Can't Get 98 to Boot With New Motherboard


jim evans

I have a multi-boot system and use Win98 for software testing. I
installed a new motherboard and now 98 won't boot. I get this error

I have 4gig of memory so it can't be insufficient memory. There is
no Autoexe.bat file, and the Config.sys file is blank/empty. I did an
install over but nothing changed.

Anybody know what's wrong and how I get it to boot?



Error Message: Insufficient Memory to Initialize Windows


If your computer has 1 gigabyte (GB) or more of random-access memory (RAM)
installed, Windows may not start. Also, when you try to start your computer, you may
receive the following error message:

Insufficient memory to initialize Windows.

Quit one or more memory-resident programs or remove unnecessary utilities from your
CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files, and restart your computer.

This behavior may also occur during Windows Setup, or when you try to start Windows
for the first time.


To work around this issue, add the following line to the [386enh] section of the
System.ini file:

This limits the amount of physical RAM that Windows can access to 768 MB.

To do so, use the following steps:
1. Use any text editor (such as Notepad) to edit the System.ini file.
2. Add the following line in the [386Enh] section of the file


3. Save the file, and then restart your computer.

If this problem occurs during Windows Setup, use the following steps to resolve the

1. Restart your computer. When you see the "Starting Windows 95" message, press the
F8 key, and then choose Command Prompt Only from the Startup menu.

For Windows 98, restart your computer, press and hold down the CTRL key until the
Startup menu appears, and then choose Command Prompt Only.

2. Change to the folder into which you are attempting to install Windows.
3. Edit the System.ini file. To do so, type edit system.ini, and then press ENTER.
4. Add the following line in the [386Enh] section of the file


5. Save the file, and then restart your computer. Windows Setup should continue.

Glen Ventura, MS MVP Windows, A+

"jim evans" <> wrote in message
>I have a multi-boot system and use Win98 for software testing. I
> installed a new motherboard and now 98 won't boot. I get this error
> message:
> I have 4gig of memory so it can't be insufficient memory. There is
> no Autoexe.bat file, and the Config.sys file is blank/empty. I did an
> install over but nothing changed.
> Anybody know what's wrong and how I get it to boot?
> jim


"jim evans" <> wrote in message
| I have a multi-boot system and use Win98 for software testing. I
| installed a new motherboard and now 98 won't boot. I get this error
| message:
| I have 4gig of memory so it can't be insufficient memory. There is
| no Autoexe.bat file, and the Config.sys file is blank/empty. I did an
| install over but nothing changed.
| Anybody know what's wrong and how I get it to boot?
| jim

That initially comes from memory beyond what 9X can support.
You would need to limit the memory in the system.ini file, HOWEVER, you are
*way* beyond those limits with 4 gig.

The best multi-boot option may be to use a virtual machine in XP, VISTA, or
Linux.. if you want 9X on the new system, removing 9X from the boot process.

THE BEST option would be to just use the old system for 9X and remove 9X
from the new because you may need to remove memory, devices may not be
compatible, and Windows 9X will need to be *completely re-configured* for
the new motherboard as the chipset, devices, ports, and other system
resources have drastically changed..

a Peoples' counsel
_ _

Eric P.

jim evans wrote:
> I have a multi-boot system and use Win98 for software testing. I
> installed a new motherboard and now 98 won't boot. I get this error
> message:
> I have 4gig of memory so it can't be insufficient memory. There is
> no Autoexe.bat file, and the Config.sys file is blank/empty. I did an
> install over but nothing changed.
> Anybody know what's wrong and how I get it to boot?
> jim

Probably you have far too much memory for Windows 98(SE)
Even on my computer with 1GB Ram I have to restrict memory usage for
Windows 98SE.

Have a look at:
Windows 98 & WinME Memory Management

Also not all new chipsets can handle an O/S below Windows XP.



"jim evans" <> wrote in message
> I have a multi-boot system and use Win98 for software testing. I
> installed a new motherboard and now 98 won't boot. I get this error
> message:
> I have 4gig of memory so it can't be insufficient memory. There is
> no Autoexe.bat file, and the Config.sys file is blank/empty. I did an
> install over but nothing changed.
> Anybody know what's wrong and how I get it to boot?
> jim

If you can boot the machine to safe mode

or temporarily lower the RAM to 512 megs

try this

jim evans

Thanks much for all the comments and help. The bad news is, none of
the fixes worked. I used the MaxPhysPage=30000 entry and the
MaxFileCache=524,288 entry (actually I reduced it to 324,288). My 98
setup needs very little memory. But, no luck. One of the articles
said some modern motherboards do not support W98 but they didn't say
what the symptoms/error messages would be for this.

I guess my next step is to try to use a virtual machine as someone
suggested. What I have to learn is if I can move my existing
installation into a virtual machine. I've had limited experience with
them. I ran Vista in one for a while for testing but that was over a
year ago and only lasted a couple of months.

Thanks again to all.



