Re: Vista 7 upgrade?



"Vadim Igorev" wrote in message
> Will MicroSoft return my money for Vista Home Premium (Toshiba laptop) and
> Vista Ultimate (HP desktop) me and my wife bought on the hype in early
> 2007? Her laptop wireless is still hardly usable, and I had numerous
> troubles with Vista itself and peripherals in the last 2 years (why did we
> not stick to XP instead?)
> I will not be "upgrading" to Vista 7 or whatever other oncoming hack by
> MS, unless the chair-thrower returns my money with 2-year interest and
> apologies.

Vista worked perfectly OK here on my Toshiba - would a car manufacturer
allow you to swap a vehicle nearly TWO years old?


"Vadim Igorev" wrote in message
> Karen Jayne Panzke wrote:
>> One thing for sure stay away from that CRAPPY Ubuntu that is INFERIOR to
>> everything else.

> I'll stay away from Ubuntu, promise. There was a substantial pressure back
> in 2007 to upgrade to Vista - we could not find a decent laptop at
> CircuitCity without Vista on it in March 2007. Our system administrator
> (who does not work there anymore, btw) was raving about how different and
> great will be the Vista experience and how obsolete and grayish is XP
> comparing to Vista. I got an important lesson in life - adult colleagues
> of yours, whom you trust, may lie shamelessly, being, apparently, funded
> by MicroSoft.

So you bought a laptop with Vista already installed? Do you know how much
you actually paid for the Vista component of the laptop? VERY LITTLE.
So don't talk about paying good money for Vista because you didn't.


Re: Refund from MicroSoft? Re: Vista 7 upgrade?

"Vadim Igorev" wrote in message
> Gordon wrote:
>> So you bought a laptop with Vista already installed? Do you know how much
>> you actually paid for the Vista component of the laptop? VERY LITTLE.
>> So don't talk about paying good money for Vista because you didn't.

> I do not know precise price, thanks to MicroSoft hiding it from retail
> customers like me, because, you know what? I would long time request the
> refund and return the Vista license(s) back to MicroSoft.

I'm sorry, but if you are only now complaining about Vista performance after
OVER TWO YEARS then no-one is going to listen to you...


Re: Refund from MicroSoft? Re: Vista 7 upgrade?

On Oct 15, 7:05 pm, Vadim Igorev wrote:
> Gordon wrote:
> > So you bought a laptop with Vista already installed? Do you know how
> > much you actually paid for the Vista component of the laptop? VERY LITTLE.
> > So don't talk about paying good money for Vista because you didn't.

> I do not know precise price, thanks to MicroSoft hiding it from retail
> customers like me, because, you know what? I would long time request the
> refund and return the Vista license(s) back to MicroSoft.

You have purchased these PCs from another company besides Microsoft.
It is those companies who has hid the prices of Vista since they
included Vista on their products and not Microsoft.


Re: Refund from MicroSoft? Re: Vista 7 upgrade?

DanS wrote:
> Frank wrote in news:4ad77490$
>>> Windows7 is, in reality, Vista SP3.

>> Sorry dan-o but it isn't.
>> It is built on Vista's then new technology,

> Not any 'new' technology,...

For one thing, off loading video functions to the VC is very much
different technology than XP uses.

mostly just changes on the security model, and
> driver model. All the 'new' technology was sh*t-canned from Longhorn beta
> to get Vista out the door in 2007, for instance, WinFS.

If you remember...(you do remember don't you dan-o?)...WinFS never
worked as it was supposed was actually a step backwards.
>> but it is different enough to be a new, separate OS from Microsoft.

> different as Windows98 and Windows98 SE.

So what will you call Vista SP3 when it comes out?


Re: Refund from MicroSoft? Re: Vista 7 upgrade?

Frank wrote in news:4ad78064$

> DanS wrote:
>> Frank wrote in news:4ad77490$
>>>> Windows7 is, in reality, Vista SP3.
>>> Sorry dan-o but it isn't.

>>> It is built on Vista's then new technology,

>> Not any 'new' technology,...
> For one thing, off loading video functions to the VC is very much
> different technology than XP uses.

It's a new implementation of existing technologies, but not necessarily

"WDDM provides the functionality required to render the desktop and
applications using Desktop Window Manager, a compositing window manager
running on top of Direct3D 9.0".


So what MS did was to re-write the window manager and the driver model to
utilize DirectX instead of writing to the screen directly via CPU power.

That's what all the popular 3D games have been doing for a very long time,
already using DirectX, so it's not really new technology.


Re: Refund from MicroSoft? Re: Vista 7 upgrade?

Frank wrote in news:4ad79bc5$

>>>>>> Windows7 is, in reality, Vista SP3.

>>>>> Sorry dan-o but it isn't.

>>>>> It is built on Vista's then new technology,

>>>> Not any 'new' technology,...

>>> For one thing, off loading video functions to the VC is very much

>>> different technology than XP uses.

>> It's a new implementation of existing technologies, but not
>> necessarily new.

> DuH!!!...that is what I just said dan-o.

No, you said Windows7 was built on Vista's then new technology.

Which wasn't new technology.

>> "WDDM provides the functionality required to render the desktop and
>> applications using Desktop Window Manager, a compositing window
>> manager running on top of Direct3D 9.0".
>> (
>> So what MS did was to re-write the window manager and the driver
>> model to utilize DirectX instead of writing to the screen directly
>> via CPU power.
>> That's what all the popular 3D games have been doing for a very long
>> time, already using DirectX, so it's not really new technology.

> As I said, it is one of the real differences between XP & Vista. Get
> over it dan-o, Vista is much better than XP and Windows 7 is not Vista
> SP3. Live with it chum!

