This poor guy has never even seen a woman- See what happens in the Linux arena?


Kevin SmallBone

Looks like he is going to do it. I'll bet he has never seen a woman or

touched one. Poor guy. We should take up a collection and send him a

latex women! Maybe he will change his mind.

Friends don't let friends use Linux.

Then you don't have to use it. But either way I'm going to create a little

Ubuntu based distro focused on WindowMaker, just because a lot of people

would use WM, but don't have the slightest inkling how to configure it. This

way it will be preconfigured and ready to roll.

Even if nobody ever installs it to their hard drive, it'll be a live CD so

they can at least see what a well configured WM desktop is like.

It's not going to be a "distro" in the real sense of the word, just a

version optimized for WM for those who care about it. Trust me, there's not

going to be a team of dozens of devs working on it around the clock. It's

something I'm going to put together myself, possibly with the help of one or

two others, and will probably only release a new one once a year or so.

When I got into Linux back in the 90s WM was a really popular option, and I

believe it probably still is. I should have known that I would get negative

responses about it however, on an Ubuntu board. No offense intended because

I use Ubuntu myself because it's solid and well put together, but it is also

a distro for Linux newbies and also for a new generation who don't get 90s

styling at all. As I said, no offense intended to anyway, but it is true.

Do I like standard Ubuntu with Gnome? Sure, I recommend it to everyone.

However one of the desktop environments that I really like, WindowMaker is

more and more falling out of the spotlight and in danger of dying

completely. So I'm going to do what I can to help keep it as popular as

possible. I would have done it no matter what, but all of the nay-sayers

expressing their dislike of WM has only strengthened my resolve to show them

all that WM is actually a very nice window manager.
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