Re: I thought Ubuntu was easy to install:



On Fri, 16 Oct 2009 10:09:19 -0700, Bill Yanaire wrote:

> Here are some samples of problems taken from the Ubuntuforums a few
> minutes ago. I guess Ubuntu still sucks:
> missing task bars on start up

> Hello all, I am new to the wonderful world of linux. I don't know if
> this is where the thread should go but here goes. I just re-installed
> ubuntu 9.04 on my acer netbook ( I have been running ubuntu 9.04 for a
> few months now on this laptop with no problems). after I made a clean
> install I logged on and installed a couple apps. When the update manager
> came up i installed. Then it needed a reeboot. I rebooted. now there is
> only my wallpaper and mouse. I can right click and change the wall paper
> and add a folder..... I don't have the taskbars to do anything though.
> what happened? Is there a conflict? or a way to get the task bars?
> should I re-install? any help would be greatly appreciated.
> -york629.

> Problems with nvidia driver after upgrade to jaunty
> I just upgraded to jaunty and upgrade went ok, however after installing
> the proprietary nvidia driver (forgive me, I don't have the version
> number at hand - 818 or so), the system boots into safe-graphic mode
> with (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module! (EE)
> NVIDIA(0): *** Aborting ***
> in the Xorg.log.
> Checking with lsmod, it looks like the nvidia kernel is indeed not
> loaded.
> I've attached lspci and lsmod output along with xorg log and conf files.
> I'd appreciate any hint on why this isn't working.

> Hi all
> I just reinstalled 8.04 and it keeps freezing on me. I have run into
> threads that indicate that issue is caused by the kernel and that an
> updated kernel could resolve it.
> Unfortunately, hardy freezes everytime I attempt to install
> kernel-package to update the kernel.

> grub 2 doesnt let me boot ubuntu

> when i boot my laptop it has the grub 1 menu and at the top it says that
> i am using debain (not ubuntu like i am) and when i try to load grub 2
> or "debian" (witch is ubuntu)it says error 11: unrecognised device
> string im using windows on the same laptop so at least i can boot into
> that is there anything i can do to get ubuntu back thanks

> UNetbootin error while installing openSUSE from Ubuntu using downloaded
> .iso

> I'm trying to install openSUSE from Ubuntu 8.10 on another partition
> using UNetbootin thru downloaded
> openSUSE-11.1-Beta4-GNOME-LiveCD-i686.iso
> On UNetbootin interface, in order to select the partition where I want
> to install openSUSE I have to select 'USB Drive' to get '/dev/sdb1'. If
> I select 'Hard Disk' under 'Type', I get only one option of '/' under
> 'Drive', and 'Show All Drives' becomes grayed out.
> Provided path to downloaded openSUSE ISO under 'Diskimage' and upon
> hitting OK, UNetbootin generated 654 MB
> 'openSUSE-11.1-read-only.i686-2.7.0' file, boot folder & bunch of other
> files in /dev/sdb1.
> Next I added two entries into Ubunu grub:
> :::::
> title Option# 1: /boot/i386/loader/linux root (hd1,0)
> kernel /boot/i386/loader/linux
> initrd /boot/i386/loader/initrd
> title Option# 2: /ubnkern
> root (hd1,0)
> kernel /ubnkern
> initrd /ubninit
> :::::
> Rebooting with either option I get stuck at following:
> :::::
> Loading KIWI CD Boot-System....
> Waiting for CD/DVD device(s) to appear... Mounting CD/DVD drive
> Couldn't find CD image configuration file rebootException: error
> consoles at ALT-F3/F4 rebootException: reboot in 120 sec...

> screwed during fresh install of 9.04

> Why is it that after all these years trying to use Ubuntu that I am
> still in the dark and having to come here to find a fix ?
> Maybe Ubuntu developers should be able to use Windows before they start
> programming Linux ? Sorry if that hurts, but it might help Windose users
> to migrate smoothly to a point where they can reliably use the Ubuntu OS
> for business purposes.
> OK, gripe begins.
> This is not the first time that a supposed simple update of Ubuntu
> trashed the installation and the other OS which was on the machine.
> OK 8 had it's weaknesses but try installing 9.04 on an ordinary old
> Toshiba Satalite laptop, one that doesn't have a wide screen and what do
> I get, a wide screen during installation which means I can't use the
> Option to specify the partition size as the end of the slider has
> disappeared off the screen.
> Any ideas how I progress so I can dual boot with XP, and choose the
> partition size for Ubuntu 9.04 ? I only have 30Gb to share between 'em,
> I would like 10Gb for Linux.
> I have a BSc in this game and it doesn't appear to be much use when
> using Ubuntu. There always seems to be some catch.
> And this is it. Now there isn't enough space on the hard drive to share
> 9.04 with Windows XP.
> It requires at least 20 Gb ! Durrr !
> I give up. Windows it will be now until hell freezes over !

Quite easy if you have room temperature IQ and can read. Only problems
I've ever experienced were quickly traced back to hardware errors.


