is Microsoft's fault."
>> In my own piece, I had speculated that clean-installing the upgrade
>> version
>> of Vista "probably violates the Vista EULA (End User License Agreement)."
>> But more and more computer experts are saying that the procedure is fully
>> compliant with the EULA and, in any event, is perfectly legal.
>> I wrote a follow-up story on Feb. 15. I reported that Microsoft includes
>> in
>> Vista a one-line command that even novices can use to postpone the
>> product's
>> activation deadline three times. This can extend the deadline from its
>> original 30 days to as much as 120 days - almost four months.
>> posted a report on my story on Feb. 17. The magazine quotes a
>> Microsoft spokeswoman as saying that extending Vista's activation
>> deadline
>> as I described it "is not a violation of the Vista End User License
>> Agreement." I'm glad that's clear.
>> The feature that I've revealing today shows that Microsoft has built into
>> Vista a function that allows anyone to extend the operating system's
>> activation deadline not just three times, but many times. The same
>> one-line
>> command that postpones Vista's activation deadline to 120 days can be
>> used
>> an indefinite number of times by first changing a Registry key from 0 to
>> 1.
>> This isn't a hacker exploit. It doesn't require any tools or utilities
>> whatsoever. Microsoft even documented the Registry key, although
>> obtusely,
>> on its Technet site.
>> But dishonest PC sellers could use the procedure to install thousands of
>> copies of Vista and sell them to unsuspecting consumers or businesses as
>> legitimately activated copies. This would certainly violate the Vista
>> EULA,
>> but consumers might not realize this until the PCs they bought started
>> demanding activation - and failing - months or years later.
>> The following describes the Registry key that's involved.
>> Step 1. While running a copy of Windows Vista that hasn't yet been
>> activated, click the Start button, type regedit into the Search box, then
>> press Enter to launch the Registry Editor.
>> Step 2. Explore down to the following Registry key:
>> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \
>> SL
>> Step 3. Right-click the Registry key named SkipRearm and click Edit. The
>> default is a Dword (a double word or 4 bytes) with a hex value of
>> 00000000.
>> Change this value to any positive integer, such as 00000001, save the
>> change, and close the Registry Editor.
>> Step 4. Start a command prompt with administrative rights. The fastest
>> way
>> to do this is to click the Start button, enter cmd in the Search box,
>> then
>> press Ctrl+Shift+Enter. If you're asked for a network username and
>> password,
>> provide the ones that log you into your domain. You may be asked to
>> approve
>> a User Account Control prompt and to provide an administrator password.
>> Step 5. Type one of the following two commands and press Enter:
>> slmgr -rearm
>> or
>> rundll32 slc.dll,SLReArmWindows
>> Either command uses Vista's built-in Software Licensing Manager (SLMGR)
>> to
>> push the activation deadline out to 30 days after the command is run.
>> Changing SkipRearm from 0 to 1 allows SLMGR to do this an indefinite
>> number
>> of times. Running either command initializes the value of SkipRearm back
>> to
>> 0.
>> Step 6. Reboot the PC to make the postponement take effect. (After you
>> log
>> in, if you like, you can open a command prompt and run the command
>> slmgr -xpr to see Vista's new expiration date and time. I explained the
>> slmgr command and its parameters in my Feb. 15 article.)
>> Step 7. To extend the activation deadline of Vista indefinitely, repeat
>> steps 1 through 6 as necessary.
>> Any crooked PC seller with even the slightest technical skill could
>> easily
>> install a command file that would carry out steps 1 through 6
>> automatically.
>> The program could run slmgr -rearm three times, 30 days apart, to
>> postpone
>> Vista's activation deadline to 120 days. It could then run skip -rearm
>> every
>> 30 days, for a period of months if not years, by first resetting the
>> SkipRearm key.
>> The program could be scheduled to check Vista's activation deadline
>> during
>> every reboot, and to remind the user to reboot once a month if a deadline
>> was nearing. The buyer of such a PC would never even see an activation
>> reminder, much less be required to go through the activation process.
>> If you happen to buy a Vista PC from a little-known seller, and the price
>> was too good to be true, use Vista's search function to look for the
>> string
>> SkipRearm in files. You may discover that your "bargain" computer will
>> mysteriously start demanding activation in a year or two - but your
>> product
>> key won't be valid.
>> I asked Microsoft why SkipRearm is included in Vista if it can be used to
>> create machines that appear not to need activation for long periods. A
>> Microsoft spokewoman replied, "I connected with my colleagues and
>> learned,
>> unfortunately, we do not have information to share at this time." (I
>> can't
>> identify the speaker because the policy of Waggener Edstrom, Microsoft's
>> public-relations firm, prohibits the naming of p.r. spokespersons.)
>> In my testing of Microsoft's back-door loophole, I've found that the
>> technique can be used to postpone the activation deadline one year or
>> longer. It may or may not, however, work forever, as I describe below.
>> Why does SkipRearm even exist in Vista?
>> The Vista development teaam apparently inserted the SkipRearm loophole to
>> help major corporations work around Microsoft's new Volume Licensing
>> Agreement. This new program, which the Redmond company calls "Volume
>> Licensing 2.0," requires buyers to set up a Key Management Service (KMS)
>> host, as described by a Microsoft FAQ. Companies must choose from two
>> types
>> of digital keys and three different methods of activation to validate
>> thousands of individual Vista machines within the corporate LAN.
>> Activation of Windows XP, by comparison, requires merely that volume
>> purchasers use a single product key. Corporate buyers obtain a unique key
>> when signing a Volume Licensing Agreement. Microsoft has said, however,
>> that
>> most Windows XP piracy involves stolen product keys that are used by
>> others
>> to activate unauthorized machines.
>> The new KMS requirement is intended to discourage such piracy, but it
>> places
>> a heavy burden on corporate IT administrators. For example, Microsoft
>> provides a tool called System Preparation (sysprep.exe) to prepare Vista
>> machines for use. If a system can't be completely prepped within 30 days
>> after installation, an admin can run the command sysprep /generalize to
>> postpone the activation deadline another 30 days. However, like the
>> slmgr -rearm command, sysprep /generalize will only succeed three times.
>> To work around this, as a Technet document states, "Microsoft recommends
>> that you use the SkipRearm setting if you plan on running Sysprep
>> multiple
>> times on a computer." This is echoed by Microsoft Knowledge Base article
>> 929828.
>> Contributing editor Susan Bradley points out, "The good guys have to go
>> through this stupid implementation of a KMS deployment because of bad
>> guys
>> abusing the system." She strongly feels that users should comply with
>> Microsoft's EULA provisions. "The operating system license has always
>> been a
>> one-machine install. ... Many of us forget the multiple-install rule [for
>> Microsoft Office] since we are so used to the one license, one install
>> rule," she adds.
>> In its TechNet documents, Microsoft recommends the repeated use of
>> SkipRearm. How many times is "multiple times"? My testing revealed that
>> the
>> answer is, well, indefinite.
>> .. On a copy of Vista Ultimate that Microsoft released in New York City
>> on
>> Jan. 29, I found that changing SkipRearm from 0 to 1 allowed the command
>> slmgr -rearm to postpone Vista's activation deadline eight separate
>> times.
>> After that, changing the 0 to 1 had no effect, preventing slmgr -rearm
>> from
>> moving the deadline. The use of slmgr -rearm 3 times, plus using
>> SkipRearm 8
>> times would eliminate Vista's activation nag screens for about one year
>> (12
>> periods of 30 days).
>> .. On a copy of the upgrade version of Vista Home Premium that I bought
>> in a
>> retail store on Jan. 30, slmgr -rearm also worked 3 times and SkipRearm
>> worked 8 times before losing their effect. This combination would, as
>> with
>> Vista Ultimate, permit a one-year use of Vista without nag screens
>> appearing.
>> .. On a copy of the full version of Vista Home Premium that I bought in a
>> retail store on Mar. 14, SkipRearm had no effect on extending the use of
>> slmgr -rearm at all. This suggests that Microsoft has slipstreamed a new
>> version into stores, eliminating the SkipRearm feature in Vista Home.
>> That
>> could mean that changing the key from 0 to 1 will now work only in the
>> business editions of Vista - Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate - so
>> corporations can use the loophole.
>> Where is the usage count of slmgr -rearm stored? Where is the usage count
>> of
>> SkipRearm stored? These bytes won't be hard for expert users to find. The
>> use restrictions may be easily lifted. If so, this would allow crooked PC
>> sellers to truly create machines that would never need activation, ever.

