Robocopy job errorl with "The handle is invalid" on a large (161GB)file



I'm trying to use robocopy to do a restartable-copy (/ZB) of a backup
image from my server to a full-disk encrypted (truecrypt) hard drive.
Whenever robocopy gets to 94.4% of the file though, it starts bombing
out saying that "The handle is invalid." The whole message is...
2008/07/07 14:25:20 ERROR 6 (0x00000006) Copying File \\server\share
The handle is invalid.
Waiting 30 seconds... Retrying...

It just sits there and keeps retrying. If I kill the job and try to
restart it, it starts over from the begining, the /ZB switch isn't

Is there some size limit for robocopy? I could have sworn that I've
copied files larger than this with no problem, but this one just won't

For reference, I'm copying from sbs2003 SP2 to vista SP1.

Any ideas???




Re: Robocopy job errorl with "The handle is invalid" on a large(161GB) file

On Jul 7, 2:45 pm, Mesan wrote:
> I'm trying to use robocopy to do a restartable-copy (/ZB) of a backup
> image from my server to a full-disk encrypted (truecrypt) hard drive.
> Whenever robocopy gets to 94.4% of the file though, it starts bombing
> out saying that "The handle is invalid."  The whole message is...
> -----------------------------------------
> 2008/07/07 14:25:20 ERROR 6 (0x00000006) Copying File \servershare
> file
> The handle is invalid.
> Waiting 30 seconds... Retrying...
> -----------------------------------------
> It just sits there and keeps retrying.  If I kill the job and try to
> restart it, it starts over from the begining, the /ZB switch isn't
> working.
> Is there some size limit for robocopy?  I could have sworn that I've
> copied files larger than this with no problem, but this one just won't
> take.
> For reference, I'm copying from sbs2003 SP2 to vista SP1.
> Any ideas???
> Thanks,
> Mesan

Sorry - it turns out I was running out of space on the drive. I guess
I could pass the blame on to a bogus error message (why didn't it say
"insufficient space" instead of "handle is invalid"???) but in the end
it's my fault.

Have a great day.

Mauricio Rivas

Robocopy job errorl with "The handle is invalid"

I had the same problem and couldn't find the solution anywhere. So I started to add and get rid of flags. When I removed the /b flag (copy in backup operator mode), my backup ran fine. I hope this helps you.

Mesan wrote:

Robocopy job errorl with "The handle is invalid" on a large (161GB) file

I'm trying to use robocopy to do a restartable-copy (/ZB) of a backup
image from my server to a full-disk encrypted (truecrypt) hard drive.
Whenever robocopy gets to 94.4% of the file though, it starts bombing
out saying that "The handle is invalid." The whole message is...
2008/07/07 14:25:20 ERROR 6 (0x00000006) Copying File \\server\share
The handle is invalid.
Waiting 30 seconds... Retrying...

It just sits there and keeps retrying. If I kill the job and try to
restart it, it starts over from the begining, the /ZB switch isn't

Is there some size limit for robocopy? I could have sworn that I've
copied files larger than this with no problem, but this one just won't

For reference, I'm copying from sbs2003 SP2 to vista SP1.

Any ideas???



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