RE: Malware- tcexfst.sys


Mick Murphy

Download and install SpyBot S & D, and scan in Safe mode.

Spybot Search & Destroy 1.6 is a very good, FREE Anti-Spyware Program.
Download, install, update, and immunize your System with it.
Then SCAN with it.
Update it, and scan your System once a fortnight.

Important re: Safe Mode
If you happen to find a problem that you can’t uninstall / delete, reboot
the computer, and go into Safe Mode.
To get into Safe mode, tap F8 right at Power On / Startup, and use UP arrow
key to get to Safe Mode from list of options, then hit ENTER.
RESCAN your computer with Anti-virus and Spybot S & D while in Safe Mode

Mick Murphy - Qld - Australia

"Doug" wrote:

> Has any one seen this on a system? tcexfst.sys
> There is only 1 site on the web that seems to have heard of this file,
> It is listed as a process in the Task Manager.
> It will start + stop audio on its own. Like for 10 seconds then stop.
> I think it is very new. Like a few days old.
> Doug
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