How to display "special folders" in the .NET WebBrowser control



With the .NET Framework 2.0, Microsoft introduced the WebBrowser control, a managed code wrapper for the WebBrowser ActiveX control. Unfortunately, compared to the ActiveX version, the .NET version of the control lacks some functionality. You can navigate websites, local HTML documents and folder locations using respective protocol handler prefixes ("http://", "file://"). What you cannot do with the .NET WebBrowser control is navigate special folders like "My Computer" or the control panel, as these folders are not identified by a path but by CSIDLs. So my goal was to extend the existing WebBrowser class to provide this ability.

I put together a small sample project to demonstrate the capabilities of my WebBrowserExt control. This is a Visual Studio 2008 project, so you need at least the free Visual C# 2008 Express Edition to open it.

See my original blogpost for more info or just try out the sample.



Download the project


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