The average user wants to install software.


Heywood Jablowme

What a fucking nightmare.

Last resorts: .rpm and .tar.gz


If you can't find a .deb, you can try a .rpm. These files are packaged for

other Linux distributions (usually Fedora or Mandriva), but there is an

application called alien (which you can install using Synaptic) that allows

you (most of the time) to convert .rpm files to .deb. Read more about this



As a last resort, you can download a .tar.gz file. The .tar.gz file

extension indicates the file is a compressed set of files and folders (the

compressed files you see in Windows usually have a .zip extension). If you

see the .tar.gz, it could be compressed files that have a precompiled binary

file, or it could be compressed files that have the source code allowing you

to compile the application from source.

If you have trouble installing a .tar.gz file, you can ask for help on the

Ubuntu Forums.


Who wants to learn about this? Mr. & Mrs. Bestbuy? Don't think so. Oops.
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