General Info:
Windows Server ENT 2003 SP2 Current with updates.
Page File 4095 on E: and 800 on C:
Clients are Windows XP SP2 and SP3
RDP is 6.0 and 6.1.
14 Gig Ram
This is a VMware guest on ESX 3.5
The image sits on a SAN with 4 Gig fiber connecting it to the ESX server.
I am trying to find a way to see how much memory is being used by each user.
I can go two weeks with people using the system with no problems. Anywhere
between 1 user to 30 users and never get over 4 gigs commit charge total.
Then it will climb to 9 gigs and hang all day. I check the server at the end
of the day and I am the only person on the system and it is still at 9 gigs.
It has not BS yet. I end up restarting it. Also when all the users logoff I
check the processes to see if any apps are hung. I am not seeing anything.
I am thinking a print problem but not sure.
Windows Server ENT 2003 SP2 Current with updates.
Page File 4095 on E: and 800 on C:
Clients are Windows XP SP2 and SP3
RDP is 6.0 and 6.1.
14 Gig Ram
This is a VMware guest on ESX 3.5
The image sits on a SAN with 4 Gig fiber connecting it to the ESX server.
I am trying to find a way to see how much memory is being used by each user.
I can go two weeks with people using the system with no problems. Anywhere
between 1 user to 30 users and never get over 4 gigs commit charge total.
Then it will climb to 9 gigs and hang all day. I check the server at the end
of the day and I am the only person on the system and it is still at 9 gigs.
It has not BS yet. I end up restarting it. Also when all the users logoff I
check the processes to see if any apps are hung. I am not seeing anything.
I am thinking a print problem but not sure.