Re: A Message 4 Spankey De Monkey: I Love Glenn Beck And Bill O'Reilly!


Stan Starinski

If you think you're hated, I have good news for you.
We're all like you.
By "we" I mean hard-working professional people of certain descent (not
mentioning explicitly here), who do not expect government handouts, whose IQ
level is above you know what...
I was born/raised in that largest country on Earth which proved (for 1/6
Eargh's surface area) that it's sheet and swimming in sheet since 1917.

Linux is like that. Free products is the beginning of introduction of
communism where nobody is moptivated to WORK.
Since you get stuff from the government. I wonder when is Alias's next
welfare check? Or is he too lazy toeven pick it up so he sends his home
attenadt appointed by the City?

And a surprise.
I too like Glenn Back & Bill O-Reilly. If it was upto me, I'd love to see
the man become US President. But it won't happen. because we're
permanently screwed thanks to Kennedy.
I sa "we" because I've been here for 17 years - over half of life., and
because i know America is the greatest country on Earth, after Western
Europe and Japan.

i am not being sarcastic. Beck is a clown indeed, he is excessively
eccentric, he can say nutty things for someone over 40, but for the most
part he speaks what many of us are have in min dbut afraid to tell.
Borders should be sealed, allies should not be betrayed, Cex predators
should be isolated, President should not be worshipped as God, prayer & oath
of allegiance should not be attacked in schools, Gay Marriage is an
oxymoron, and so on.

I was THAT conservative since 20. It''s not like I am 60 years old clingin
to the "past".
it''s just that after a decasde of struggle, you get to a certain level and
you don't want to squander it tyo a-holes who receive welfare, foodstamps,
etc sitting on their fat ass.
if you win a lottery it's one thing, if you have to work for that first
$Million, you really see the world in a proper light.

National health Insurance now they want.... it's robbery. Redistributuon of
wealth from people who work hard, to losers who stage revolutions and
demonstrations because they're too lazy to spend time working


"Stan Starinski" wrote in message
> If you think you're hated, I have good news for you.
> We're all like you.
> By "we" I mean hard-working professional people of certain descent (not
> mentioning explicitly here), who do not expect government handouts, whose
> IQ
> level is above you know what...

By evidence of your posts what...... must be 70.


"Stan Starinski" wrote in message
> If you think you're hated, I have good news for you.
> We're all like you.
> By "we" I mean hard-working professional people of certain descent (not
> mentioning explicitly here), who do not expect government handouts, whose
> IQ
> level is above you know what...
> I was born/raised in that largest country on Earth which proved (for 1/6
> Eargh's surface area) that it's sheet and swimming in sheet since 1917.
> Linux is like that. Free products is the beginning of introduction of
> communism where nobody is moptivated to WORK.
> Since you get stuff from the government. I wonder when is Alias's next
> welfare check? Or is he too lazy toeven pick it up so he sends his home
> attenadt appointed by the City?
> And a surprise.

> I too like Glenn Back & Bill O-Reilly. If it was upto me, I'd love to see
> the man become US President. But it won't happen. because we're
> permanently screwed thanks to Kennedy.
> I sa "we" because I've been here for 17 years - over half of life., and
> because i know America is the greatest country on Earth, after Western
> Europe and Japan.
> i am not being sarcastic. Beck is a clown indeed, he is excessively
> eccentric, he can say nutty things for someone over 40, but for the most
> part he speaks what many of us are have in min dbut afraid to tell.
> Borders should be sealed, allies should not be betrayed, Cex predators
> should be isolated, President should not be worshipped as God, prayer &
> oath
> of allegiance should not be attacked in schools, Gay Marriage is an
> oxymoron, and so on.
> I was THAT conservative since 20. It''s not like I am 60 years old
> clingin
> to the "past".
> it''s just that after a decasde of struggle, you get to a certain level
> and
> you don't want to squander it tyo a-holes who receive welfare, foodstamps,
> etc sitting on their fat ass.
> if you win a lottery it's one thing, if you have to work for that first
> $Million, you really see the world in a proper light.
> National health Insurance now they want.... it's robbery. Redistributuon
> of
> wealth from people who work hard, to losers who stage revolutions and
> demonstrations because they're too lazy to spend time working

I feel sorry for you. Probably because of your own inadequacies and sense of
failure, you seem to be filled with hatred.

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