Stan Starinski

Your reaction is due to yourself being an overachiever who's been thru hard
times - hence you get irritated by those who complain.

However I decided to reveal facts which were apparently escaping from
coworkers - there're those who thought living in President's house & having
an office was somehow an unfair advantage. Truth is I am sitting on a $82K
debt with portions of running at 21% and no sight of relief, old and one
sick parent (71 and 60 years old), penniless, in a horrible apartment and
it'll take years to get back on feet or do something wild (get a dangerous
Government job or move to extreme locations e.g. Alaska to make money

Here's my point:

1. Not being born here and not having been thru an Ivy League University is
an automatic block & an opressing thought for someone who started at some of
world's best Engineering schools. Yep I didn't advertise this before... I
started at St. Petersburg State Polytech University, ranked next under just
MIT, Caltech or Stanford. My father was a big boss, let's leave him alone -
a long story.
But one day you land in JFK airport and suddenly become rubbish, because
your superpower Soviet Union collapeses in a span of several months, money
becomes paper my pocket is loaded with $20 bill ONLY!! My parents had a
seven thousands though after selling an apartment (crazy, an apartment for
only $7K!). I was targeted by Soviet Army for forced recruitment to go kill
Afghans and Chechens, and eventually get killed myself.
People like Obama were pushed thru Ivy league and had extensive, established
families in the US - at least on mother's side. I recently realized my
University is garbage, even shoved it to the bottom of Resume. It took 6
years of my life, now I need money for MIT, Caltech, Stanford or
CooperUnion, where? Unless it falls form the sky. To this day my dream of
MIT or Stanford has never come true, and despite being in late 30's I still
plan to get thru a 'real" college, not City Freaking College of New York
which ceased to be a good school since European immigrants abandoned it and
were replaced with **** we all need to hear truth, CCNY is junk now.
can't solve quadratic equations, forget about Electromagentics.
Of course College is what you make of it, not a brand, but the difficulty of
proving that you're not a donkey is indeed there when your alma mater is not
Harvard or Yale - my x-bosses, busines owners and one of them shown on CNN
headline news, powerful people - several of them graduated form CCNY, and so
did Andrew Grove - founder & chairman of Intel Corp, Colin Powel x-US State
Secretary, 2 Astronauts (Mario Runco), etc - but when? People weren't
taking me as seriously as someone with MIT on Resume.
My other boss - Mr. Sebor eventually became a large Civil Engineering firm
owner, he told me he mocked all those b****'s who didin't want to hire him
b/c of City College when he was in his 20's, while in the end in late 30's
he made a fortune and far more progress than countless dorks with Harvard
degrees. It's what YOU make it, not a brand, but the difficulty is there!!
Keyspan CEO who also graduated from this School and Matthe Goldstein can
tell stories of struggle.

2. Living on the streets is different for women - society does not tolerate
it, somebody gets worried about you, the Social workers, your family - women
rarely get into such situations long term. Society allows men to be homless
for LIFE, Western countries spend 3/4 (75%!!!!!) of Healthcare budgets on
The burden of raising children however lies with them - I agree, but men are
expected to fight, bring most income and DIE and nobody cares. Everyone is
talking about breast cancer, not about men's health.
It's hard to be an abandoned woman, especially with large family.
I however have absolutely no one, no one to call. My parents only managed
minimum-wage jobs due to language, and for a Civil Engineer & project
Manager for 30+ years, and Army officer for 7 years and all kinds of
management positions that my father held in Europe, he only managed to be a
Lighting Assembler at $7/hour here, $7.25 or so was his top and he is now 71
years old.
I do have 2 people as burden worse than children (my mom's been serious ill
for decades, pulling up and back into same condition over the years).

3. I am going to change last name ***ski (mother's) to *****
(father's) - German sounding. Or King George.
One day I thought about going to and file for a legal name
change to "George King" - pure AngloSaxon, just like Larry King (famous CNN
personality) did - his real name was so freaking EasternEuropean/jewish or
Grove - CEO of Intel Corporation, most famous electronics transnational corp
eve - he graduated from City College, yay!! My school, but when? Decades
ago when it wasn't ****, his rela name was Andras Graaf.
Yes I am not joking, changing name is probably the next move, my half-sister
used to be Alla ********, now she is Alexia ****** (husband's lastname) and
former NYC model when she was 18-21. She was famous... after changing name,
ohh did I say I have no family support, no sister? OK, she is HALF-sister
and their side is at war with my father who is her father, so essentially
she doesn't exist. My father left her mom when she was 4 years old and she
can't forgive that, even though her mother deserved it. My father's x-wife
was and is DUMB, she spent time in restaurants, doing nothing and wanted my
father to learn shoe-making instead of becoming a professional Civil
Engineer, what a career move... so 4 years later he married my mom, who is
made of gold (my mom is everything for us). - huge difference. But Ms.
Rees, being 41 years old (she is 4 years older than me) still doesn't talk
so I have no sister
I tried several times but they're numb and enjoy
$Millions her husband makes running a Translation business and before that
he worked on Wall Street, these guys never look at prices and live in a
giant apartment near Battery Park, luxury skyscraper).