"Ken Blake, MVP" <> wrote in message
> On Sun, 12 Oct 2008 18:38:00 -0700, GT <>
> wrote:
>> If ANY one can run Vista successfully for a year I will be very
>> surprised. I
>> have had it for a month and have had 17 crashes due to it. The first one
>> was
>> in the first 10 minutes.

> I don't want to get into an argument about this, but I'll tell you my
> personal experience, which is very different from yours. I've been
> running Vista here on my personal machine since RTM in November
> 2006--just short of two years. I have had zero crashes.

If all you do is these groups, email and a little surfing, I doubt even W95
would crash.

"Mike Hall - MVP" <> wrote in message
> Same here..

What do you guys do differently than everyone else then? What do you use
your PCs for other then surfing, email and these groups?

> --
> Mike Hall - MVP
> How to construct a good post.. How to use
> the Microsoft Product Support Newsgroups..
> Mike's Window - My Blog..

"Rich" <> wrote in message
> Been running since Feb. 17, 2007 with nary a hitch.
> Solid, fast and dependable.

What do you use your PC for other than groups, email and surfing the web?
How much software have you added? Games? Graphic software etc?

> Amazing isn't it? what you thought you knew?
> Rich

Paul Montgomery

On Sun, 12 Oct 2008 23:34:36 -0500, ""
<> wrote:

>What do you use your PC for other than groups, email and surfing the web?
>How much software have you added? Games? Graphic software etc?

Download/install a lot of trash, expect problems.

You are obviously doing just that. Those who don't aren't
experiencing your problems.


In message <> GT
<> was claimed to have wrote:

>If ANY one can run Vista successfully for a year I will be very surprised. I
>have had it for a month and have had 17 crashes due to it. The first one was
>in the first 10 minutes. My company is at the leading edge for graphics,
>games, music, and media. We all know that Vista is NOT a good thing. We are
>looking into ways to convert to mac to avoid the billions of serious problems
>with Microsoft Windows.

Since I pulled my nVidia cards and replaced them with ATI (about three
months before the "nVidia drivers are horrible" news stories), I haven't
had a single bluescreen on my desktop.

I've had one reinstall of Vista, when I went from x86 to SP1 x64.

If your development staff are not able to cope, I might suggest that you
review your hiring practices.

Gordon wrote:
> "Mike Hall - MVP" <> wrote in message
> news:ulbXJNOLJHA.5972@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>> Same here..

> What do you guys do differently than everyone else then? What do you
> use your PCs for other then surfing, email and these groups?

Mine hasn't crashed either and I use mine for work.....Excel, Word and

"Paul Montgomery" <> wrote in message
> On Sun, 12 Oct 2008 23:34:36 -0500, ""
> <> wrote:
>>What do you use your PC for other than groups, email and surfing the web?
>>How much software have you added? Games? Graphic software etc?

> Download/install a lot of trash, expect problems.

Trash? You mean we're not supposed to use our PCs for work (graphics in my
case) or our kids use them for pleasure (games)?

> You are obviously doing just that. Those who don't aren't
> experiencing your problems.

Then of what use is a computer you can't use for work and the kids can't use
for fun?

"Roland" <> wrote in message
> Vista is great,running fast as hell,no crashes at all. One tiny
> problem,which is my fault.I deleted the recycle bin icon and cant get the
> right one back. Only a pasted shortcut which doesnt change from full to
> empty.Any ideas. But seriously its fantastic.Fingers crossed for the
> future. )

Just don't use it for work or let the kids play games on it, even the games
PCs come with these days. -)


"" <> wrote in message
> "Rich" <> wrote in message
> news:un6dH$NLJHA.3744@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>> Been running since Feb. 17, 2007 with nary a hitch.
>> Solid, fast and dependable.

