Am I correct in understanding that any properly configured and patched
Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise server should automatically "know
about" and apply appropriate daylight savings time rules, provided
that one of the servers in the domain is set up as its NTP server, and
that the NTP server points to a reasonably accurate 'outside' NTP
server, pool.ntp.org??
We have timeclocks that must be reset when DST changes, and for this
they depend on the server to which they communicate.
Thank you, Tom
Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise server should automatically "know
about" and apply appropriate daylight savings time rules, provided
that one of the servers in the domain is set up as its NTP server, and
that the NTP server points to a reasonably accurate 'outside' NTP
server, pool.ntp.org??
We have timeclocks that must be reset when DST changes, and for this
they depend on the server to which they communicate.
Thank you, Tom