"jim evans" <> wrote in message
> Thanks much for all the comments and help. The bad news is, none of
> the fixes worked. I used the MaxPhysPage=30000 entry and the
> MaxFileCache=524,288 entry (actually I reduced it to 324,288). My 98
> setup needs very little memory. But, no luck. One of the articles
> said some modern motherboards do not support W98 but they didn't say
> what the symptoms/error messages would be for this.
> I guess my next step is to try to use a virtual machine as someone
> suggested. What I have to learn is if I can move my existing
> installation into a virtual machine. I've had limited experience with
> them. I ran Vista in one for a while for testing but that was over a
> year ago and only lasted a couple of months.
> Thanks again to all.
> jim

The virtual machine method should
but I recommend just installing win98 within it
rather than trying to transfer your existing installation


jim evans <> wrote in

> Thanks much for all the comments and help. The bad news
> is, none of the fixes worked. I used the
> MaxPhysPage=30000 entry and the MaxFileCache=524,288 entry
> (actually I reduced it to 324,288). My 98 setup needs very
> little memory. But, no luck. One of the articles said
> some modern motherboards do not support W98 but they didn't
> say what the symptoms/error messages would be for this.

Do some more research, net and foot.

I am pretty sure a motherboard MUST have 98/SE drivers for 98 to
work on it 'sans' virtual machine approach - which I've read
about a lot but somehow am not totally convinced. No current
MB's found in an average store or on the net support 98. I
believe the Intel 845 series, /possibly/ 945 were among the
last. (Just checked the list - the 8xx series were the last.
Like 815, 845, etc.)

There may be some lesser player in the MB field whose /new/ 98-
supporting MB you may be able to find, but you may well have to
settle for a used one or just bite the bullet and live with XP.

I have never used eBay but there is a good chance you may find
something there.

Most computers people throw out or donate are in working
conditions, and MB's are usually fine as well. I am sure there
are several dozen MB's which would be just fine for your
purposes languishing in Salvation Army stores and corner
computer stores backrooms in your city right now.

Of course, if you want something like 8GB of RAM with your 98,
it /may/ be quite difficult (i.e. impossible) to find a MB which
will support both. Etc.

I'm just hoping my 5 yr. old Compaq EVO lasts for a while before
I have to descend to the hellish depths of eXPerience. Or Linux.


Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the
votes decide everything.
- Josef Stalin

NB: Not only is my KF over 4 KB and growing, I am also filtering
everything from and google groups, so no
offense if you don't get a reply/comment unless I see you quoted
in another post.

Jeff Richards

You could try copying the existing W98 install into a virtual machine
space - it might work. However the virtual hardware provided will probably
be quite different than the existing hardware, and there will be the usual
issues with loading replacement drivers. I haven't done it, but I believe
the process would involve installing W98 into the virtual machine, copying
the existing install onto the virtual drive (as in image of some form), then
rebooting the virtual machine to DOS to copy the image over the installed
OS. Or, perhaps you could create an ISO image of the existing W98 install
somewhere on the host machine, set that image as the W98 CD drive, and
restore (from DOS) from that virtual CD drive.

The advantages of a virtual machine over dual booting make the process well
worthwhile, even if you have to build the W98 system from scratch.
Jeff Richards
MS MVP (Windows - Shell/User)
"jim evans" <> wrote in message
> Thanks much for all the comments and help. The bad news is, none of
> the fixes worked. I used the MaxPhysPage=30000 entry and the
> MaxFileCache=524,288 entry (actually I reduced it to 324,288). My 98
> setup needs very little memory. But, no luck. One of the articles
> said some modern motherboards do not support W98 but they didn't say
> what the symptoms/error messages would be for this.
> I guess my next step is to try to use a virtual machine as someone
> suggested. What I have to learn is if I can move my existing
> installation into a virtual machine. I've had limited experience with
> them. I ran Vista in one for a while for testing but that was over a
> year ago and only lasted a couple of months.
> Thanks again to all.
> jim


"Jeff Richards" <> wrote in message
> You could try copying the existing W98 install into a virtual machine
> space - it might work. However the virtual hardware provided will

> be quite different than the existing hardware, and there will be the usual
> issues with loading replacement drivers. I haven't done it, but I believe
> the process would involve installing W98 into the virtual machine, copying
> the existing install onto the virtual drive (as in image of some form),

> rebooting the virtual machine to DOS to copy the image over the installed
> OS. Or, perhaps you could create an ISO image of the existing W98 install
> somewhere on the host machine, set that image as the W98 CD drive, and
> restore (from DOS) from that virtual CD drive.
> The advantages of a virtual machine over dual booting make the process

> worthwhile, even if you have to build the W98 system from scratch.

FWIW: I have used virtual machines quite a bit
and there is nothing special pre se, that one would have to do...
but it would be a slight PITA to transfer an existing OS into one.
Not that it isn't possible, but then you'd still have to go through
reconfiguring Windows to the new H/W.

It would save a lot of time to just perform
a fresh install of Win98 into the virtual machine.