> What do you use your PC for other than groups, email and surfing the web?
> How much software have you added? Games? Graphic software etc?
>> Amazing isn't it? what you thought you knew?
>> Rich


I use it for video development and DVD mastering. It has never, ever

Non Sequitur!

playing solitaire and writing ignorant posts on newsgroup cannot be compared
with making high end media as the OP says...


when you push vista, its crappy nature shows.

"Ken Blake, MVP" <> wrote in message
> On Sun, 12 Oct 2008 18:38:00 -0700, GT <>
> wrote:
>> If ANY one can run Vista successfully for a year I will be very
>> surprised. I
>> have had it for a month and have had 17 crashes due to it. The first one
>> was
>> in the first 10 minutes.

> I don't want to get into an argument about this, but I'll tell you my
> personal experience, which is very different from yours. I've been
> running Vista here on my personal machine since RTM in November
> 2006--just short of two years. I have had zero crashes.
>> My company is at the leading edge for graphics,
>> games, music, and media. We all know that Vista is NOT a good thing. We
>> are
>> looking into ways to convert to mac to avoid the billions of serious
>> problems
>> with Microsoft Windows.
>> "Chad Harris" wrote:
>> > Brian Livingston has a new trick:
>> >
>> > Microsoft has built into Vista a function that allows anyone to extend
>> > the
>> > operating system's activation deadline not just three times, but many
>> > times.
>> > The same one-line command that postpones Vista's activation deadline to
>> > 120
>> > days can be used an indefinite number of times by first changing a
>> > Registry
>> > key from 0 to 1.
>> >
>> > This isn't a hacker exploit. It doesn't require any tools or utilities
>> > whatsoever. Microsoft even documented the Registry key, although
>> > obtusely,
>> > on its Technet site.
>> >
>> > But dishonest PC sellers could use the procedure to install thousands
>> > of
>> > copies of Vista and sell them to unsuspecting consumers or businesses
>> > as
>> > legitimately activated copies. This would certainly violate the Vista
>> > EULA,
>> > but consumers might not realize this until the PCs they bought started
>> > demanding activation - and failing - months or years later.
>> >
>> > The following describes the Registry key that's involved.
>> >
>> > Step 1. While running a copy of Windows Vista that hasn't yet been
>> > activated, click the Start button, type regedit into the Search box,
>> > then
>> > press Enter to launch the Registry Editor.
>> >
>> > Step 2. Explore down to the following Registry key:
>> >
>> > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion
>> > \ SL
>> >
>> > Step 3. Right-click the Registry key named SkipRearm and click Edit.
>> > The
>> > default is a Dword (a double word or 4 bytes) with a hex value of
>> > 00000000.
>> > Change this value to any positive integer, such as 00000001, save the
>> > change, and close the Registry Editor.
>> >
>> > Step 4. Start a command prompt with administrative rights. The fastest
>> > way
>> > to do this is to click the Start button, enter cmd in the Search box,
>> > then
>> > press Ctrl+Shift+Enter. If you're asked for a network username and
>> > password,
>> > provide the ones that log you into your domain. You may be asked to
>> > approve
>> > a User Account Control prompt and to provide an administrator password.
>> >
>> > Step 5. Type one of the following two commands and press Enter:
>> >
>> > slmgr -rearm
>> > or
>> > rundll32 slc.dll,SLReArmWindows
>> >
>> > Either command uses Vista's built-in Software Licensing Manager (SLMGR)
>> > to
>> > push the activation deadline out to 30 days after the command is run.
>> > Changing SkipRearm from 0 to 1 allows SLMGR to do this an indefinite
>> > number
>> > of times. Running either command initializes the value of SkipRearm
>> > back to
>> > 0.
>> >
>> > Step 6. Reboot the PC to make the postponement take effect. (After you
>> > log
>> > in, if you like, you can open a command prompt and run the command
>> > slmgr -xpr to see Vista's new expiration date and time. I explained the
>> > slmgr command and its parameters in my Feb. 15 article.)
>> >
>> > Step 7. To extend the activation deadline of Vista indefinitely, repeat
>> > steps 1 through 6 as necessary
>> >
>> > Read full story and other tricks at source:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Microsoft allows bypass of Vista activation
>> >
>> > By Brian Livingston
>> >
>> > Microsoft always says it opposes "software pirates" who sell thousands
>> > of
>> > unauthorized copies of Windows.
>> >
>> > But the Redmond company has made things a lot easier for pirates by
>> > adding a
>> > line to the Registry that can be changed from 0 to 1 to postpone the
>> > need to
>> > "activate" Vista indefinitely.
>> >
>> >
>> > Activation doesn't stop true software piracy
>> >
>> > As most Windows users know, Microsoft has required "product activation"
>> > since the release of Windows XP in 2001. XP must be activated by
>> > communicating with servers in Redmond within 30 days of installation.
>> > By
>> > contrast, Microsoft Office XP, 2003, and 2007 require activatation
>> > before
>> > the package is used 5 to 50 times, depending on the version, according
>> > to a
>> > company FAQ. If a PC has no Internet connection, a user may activate a
>> > product by dialing a telephone number in various countries.
>> >
>> > The activation process will complete successfully only if the software
>> > has
>> > not been previously activated, such as on a different machine. If
>> > activation
>> > isn't completed within the trial period, Microsoft products temporarily
>> > shut
>> > down some of their features. MS Office loses the ability to edit and
>> > save
>> > files. After Vista's activation deadline runs out, the user can do
>> > little
>> > other than use Internet Explorer to activate the operating system or
>> > buy a
>> > new license.
>> >
>> > Microsoft describes its product activation scheme as a way to foil
>> > software
>> > pirates. However, as I previously described in an InfoWorld Magazine
>> > article
>> > on Oct. 22, 2001, activation does nothing to stop mass piracy. The