On Fri, 16 Oct 2009 11:04:35 -0700, Bill Yanaire wrote:

> "ray" wrote in message
>> On Fri, 16 Oct 2009 10:09:19 -0700, Bill Yanaire wrote:
>>> Here are some samples of problems taken from the Ubuntuforums a few
>>> minutes ago. I guess Ubuntu still sucks:
>>> missing task bars on start up

>>> Hello all, I am new to the wonderful world of linux. I don't know if
>>> this is where the thread should go but here goes. I just re-installed
>>> ubuntu 9.04 on my acer netbook ( I have been running ubuntu 9.04 for a
>>> few months now on this laptop with no problems). after I made a clean
>>> install I logged on and installed a couple apps. When the update
>>> manager came up i installed. Then it needed a reeboot. I rebooted. now
>>> there is only my wallpaper and mouse. I can right click and change the
>>> wall paper and add a folder..... I don't have the taskbars to do
>>> anything though. what happened? Is there a conflict? or a way to get
>>> the task bars? should I re-install? any help would be greatly
>>> appreciated.
>>> -york629.

>>> Problems with nvidia driver after upgrade to jaunty
>>> I just upgraded to jaunty and upgrade went ok, however after
>>> installing the proprietary nvidia driver (forgive me, I don't have the
>>> version number at hand - 818 or so), the system boots into
>>> safe-graphic mode with (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to load the NVIDIA
>>> kernel module! (EE) NVIDIA(0): *** Aborting ***
>>> in the Xorg.log.
>>> Checking with lsmod, it looks like the nvidia kernel is indeed not
>>> loaded.
>>> I've attached lspci and lsmod output along with xorg log and conf
>>> files. I'd appreciate any hint on why this isn't working.

>>> Hi all
>>> I just reinstalled 8.04 and it keeps freezing on me. I have run into
>>> threads that indicate that issue is caused by the kernel and that an
>>> updated kernel could resolve it.
>>> Unfortunately, hardy freezes everytime I attempt to install
>>> kernel-package to update the kernel.

>>> grub 2 doesnt let me boot ubuntu

>>> when i boot my laptop it has the grub 1 menu and at the top it says
>>> that i am using debain (not ubuntu like i am) and when i try to load
>>> grub 2 or "debian" (witch is ubuntu)it says error 11: unrecognised
>>> device string im using windows on the same laptop so at least i can
>>> boot into that is there anything i can do to get ubuntu back thanks

>>> UNetbootin error while installing openSUSE from Ubuntu using
>>> downloaded
>>> .iso

>>> I'm trying to install openSUSE from Ubuntu 8.10 on another partition
>>> using UNetbootin thru downloaded
>>> openSUSE-11.1-Beta4-GNOME-LiveCD-i686.iso
>>> On UNetbootin interface, in order to select the partition where I want
>>> to install openSUSE I have to select 'USB Drive' to get '/dev/sdb1'.
>>> If I select 'Hard Disk' under 'Type', I get only one option of '/'
>>> under 'Drive', and 'Show All Drives' becomes grayed out.
>>> Provided path to downloaded openSUSE ISO under 'Diskimage' and upon
>>> hitting OK, UNetbootin generated 654 MB
>>> 'openSUSE-11.1-read-only.i686-2.7.0' file, boot folder & bunch of
>>> other files in /dev/sdb1.
>>> Next I added two entries into Ubunu grub:
>>> :::::
>>> title Option# 1: /boot/i386/loader/linux root (hd1,0) kernel
>>> /boot/i386/loader/linux
>>> initrd /boot/i386/loader/initrd
>>> title Option# 2: /ubnkern
>>> root (hd1,0)
>>> kernel /ubnkern
>>> initrd /ubninit
>>> :::::
>>> Rebooting with either option I get stuck at following:
>>> :::::
>>> Loading KIWI CD Boot-System....
>>> Waiting for CD/DVD device(s) to appear... Mounting CD/DVD drive
>>> Couldn't find CD image configuration file rebootException: error
>>> consoles at ALT-F3/F4 rebootException: reboot in 120 sec...

>>> screwed during fresh install of 9.04

>>> Why is it that after all these years trying to use Ubuntu that I am
>>> still in the dark and having to come here to find a fix ?
>>> Maybe Ubuntu developers should be able to use Windows before they
>>> start programming Linux ? Sorry if that hurts, but it might help
>>> Windose users to migrate smoothly to a point where they can reliably
>>> use the Ubuntu OS for business purposes.
>>> OK, gripe begins.
>>> This is not the first time that a supposed simple update of Ubuntu
>>> trashed the installation and the other OS which was on the machine.
>>> OK 8 had it's weaknesses but try installing 9.04 on an ordinary old
>>> Toshiba Satalite laptop, one that doesn't have a wide screen and what
>>> do I get, a wide screen during installation which means I can't use
>>> the Option to specify the partition size as the end of the slider has
>>> disappeared off the screen.
>>> Any ideas how I progress so I can dual boot with XP, and choose the
>>> partition size for Ubuntu 9.04 ? I only have 30Gb to share between
>>> 'em, I would like 10Gb for Linux.
>>> I have a BSc in this game and it doesn't appear to be much use when
>>> using Ubuntu. There always seems to be some catch.
>>> And this is it. Now there isn't enough space on the hard drive to
>>> share 9.04 with Windows XP.
>>> It requires at least 20 Gb ! Durrr !
>>> I give up. Windows it will be now until hell freezes over !

>> Quite easy if you have room temperature IQ and can read. Only problems
>> I've ever experienced were quickly traced back to hardware errors.
> Try telling that to the sorry sacks who still haven't had responses to
> their issues. After reading quite a few of the problems, it seems
> Ubuntu really isn't that friendly. Alias makes it seem like it's a cake
> walk when in reality it isn't. Oops.

If you don't have a room temperature IQ and the ability to read, yeah -
it's a real pisser.
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