> Jeff Richards
> MS MVP (Windows - Shell/User)
> "jim evans" <> wrote in message
> > Thanks much for all the comments and help. The bad news is, none of
> > the fixes worked. I used the MaxPhysPage=30000 entry and the
> > MaxFileCache=524,288 entry (actually I reduced it to 324,288). My 98
> > setup needs very little memory. But, no luck. One of the articles
> > said some modern motherboards do not support W98 but they didn't say
> > what the symptoms/error messages would be for this.
> >
> > I guess my next step is to try to use a virtual machine as someone
> > suggested. What I have to learn is if I can move my existing
> > installation into a virtual machine. I've had limited experience with
> > them. I ran Vista in one for a while for testing but that was over a
> > year ago and only lasted a couple of months.
> >
> > Thanks again to all.
> >
> > jim


Lil' Dave

"jim evans" <> wrote in message
>I have a multi-boot system and use Win98 for software testing. I
> installed a new motherboard and now 98 won't boot. I get this error
> message:
> I have 4gig of memory so it can't be insufficient memory. There is
> no Autoexe.bat file, and the Config.sys file is blank/empty. I did an
> install over but nothing changed.
> Anybody know what's wrong and how I get it to boot?
> jim

I use the 2nd workaround myself at 512MB setting. It works with all the
9X/ME operating systems as noted in the article. The PC has to have a
working amount of RAM or less to begin with in order to get into windows to
use this method. At that point, one can add more RAM. This is probably not
workable for you as you're starting with 4GB of RAM, and probably don't have
a smaller RAM module to implement the change in that manner.

Oddly, even XP cannot use all 4GB of RAM either. XP will, however, boot and
operate normally though.

If it looks like fish, smells like fish, its not
a cantaloupe.


"Lil' Dave" <> wrote in message
> "jim evans" <> wrote in message
> >I have a multi-boot system and use Win98 for software testing. I
> > installed a new motherboard and now 98 won't boot. I get this error
> > message:
> >
> > I have 4gig of memory so it can't be insufficient memory. There is
> > no Autoexe.bat file, and the Config.sys file is blank/empty. I did an
> > install over but nothing changed.
> >
> > Anybody know what's wrong and how I get it to boot?
> >
> > jim

> I use the 2nd workaround myself at 512MB setting. It works with all the
> 9X/ME operating systems as noted in the article. The PC has to have a
> working amount of RAM or less to begin with in order to get into windows

> use this method. At that point, one can add more RAM. This is probably

> workable for you as you're starting with 4GB of RAM, and probably don't

> a smaller RAM module to implement the change in that manner.

It looks like the OP tried that

> Oddly, even XP cannot use all 4GB of RAM either. XP will, however, boot

> operate normally though.

It's not so odd really and not actually a problem with XP...
It's really due to the addressing limitations of the 32bit cpu.

There are some hacks such as:

But for most practical use more than (approx) 3.25- 3.5 gigs
of RAM
you'll need a 64bit cpu and the appropriate OS...
which is not win98 btw <G>

J. P. Gilliver (John)

In message <>, jim evans
<> writes
>Thanks much for all the comments and help. The bad news is, none of
>the fixes worked. I used the MaxPhysPage=30000 entry and the
>MaxFileCache=524,288 entry (actually I reduced it to 324,288). My 98
>setup needs very little memory. But, no luck. One of the articles
>said some modern motherboards do not support W98 but they didn't say
>what the symptoms/error messages would be for this.

Have you tried running this system with - physically - just 512M RAM, to
see if it will run '98 that way? (Or does it use memory modules of a
type that aren't available in less than 1G?)
J. P. Gilliver. UMRA: 1960/<1985 MB++G.5AL(+++)IS-P--Ch+(p)Ar+T[?]H+Sh0!:`)DNAf
Lada for sale - see

"Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good,
you'll have to ram them down people's throats." - Howard Aiken

jim evans

On Sat, 25 Oct 2008 12:30:07 +0100, "J. P. Gilliver (John)"
<> wrote:

>Have you tried running this system with - physically - just 512M RAM, to
>see if it will run '98 that way? (Or does it use memory modules of a
>type that aren't available in less than 1G?)

I haven't tried that, and I'd have to buy memory to try it. And, it
doesn't solve the problem because I have to have a larger amount of
memory to run the other OSs anyway.


J. P. Gilliver (John)

In message <>, jim evans
<> writes
>On Sat, 25 Oct 2008 12:30:07 +0100, "J. P. Gilliver (John)"
><> wrote:
>>Have you tried running this system with - physically - just 512M RAM, to
>>see if it will run '98 that way? (Or does it use memory modules of a
>>type that aren't available in less than 1G?)

>I haven't tried that, and I'd have to buy memory to try it. And, it
>doesn't solve the problem because I have to have a larger amount of
>memory to run the other OSs anyway.

I wasn't suggesting it as a permanent solution, only as a way of seeing
whether the mobo would play ball at all even with a suitably small
amount of memory. However, if you'd have to buy some to try it, follow
other people's suggestions first!
J. P. Gilliver. UMRA: 1960/<1985 MB++G.5AL(+++)IS-P--Ch+(p)Ar+T[?]H+Sh0!:`)DNAf
Lada for sale - see

This trip should be called "Driving Miss Crazy" - Emma Wilson, on crossing the
southern United States with her mother, Ann Robinson, 2003 or 2004
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