>> > Redmond
>> > company actually included in Windows XP a small file, Wpa.dbl, that
>> > makes it
>> > easy for pirates to create thousands of machines that validate
>> > perfectly.
>> >
>> > Far from stopping software piracy, product activation has primarily
>> > been
>> > designed to prevent home users from installing one copy of Windows on a
>> > home
>> > machine and a personal-use copy on a laptop. As I explained in an
>> > article on
>> > Mar. 8, buying a copyrighted work and making another copy strictly for
>> > personal use is specifically permitted to consumers by the U.S.
>> > Copyright
>> > Act and the copyright laws of many other countries.
>> >
>> > For example, courts have repeatedly ruled that consumers can make
>> > copies of
>> > copyrighted songs or television programs for personal use (not for
>> > distribution or resale). This principle is legally known as "fair use."
>> > The
>> > home edition of Microsoft Office 2007 reflects this principle, allowing
>> > consumers to activate three copies of a single purchased product.
>> > Microsoft
>> > Windows XP and Vista, however, allow only one activation.
>> >
>> > Surprisingly, Microsoft has embedded into its new Vista operating
>> > system a
>> > feature that makes things easier than ever for true, mass software
>> > pirates.
>> > These tricksters will be able to produce thousands of Windows PCs
>> > machines
>> > that won't demand activation indefinitely - at least for a year or
>> > more.
>> >
>> > Leaving the activation barn door open
>> >
>> > I reported in a Feb. 1 article that the upgrade version of Windows
>> > Vista
>> > allows itself to be clean-installed to a new hard drive. The new
>> > Microsoft
>> > operating system completely omits any checking for a qualifying
>> > previous
>> > version of Windows. This allows the upgrade version of Vista to
>> > successfully
>> > upgrade over a nonactivated, trial version of itself.
>> >
>> > After my article appeared, ZDnet blogger Ed Bott summarized the secret
>> > in a
>> > post on Feb. 15. He flatly states, "You satisfied every condition of
>> > the
>> > license agreement and aren't skating by on a technicality. The fact
>> > that you
>> > have to use a kludgey workaround to use the license you've purchased
>> > and are
>> > legally entitled to is Microsoft's fault."
>> >
>> > In my own piece, I had speculated that clean-installing the upgrade
>> > version
>> > of Vista "probably violates the Vista EULA (End User License
>> > Agreement)."
>> > But more and more computer experts are saying that the procedure is
>> > fully
>> > compliant with the EULA and, in any event, is perfectly legal.
>> >
>> > I wrote a follow-up story on Feb. 15. I reported that Microsoft
>> > includes in
>> > Vista a one-line command that even novices can use to postpone the
>> > product's
>> > activation deadline three times. This can extend the deadline from its
>> > original 30 days to as much as 120 days - almost four months.
>> >
>> > posted a report on my story on Feb. 17. The magazine quotes
>> > a
>> > Microsoft spokeswoman as saying that extending Vista's activation
>> > deadline
>> > as I described it "is not a violation of the Vista End User License
>> > Agreement." I'm glad that's clear.
>> >
>> > The feature that I've revealing today shows that Microsoft has built
>> > into
>> > Vista a function that allows anyone to extend the operating system's
>> > activation deadline not just three times, but many times. The same
>> > one-line
>> > command that postpones Vista's activation deadline to 120 days can be
>> > used
>> > an indefinite number of times by first changing a Registry key from 0
>> > to 1.
>> >
>> > This isn't a hacker exploit. It doesn't require any tools or utilities
>> > whatsoever. Microsoft even documented the Registry key, although
>> > obtusely,
>> > on its Technet site.
>> >
>> > But dishonest PC sellers could use the procedure to install thousands
>> > of
>> > copies of Vista and sell them to unsuspecting consumers or businesses
>> > as
>> > legitimately activated copies. This would certainly violate the Vista
>> > EULA,
>> > but consumers might not realize this until the PCs they bought started
>> > demanding activation - and failing - months or years later.
>> >
>> > The following describes the Registry key that's involved.
>> >
>> > Step 1. While running a copy of Windows Vista that hasn't yet been
>> > activated, click the Start button, type regedit into the Search box,
>> > then
>> > press Enter to launch the Registry Editor.
>> >
>> > Step 2. Explore down to the following Registry key:
>> >
>> > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion
>> > \ SL
>> >
>> > Step 3. Right-click the Registry key named SkipRearm and click Edit.
>> > The
>> > default is a Dword (a double word or 4 bytes) with a hex value of
>> > 00000000.
>> > Change this value to any positive integer, such as 00000001, save the
>> > change, and close the Registry Editor.
>> >
>> > Step 4. Start a command prompt with administrative rights. The fastest
>> > way
>> > to do this is to click the Start button, enter cmd in the Search box,
>> > then
>> > press Ctrl+Shift+Enter. If you're asked for a network username and
>> > password,
>> > provide the ones that log you into your domain. You may be asked to
>> > approve
>> > a User Account Control prompt and to provide an administrator password.
>> >
>> > Step 5. Type one of the following two commands and press Enter:
>> >
>> > slmgr -rearm
>> > or
>> > rundll32 slc.dll,SLReArmWindows
>> >
>> > Either command uses Vista's built-in Software Licensing Manager (SLMGR)
>> > to
>> > push the activation deadline out to 30 days after the command is run.
>> > Changing SkipRearm from 0 to 1 allows SLMGR to do this an indefinite
>> > number
>> > of times. Running either command initializes the value of SkipRearm
>> > back to
>> > 0.
>> >
>> > Step 6. Reboot the PC to make the postponement take effect. (After you
>> > log
>> > in, if you like, you can open a command prompt and run the command
>> > slmgr -xpr to see Vista's new expiration date and time. I explained the
>> > slmgr command and its parameters in my Feb. 15 article.)
>> >
>> > Step 7. To extend the activation deadline of Vista indefinitely, repeat