So, lack of family - sisters/brothers is such a hammering negative factor.
Even to open a business you betetr have a partner, and most successful
people are rooted in large, extensive families. Ours has dispersed accross
the World - Austria, Germany, Russia, Belorussia, Canada, SouthAfrica,
Argentina, China... nobody knows who is what anymore.
And this name "ski" + being totally isolated from society for 5+ YEARS due
to language doesn't help - when you're over 20, your brain is hard-wired &
unlike a teenager learning a new, unrelated language (not like Italians
learning Spanish, or French learning Portuguese, or Germans learning English
which are inter-related)

But having ranted for half-page, I must admit:
You're one heck of a powerful personality we can learn from. Some people
are to be remembered, some to be forgotten - you're to be remembered. I had
another coworker back to college graduation years, at KirbyLester Inc in
Connecticut, also a colorful and assertive personality like yourself.
****ad was distressted the day you quit - approached me after weeks of zero
communication and attempted to strike a convo, I ran away into the basement
pretending to talk "later".

Alright, have a good night.
SS in NYC.

*******************Original Message ********************

Do you realize in this message you wrote that it is an Oh poor me statement-
don't take this wrong, please but we all have our sob stories and just
because you weren't born int he US makes you no different.
I had 4 children- had them taken away- was kicked out of the home I bought-
and lived in a car for a month without seeing my own children for 4 months
because of an ___ hole!!
This was all my fault, I take responsibility- see what I could or should
have done different and didn't.
I own that-realize that I do have worth- that I don't need to rely on
people- I can make my own future.
****ad will do nothing but appease you while he uses you- and possibly you
use him-maybe it's mutual, and for the time being you are ok with that. I
have been there and do not pass judgement.
However I can tell you I have been there- done the same things you're doing-
and later regretted that I didn't feel myself was worth more -sooner.
Just like raising children- you wish they would learn from your mistakes-
not make them- and take your advice and they would be so much better off at
the age you are at- if they would just listen with blind faith. We all know
that doesn't happen or we would be a super human race by now.

I wish you the best in life- you ARE a very smart person-have opinions that
matter- and you need NO ONE- One day you will realize that- until then I
will continue to love and value you as the friend that you are. On another
note- I will be going out of town from July 17th until the 28th so if I do
not respond to e-mail at that time, I am not ignoring you I just really am
taking vacation which means back to the old days- No e-mail etc. Just
lazing in the sun and enjoying non-technical life!!

Love ya,



Stan Starinski wrote:

> Your reaction is due to yourself being an overachiever who's been thru hard
> times - hence you get irritated by those who complain.

Um, and just WHO are you talking to? You started a NEW thread. You did
not reply to an existing one. So you're talking to the voices in your

Peter Foldes

Troll Alert

Troll Alert


Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.

Jim Moriarty

Re: Troll Alert

"Peter Foldes" wrote:

>Troll Alert

That was about as foolish/useless a post as the "SPAM" post you chided
someone about a couple days ago.

Stan Starinski

Talking to former co-worker, an assertive woman, with male mindset yet
raising 5 children, a typically stornh Irish personality.
Only 3 years older than me - yet much to learn from her.

Tom Willett

Why are you talking to her in this newsgroup?

"Stan Starinski" wrote in
message news:OjOpfFdBKHA.5040@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
: Talking to former co-worker, an assertive woman, with male mindset yet
: raising 5 children, a typically stornh Irish personality.
: Only 3 years older than me - yet much to learn from her.

Tom Willett

Re: Troll Alert

Peter thinks he provides a service by telling everyone about SPAM, when in
fact it's ridiculous.

"Jim Moriarty" wrote in message
: "Peter Foldes" wrote:
: >Troll Alert
: That was about as foolish/useless a post as the "SPAM" post you chided
: someone about a couple days ago.

Manfred Hollings

"Stan Starinski" wrote in
message news:OjOpfFdBKHA.5040@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> Talking to former co-worker, an assertive woman, with male mindset yet
> raising 5 children, a typically stornh Irish personality.
> Only 3 years older than me - yet much to learn from her.

Like where to purchase a brain?

Manfred Hollings

"Tom Willett" wrote in message
> Why are you talking to her in this newsgroup?

Because he is an idiot.
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