A 'difference' is not new technology. That's all I was saying. Many
believe Windows7 is Vista SP3, just as Vista was the second coming of ME.

Live with it.

Now, I'm done with you in this thread. Off you go.........chum.


Re: Refund from MicroSoft? Re: Vista 7 upgrade?

DanS wrote:
> Frank wrote in news:4ad79bc5$
>>>>>>> Windows7 is, in reality, Vista SP3.

>>>>>> Sorry dan-o but it isn't.

>>>>>> It is built on Vista's then new technology,

>>>>> Not any 'new' technology,...

>>>> For one thing, off loading video functions to the VC is very much

>>>> different technology than XP uses.

>>> It's a new implementation of existing technologies, but not
>>> necessarily new.

>> DuH!!!...that is what I just said dan-o.
> No, you said Windows7 was built on Vista's then new technology.
> Which wasn't new technology.

Actually if you read the "white paper" you'll see that it really is a
"new technology implementation".
>>> "WDDM provides the functionality required to render the desktop and
>>> applications using Desktop Window Manager, a compositing window
>>> manager running on top of Direct3D 9.0".
>>> (
>>> So what MS did was to re-write the window manager and the driver
>>> model to utilize DirectX instead of writing to the screen directly
>>> via CPU power.
>>> That's what all the popular 3D games have been doing for a very long
>>> time, already using DirectX, so it's not really new technology.

>> As I said, it is one of the real differences between XP & Vista. Get
>> over it dan-o, Vista is much better than XP and Windows 7 is not Vista
>> SP3. Live with it chum!
> A 'difference' is not new technology. That's all I was saying. Many
> believe Windows7 is Vista SP3, just as Vista was the second coming of ME.

Only a few you...certainly not "many".
> Live with it.

You live with're the one who thinks that way...certainly not
the majority.
> Now, I'm done with you in this thread. Off you go.........chum.

Food is "done" and you're the one I'm finished with, *chump*.


Re: Refund from MicroSoft? Re: Vista 7 upgrade?

Spanky de Monkey, ESQ wrote:
> "Alias" wrote in message
> news:hb7u9j$q97$
>> Vadim Igorev wrote:
>>> Alias wrote:
>>>> I bet installing Ubuntu wouldn't be a problem ...
>>> I do not know. Anyway, "Karen Jayne Panzke" prohibited me from doing so.

>> LOL!
>> Alias
> Bet you never heard that one before! Another user decided not to use
> that INFERIOR Ubuntu piece of crap that NOBODY wants.

Don't understand sarcasm, eh? Everyone act surprised.


Kevin John Panzke

Re: Refund from MicroSoft? Re: Vista 7 upgrade?

On Oct 15, 2:14 pm, Frank wrote:
> DanS wrote:
> > Vadim Igorev wrote innews:hb7p2h$3hp$

> >> Gordon wrote:

> >>> I'm sorry, but if you are only now complaining about Vista performance
> >>> after OVER TWO YEARS then no-one is going to listen to you...
> >> I'm complaining now, because I feel deja-vu all over again - all those
> >> shills online badmouthing Vista 1 and preaching Vista 7, as they were
> >> badmouthing XP 2 years ago in 2007 and pushing me and my wife to
> >> "upgrade" to Vista. What I'm trying to say is: "Fool me once, thank you
> >> very much". Vista is actually usable now after all those service packs
> >> (wifi on the laptop still drops regularly, though). Would I have my
> >> current knowledge of life, I'd happily continued to use XP up to 2010 at
> >> least (that is, until SP1 for Vista 7 is released)

> > Windows7 is, in reality, Vista SP3.

> Sorry dan-o but it isn't. It is built on Vista's then new technology,
> but it is different enough to be a new, separate OS from Microsoft.
> No SP could ever change Vista into Windows 7, therefore Windows 7 is not
> Vista SP3.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Vladimir Petrov

Vista vs Windows 7 - upgrade or SP3? Re: Refund from MicroSoft? Re:Vista 7 upgrade?

You, guys, screwed up with your ad hominem a very interesting discussion
about difference between Vista SP2 and Windows 7, and whether the costly
upgrade (vs free SP3) is justified.

Vladimir Petrov

Re: Refund from MicroSoft? Re: Vista 7 upgrade?

You, guys, screwed up with your ad hominem a very interesting discussion
about differences between Vista SP2 and Windows 7, and whether the
costly upgrade (vs free SP3) is justified.


Re: Vista vs Windows 7 - upgrade or SP3? Re: Refund from MicroSoft?

Vladimir Petrov wrote:
> You, guys, screwed up with your ad hominem a very interesting discussion
> about difference between Vista SP2 and Windows 7, and whether the costly
> upgrade (vs free SP3) is justified.

Get a life!


Re: Vista vs Windows 7 - upgrade or SP3? Re: Refund from MicroSoft? Re: Vista 7 upgrade?

you, guy, make no sense.

Windows 7 RC

"Vladimir Petrov" wrote in message
> You, guys, screwed up with your ad hominem a very interesting discussion
> about difference between Vista SP2 and Windows 7, and whether the costly
> upgrade (vs free SP3) is justified.

Vista Succubus Hunter

Re: Vista vs Windows 7 - upgrade or SP3? Re: Refund from MicroSoft?

Dave wrote:
> you, guy, make no sense.

What else is new?


Vista vs Windows 7 - upgrade or SP3? Re: Refund from MicroSoft? Re:Vista 7 upgrade?

Vladimir Petrov1171240 Wrote:
> You, guys, screwed up with your ad hominem a very interesting discussion
> about difference between Vista SP2 and Windows 7, and whether the
> costly
> upgrade (vs free SP3) is justified.

Vladimir, I tried to give you a reasonable logic/explanation in your
other thread. What's your problem now?

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