>> > steps 1 through 6 as necessary.
>> >
>> > Any crooked PC seller with even the slightest technical skill could
>> > easily
>> > install a command file that would carry out steps 1 through 6
>> > automatically.
>> > The program could run slmgr -rearm three times, 30 days apart, to
>> > postpone
>> > Vista's activation deadline to 120 days. It could then run skip -rearm
>> > every
>> > 30 days, for a period of months if not years, by first resetting the
>> > SkipRearm key.
>> >
>> > The program could be scheduled to check Vista's activation deadline
>> > during
>> > every reboot, and to remind the user to reboot once a month if a
>> > deadline
>> > was nearing. The buyer of such a PC would never even see an activation
>> > reminder, much less be required to go through the activation process.
>> >
>> > If you happen to buy a Vista PC from a little-known seller, and the
>> > price
>> > was too good to be true, use Vista's search function to look for the
>> > string
>> > SkipRearm in files. You may discover that your "bargain" computer will
>> > mysteriously start demanding activation in a year or two - but your
>> > product
>> > key won't be valid.
>> >
>> > I asked Microsoft why SkipRearm is included in Vista if it can be used
>> > to
>> > create machines that appear not to need activation for long periods. A
>> > Microsoft spokewoman replied, "I connected with my colleagues and
>> > learned,
>> > unfortunately, we do not have information to share at this time." (I
>> > can't
>> > identify the speaker because the policy of Waggener Edstrom,
>> > Microsoft's
>> > public-relations firm, prohibits the naming of p.r. spokespersons.)
>> >
>> > In my testing of Microsoft's back-door loophole, I've found that the
>> > technique can be used to postpone the activation deadline one year or
>> > longer. It may or may not, however, work forever, as I describe below.
>> >
>> > Why does SkipRearm even exist in Vista?
>> >
>> > The Vista development teaam apparently inserted the SkipRearm loophole
>> > to
>> > help major corporations work around Microsoft's new Volume Licensing
>> > Agreement. This new program, which the Redmond company calls "Volume
>> > Licensing 2.0," requires buyers to set up a Key Management Service
>> > (KMS)
>> > host, as described by a Microsoft FAQ. Companies must choose from two
>> > types
>> > of digital keys and three different methods of activation to validate
>> > thousands of individual Vista machines within the corporate LAN.
>> >
>> > Activation of Windows XP, by comparison, requires merely that volume
>> > purchasers use a single product key. Corporate buyers obtain a unique
>> > key
>> > when signing a Volume Licensing Agreement. Microsoft has said, however,
>> > that
>> > most Windows XP piracy involves stolen product keys that are used by
>> > others
>> > to activate unauthorized machines.
>> >
>> > The new KMS requirement is intended to discourage such piracy, but it
>> > places
>> > a heavy burden on corporate IT administrators. For example, Microsoft
>> > provides a tool called System Preparation (sysprep.exe) to prepare
>> > Vista
>> > machines for use. If a system can't be completely prepped within 30
>> > days
>> > after installation, an admin can run the command sysprep /generalize to
>> > postpone the activation deadline another 30 days. However, like the
>> > slmgr -rearm command, sysprep /generalize will only succeed three
>> > times.
>> >
>> > To work around this, as a Technet document states, "Microsoft
>> > recommends
>> > that you use the SkipRearm setting if you plan on running Sysprep
>> > multiple
>> > times on a computer." This is echoed by Microsoft Knowledge Base
>> > article
>> > 929828.
>> >
>> > Contributing editor Susan Bradley points out, "The good guys have to go
>> > through this stupid implementation of a KMS deployment because of bad
>> > guys
>> > abusing the system." She strongly feels that users should comply with
>> > Microsoft's EULA provisions. "The operating system license has always
>> > been a
>> > one-machine install. ... Many of us forget the multiple-install rule
>> > [for
>> > Microsoft Office] since we are so used to the one license, one install
>> > rule," she adds.
>> >
>> > In its TechNet documents, Microsoft recommends the repeated use of
>> > SkipRearm. How many times is "multiple times"? My testing revealed that
>> > the
>> > answer is, well, indefinite.
>> >
>> > .. On a copy of Vista Ultimate that Microsoft released in New York City
>> > on
>> > Jan. 29, I found that changing SkipRearm from 0 to 1 allowed the
>> > command
>> > slmgr -rearm to postpone Vista's activation deadline eight separate
>> > times.
>> > After that, changing the 0 to 1 had no effect, preventing slmgr -rearm
>> > from
>> > moving the deadline. The use of slmgr -rearm 3 times, plus using
>> > SkipRearm 8
>> > times would eliminate Vista's activation nag screens for about one year
>> > (12
>> > periods of 30 days).
>> >
>> > .. On a copy of the upgrade version of Vista Home Premium that I bought
>> > in a
>> > retail store on Jan. 30, slmgr -rearm also worked 3 times and SkipRearm
>> > worked 8 times before losing their effect. This combination would, as
>> > with
>> > Vista Ultimate, permit a one-year use of Vista without nag screens
>> > appearing.
>> >
>> > .. On a copy of the full version of Vista Home Premium that I bought in
>> > a
>> > retail store on Mar. 14, SkipRearm had no effect on extending the use
>> > of
>> > slmgr -rearm at all. This suggests that Microsoft has slipstreamed a
>> > new
>> > version into stores, eliminating the SkipRearm feature in Vista Home.
>> > That
>> > could mean that changing the key from 0 to 1 will now work only in the
>> > business editions of Vista - Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate - so
>> > corporations can use the loophole.
>> >
>> > Where is the usage count of slmgr -rearm stored? Where is the usage
>> > count of
>> > SkipRearm stored? These bytes won't be hard for expert users to find.
>> > The
>> > use restrictions may be easily lifted. If so, this would allow crooked
>> > PC
>> > sellers to truly create machines that would never need activation,
>> > ever.

> --
> Ken Blake, Microsoft MVP - Windows Desktop Experience
> Please Reply to the Newsgroup

Non Sequitur!

>work.....Excel, Word and Outlook.


childs play...

use some real memory intensive programs like premiere or a 3d application,
and then come back

Or use flash, frontpage, corel, photoshop (and a few others) all at the same
time loaded like I do...

do media with sonar, acid, floops, and several others at the same time as I

you will see that vista is far slower and more unstable than XP ever was

"Gordon" <> wrote in message
> wrote:
>> "Mike Hall - MVP" <> wrote in message
>> news:ulbXJNOLJHA.5972@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>> Same here..

>> What do you guys do differently than everyone else then? What do you use
>> your PCs for other then surfing, email and these groups?

> Mine hasn't crashed either and I use mine for work.....Excel, Word and
> Outlook.

Non Sequitur!

you are right, but you are dealing with dorks in here... in a little big
dork FRANK will appear
saying that Vista is the BEST OS ever...

all he does is troll on newsgroups from day to night! lol

"" <> wrote in message
> "Ken Blake, MVP" <> wrote in message
>> On Sun, 12 Oct 2008 18:38:00 -0700, GT <>
>> wrote:
>>> If ANY one can run Vista successfully for a year I will be very
>>> surprised. I
>>> have had it for a month and have had 17 crashes due to it. The first
>>> one was
>>> in the first 10 minutes.

>> I don't want to get into an argument about this, but I'll tell you my
>> personal experience, which is very different from yours. I've been
>> running Vista here on my personal machine since RTM in November
>> 2006--just short of two years. I have had zero crashes.

> If all you do is these groups, email and a little surfing, I doubt even
> W95 would crash.

Non Sequitur!

You are in a newsgroup full of vista fanboys..

MS isnt stable with their own software... you expect it to work well with
third party?


You are totally right, I too create high end content and understand you

I see a big difference between XP and Vista..

now im using vista but I have upgraded to the fastest computer in the

and I STILL SEE a lag! lol

vista stinks!

"" <> wrote in message
> "Paul Montgomery" <> wrote in message
>> On Sun, 12 Oct 2008 23:34:36 -0500, ""
>> <> wrote:
>>>What do you use your PC for other than groups, email and surfing the web?
>>>How much software have you added? Games? Graphic software etc?

>> Download/install a lot of trash, expect problems.

> Trash? You mean we're not supposed to use our PCs for work (graphics in
> my case) or our kids use them for pleasure (games)?
>> You are obviously doing just that. Those who don't aren't
>> experiencing your problems.

> Then of what use is a computer you can't use for work and the kids can't
> use for fun?

Non Sequitur!

look what Microsoft worshiper FRANK said about this behavior, then tell
everyone how dumb frank

Frank said>>>>

" You think things like being
able to delete the recycle bin is bad design, whereas most think it's a
good "feature".
But you seem to think everyone thinks like you and the fact is they don't.
You are in a very small minority with your personal opinion about Vista.
Live with it. Vista is the very best OS available today."

Lol what an idiot this stupid frank is

"Roland" <> wrote in message
> Vista is great,running fast as hell,no crashes at all. One tiny
> problem,which is my fault.I deleted the recycle bin icon and cant get the
> right one back. Only a pasted shortcut which doesnt change from full to
> empty.Any ideas. But seriously its fantastic.Fingers crossed for the
> future. )
> "GT" <> wrote in message
>> If ANY one can run Vista successfully for a year I will be very
>> surprised. I
>> have had it for a month and have had 17 crashes due to it. The first one
>> was
>> in the first 10 minutes. My company is at the leading edge for graphics,
>> games, music, and media. We all know that Vista is NOT a good thing. We
>> are
>> looking into ways to convert to mac to avoid the billions of serious
>> problems
>> with Microsoft Windows.
>> "Chad Harris" wrote:
>>> Brian Livingston has a new trick:
>>> Microsoft has built into Vista a function that allows anyone to extend
>>> the
>>> operating system's activation deadline not just three times, but many
>>> times.
>>> The same one-line command that postpones Vista's activation deadline to
>>> 120
>>> days can be used an indefinite number of times by first changing a
>>> Registry
>>> key from 0 to 1.
>>> This isn't a hacker exploit. It doesn't require any tools or utilities
>>> whatsoever. Microsoft even documented the Registry key, although
>>> obtusely,
>>> on its Technet site.
>>> But dishonest PC sellers could use the procedure to install thousands of
>>> copies of Vista and sell them to unsuspecting consumers or businesses as
>>> legitimately activated copies. This would certainly violate the Vista
>>> EULA,
>>> but consumers might not realize this until the PCs they bought started
>>> demanding activation - and failing - months or years later.
>>> The following describes the Registry key that's involved.
>>> Step 1. While running a copy of Windows Vista that hasn't yet been
>>> activated, click the Start button, type regedit into the Search box,
>>> then
>>> press Enter to launch the Registry Editor.
>>> Step 2. Explore down to the following Registry key:
>>> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion
>>> \ SL
>>> Step 3. Right-click the Registry key named SkipRearm and click Edit. The
>>> default is a Dword (a double word or 4 bytes) with a hex value of
>>> 00000000.
>>> Change this value to any positive integer, such as 00000001, save the
>>> change, and close the Registry Editor.
>>> Step 4. Start a command prompt with administrative rights. The fastest
>>> way
>>> to do this is to click the Start button, enter cmd in the Search box,
>>> then
>>> press Ctrl+Shift+Enter. If you're asked for a network username and
>>> password,
>>> provide the ones that log you into your domain. You may be asked to
>>> approve
>>> a User Account Control prompt and to provide an administrator password.
>>> Step 5. Type one of the following two commands and press Enter:
>>> slmgr -rearm
>>> or
>>> rundll32 slc.dll,SLReArmWindows
>>> Either command uses Vista's built-in Software Licensing Manager (SLMGR)
>>> to
>>> push the activation deadline out to 30 days after the command is run.
>>> Changing SkipRearm from 0 to 1 allows SLMGR to do this an indefinite
>>> number
>>> of times. Running either command initializes the value of SkipRearm back
>>> to
>>> 0.
>>> Step 6. Reboot the PC to make the postponement take effect. (After you
>>> log
>>> in, if you like, you can open a command prompt and run the command
>>> slmgr -xpr to see Vista's new expiration date and time. I explained the
>>> slmgr command and its parameters in my Feb. 15 article.)
>>> Step 7. To extend the activation deadline of Vista indefinitely, repeat
>>> steps 1 through 6 as necessary
>>> Read full story and other tricks at source:
>>> Microsoft allows bypass of Vista activation
>>> By Brian Livingston
>>> Microsoft always says it opposes "software pirates" who sell thousands
>>> of
>>> unauthorized copies of Windows.
>>> But the Redmond company has made things a lot easier for pirates by
>>> adding a
>>> line to the Registry that can be changed from 0 to 1 to postpone the
>>> need to
>>> "activate" Vista indefinitely.
>>> Activation doesn't stop true software piracy
>>> As most Windows users know, Microsoft has required "product activation"
>>> since the release of Windows XP in 2001. XP must be activated by
>>> communicating with servers in Redmond within 30 days of installation. By
>>> contrast, Microsoft Office XP, 2003, and 2007 require activatation
>>> before
>>> the package is used 5 to 50 times, depending on the version, according
>>> to a
>>> company FAQ. If a PC has no Internet connection, a user may activate a
>>> product by dialing a telephone number in various countries.
>>> The activation process will complete successfully only if the software
>>> has
>>> not been previously activated, such as on a different machine. If
>>> activation
>>> isn't completed within the trial period, Microsoft products temporarily
>>> shut
>>> down some of their features. MS Office loses the ability to edit and
>>> save
>>> files. After Vista's activation deadline runs out, the user can do
>>> little
>>> other than use Internet Explorer to activate the operating system or buy
>>> a
>>> new license.
>>> Microsoft describes its product activation scheme as a way to foil
>>> software
>>> pirates. However, as I previously described in an InfoWorld Magazine
>>> article
>>> on Oct. 22, 2001, activation does nothing to stop mass piracy. The
>>> Redmond
>>> company actually included in Windows XP a small file, Wpa.dbl, that
>>> makes it
>>> easy for pirates to create thousands of machines that validate
>>> perfectly.
>>> Far from stopping software piracy, product activation has primarily been
>>> designed to prevent home users from installing one copy of Windows on a
>>> home
>>> machine and a personal-use copy on a laptop. As I explained in an
>>> article on
>>> Mar. 8, buying a copyrighted work and making another copy strictly for
>>> personal use is specifically permitted to consumers by the U.S.
>>> Copyright
>>> Act and the copyright laws of many other countries.
>>> For example, courts have repeatedly ruled that consumers can make copies
>>> of
>>> copyrighted songs or television programs for personal use (not for
>>> distribution or resale). This principle is legally known as "fair use."
>>> The
>>> home edition of Microsoft Office 2007 reflects this principle, allowing
>>> consumers to activate three copies of a single purchased product.
>>> Microsoft
>>> Windows XP and Vista, however, allow only one activation.
>>> Surprisingly, Microsoft has embedded into its new Vista operating system
>>> a
>>> feature that makes things easier than ever for true, mass software
>>> pirates.
>>> These tricksters will be able to produce thousands of Windows PCs
>>> machines
>>> that won't demand activation indefinitely - at least for a year or more.
>>> Leaving the activation barn door open
>>> I reported in a Feb. 1 article that the upgrade version of Windows Vista
>>> allows itself to be clean-installed to a new hard drive. The new
>>> Microsoft
>>> operating system completely omits any checking for a qualifying previous
>>> version of Windows. This allows the upgrade version of Vista to
>>> successfully
>>> upgrade over a nonactivated, trial version of itself.
>>> After my article appeared, ZDnet blogger Ed Bott summarized the secret
>>> in a
>>> post on Feb. 15. He flatly states, "You satisfied every condition of the
>>> license agreement and aren't skating by on a technicality. The fact that
>>> you
>>> have to use a kludgey workaround to use the license you've purchased and
>>> are
>>> legally entitled to is Microsoft's fault."
>>> In my own piece, I had speculated that clean-installing the upgrade
>>> version
>>> of Vista "probably violates the Vista EULA (End User License
>>> Agreement)."
>>> But more and more computer experts are saying that the procedure is
>>> fully
>>> compliant with the EULA and, in any event, is perfectly legal.
>>> I wrote a follow-up story on Feb. 15. I reported that Microsoft includes
>>> in
>>> Vista a one-line command that even novices can use to postpone the
>>> product's
>>> activation deadline three times. This can extend the deadline from its
>>> original 30 days to as much as 120 days - almost four months.
>>> posted a report on my story on Feb. 17. The magazine quotes
>>> a
>>> Microsoft spokeswoman as saying that extending Vista's activation
>>> deadline
>>> as I described it "is not a violation of the Vista End User License
>>> Agreement." I'm glad that's clear.
>>> The feature that I've revealing today shows that Microsoft has built
>>> into
>>> Vista a function that allows anyone to extend the operating system's
>>> activation deadline not just three times, but many times. The same
>>> one-line
>>> command that postpones Vista's activation deadline to 120 days can be
>>> used
>>> an indefinite number of times by first changing a Registry key from 0 to
>>> 1.
>>> This isn't a hacker exploit. It doesn't require any tools or utilities
>>> whatsoever. Microsoft even documented the Registry key, although
>>> obtusely,
>>> on its Technet site.
>>> But dishonest PC sellers could use the procedure to install thousands of
>>> copies of Vista and sell them to unsuspecting consumers or businesses as
>>> legitimately activated copies. This would certainly violate the Vista
>>> EULA,
>>> but consumers might not realize this until the PCs they bought started
>>> demanding activation - and failing - months or years later.
>>> The following describes the Registry key that's involved.
>>> Step 1. While running a copy of Windows Vista that hasn't yet been
>>> activated, click the Start button, type regedit into the Search box,
>>> then
>>> press Enter to launch the Registry Editor.
>>> Step 2. Explore down to the following Registry key:
>>> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion
>>> \ SL
>>> Step 3. Right-click the Registry key named SkipRearm and click Edit. The
>>> default is a Dword (a double word or 4 bytes) with a hex value of
>>> 00000000.
>>> Change this value to any positive integer, such as 00000001, save the
>>> change, and close the Registry Editor.
>>> Step 4. Start a command prompt with administrative rights. The fastest
>>> way
>>> to do this is to click the Start button, enter cmd in the Search box,
>>> then
>>> press Ctrl+Shift+Enter. If you're asked for a network username and
>>> password,
>>> provide the ones that log you into your domain. You may be asked to
>>> approve
>>> a User Account Control prompt and to provide an administrator password.
>>> Step 5. Type one of the following two commands and press Enter:
>>> slmgr -rearm
>>> or
>>> rundll32 slc.dll,SLReArmWindows
>>> Either command uses Vista's built-in Software Licensing Manager (SLMGR)
>>> to
>>> push the activation deadline out to 30 days after the command is run.
>>> Changing SkipRearm from 0 to 1 allows SLMGR to do this an indefinite
>>> number
>>> of times. Running either command initializes the value of SkipRearm back
>>> to
>>> 0.
>>> Step 6. Reboot the PC to make the postponement take effect. (After you
>>> log
>>> in, if you like, you can open a command prompt and run the command
>>> slmgr -xpr to see Vista's new expiration date and time. I explained the
>>> slmgr command and its parameters in my Feb. 15 article.)
>>> Step 7. To extend the activation deadline of Vista indefinitely, repeat
>>> steps 1 through 6 as necessary.
>>> Any crooked PC seller with even the slightest technical skill could
>>> easily
>>> install a command file that would carry out steps 1 through 6
>>> automatically.
>>> The program could run slmgr -rearm three times, 30 days apart, to
>>> postpone
>>> Vista's activation deadline to 120 days. It could then run skip -rearm
>>> every
>>> 30 days, for a period of months if not years, by first resetting the
>>> SkipRearm key.
>>> The program could be scheduled to check Vista's activation deadline
>>> during
>>> every reboot, and to remind the user to reboot once a month if a
>>> deadline
>>> was nearing. The buyer of such a PC would never even see an activation
>>> reminder, much less be required to go through the activation process.
>>> If you happen to buy a Vista PC from a little-known seller, and the
>>> price
>>> was too good to be true, use Vista's search function to look for the
>>> string
>>> SkipRearm in files. You may discover that your "bargain" computer will
>>> mysteriously start demanding activation in a year or two - but your
>>> product
>>> key won't be valid.
>>> I asked Microsoft why SkipRearm is included in Vista if it can be used
>>> to
>>> create machines that appear not to need activation for long periods. A
>>> Microsoft spokewoman replied, "I connected with my colleagues and
>>> learned,
>>> unfortunately, we do not have information to share at this time." (I
>>> can't
>>> identify the speaker because the policy of Waggener Edstrom, Microsoft's
>>> public-relations firm, prohibits the naming of p.r. spokespersons.)
>>> In my testing of Microsoft's back-door loophole, I've found that the
>>> technique can be used to postpone the activation deadline one year or
>>> longer. It may or may not, however, work forever, as I describe below.
>>> Why does SkipRearm even exist in Vista?
>>> The Vista development teaam apparently inserted the SkipRearm loophole
>>> to
>>> help major corporations work around Microsoft's new Volume Licensing
>>> Agreement. This new program, which the Redmond company calls "Volume
>>> Licensing 2.0," requires buyers to set up a Key Management Service (KMS)
>>> host, as described by a Microsoft FAQ. Companies must choose from two
>>> types
>>> of digital keys and three different methods of activation to validate
>>> thousands of individual Vista machines within the corporate LAN.
>>> Activation of Windows XP, by comparison, requires merely that volume
>>> purchasers use a single product key. Corporate buyers obtain a unique
>>> key
>>> when signing a Volume Licensing Agreement. Microsoft has said, however,
>>> that
>>> most Windows XP piracy involves stolen product keys that are used by
>>> others
>>> to activate unauthorized machines.
>>> The new KMS requirement is intended to discourage such piracy, but it
>>> places
>>> a heavy burden on corporate IT administrators. For example, Microsoft
>>> provides a tool called System Preparation (sysprep.exe) to prepare Vista
>>> machines for use. If a system can't be completely prepped within 30 days
>>> after installation, an admin can run the command sysprep /generalize to
>>> postpone the activation deadline another 30 days. However, like the
>>> slmgr -rearm command, sysprep /generalize will only succeed three times.
>>> To work around this, as a Technet document states, "Microsoft recommends
>>> that you use the SkipRearm setting if you plan on running Sysprep
>>> multiple
>>> times on a computer." This is echoed by Microsoft Knowledge Base article
>>> 929828.
>>> Contributing editor Susan Bradley points out, "The good guys have to go
>>> through this stupid implementation of a KMS deployment because of bad
>>> guys
>>> abusing the system." She strongly feels that users should comply with
>>> Microsoft's EULA provisions. "The operating system license has always
>>> been a
>>> one-machine install. ... Many of us forget the multiple-install rule
>>> [for
>>> Microsoft Office] since we are so used to the one license, one install
>>> rule," she adds.
>>> In its TechNet documents, Microsoft recommends the repeated use of
>>> SkipRearm. How many times is "multiple times"? My testing revealed that
>>> the
>>> answer is, well, indefinite.
>>> .. On a copy of Vista Ultimate that Microsoft released in New York City
>>> on
>>> Jan. 29, I found that changing SkipRearm from 0 to 1 allowed the command
>>> slmgr -rearm to postpone Vista's activation deadline eight separate
>>> times.
>>> After that, changing the 0 to 1 had no effect, preventing slmgr -rearm
>>> from
>>> moving the deadline. The use of slmgr -rearm 3 times, plus using
>>> SkipRearm 8
>>> times would eliminate Vista's activation nag screens for about one year
>>> (12
>>> periods of 30 days).
>>> .. On a copy of the upgrade version of Vista Home Premium that I bought
>>> in a
>>> retail store on Jan. 30, slmgr -rearm also worked 3 times and SkipRearm
>>> worked 8 times before losing their effect. This combination would, as
>>> with
>>> Vista Ultimate, permit a one-year use of Vista without nag screens
>>> appearing.
>>> .. On a copy of the full version of Vista Home Premium that I bought in
>>> a
>>> retail store on Mar. 14, SkipRearm had no effect on extending the use of
>>> slmgr -rearm at all. This suggests that Microsoft has slipstreamed a new
>>> version into stores, eliminating the SkipRearm feature in Vista Home.
>>> That
>>> could mean that changing the key from 0 to 1 will now work only in the
>>> business editions of Vista - Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate - so
>>> corporations can use the loophole.
>>> Where is the usage count of slmgr -rearm stored? Where is the usage
>>> count of
>>> SkipRearm stored? These bytes won't be hard for expert users to find.
>>> The
>>> use restrictions may be easily lifted. If so, this would allow crooked
>>> PC
>>> sellers to truly create machines that would never need activation, ever.

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