Event viewer now crashes if I attempt to sort by date or time.


Robbie Hatley

Just yesterday, my Event Viewer starting crashing if I click on the

"Time" or "Date" headers. What could cause this? Hopefully the

program itself (mmc or it's event-viewer plugin) is not corrupt.

I'm hoping it's due to something else, like too much data

overflowing a buffer, or some needed service is stopped or disabled.

I see that Dr. Watson records these crashes. He says, for what

(if anything) it's worth:

============ BEGIN DR. WATSON'S REPORT =================================

Application exception occurred:

App: mmc.exe (pid=888)

When: 2010-03-08 @ 00:09:24.875

Exception number: c0000005 (access violation)

*----> System Information Task List 71332715 ff760c push dword ptr [esi+0xc] ds:00b09ee6=????????

71332718 e87b430000 call 71336a98

7133271d 8d45e8 lea eax,[ebp+0xe8] ss:00b781d6=????????

71332720 57 push edi

71332721 50 push eax

71332722 66c745ea0100 mov word ptr [ebp+0xea],0x1 ss:00b781d7=????

71332728 66c745ee0100 mov word ptr [ebp+0xee],0x1 ss:00b781d7=????

7133272e 66c745e8b207 mov word ptr [ebp+0xe8],0x7b2 ss:00b781d7=????

71332734 e8a7430000 call 71336ae0

71332739 e9b7000000 jmp 713327f5

7133273e 668b4614 mov ax,[esi+0x14] ds:00b09ee7=????

71332742 668907 mov [edi],ax ds:00c8b274=0000

*----> Stack Back Trace Raw Stack Dump ......w>...

0006e160 05 51 75 71 00 00 00 00 - 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 .Quq............

0006e170 c4 e3 06 00 3e 11 00 00 - 01 00 00 00 6c e1 06 00 ....>.......l...

0006e180 02 00 00 00 e4 e2 06 00 - 00 9e c6 00 78 01 23 00 ............x.#.

0006e190 00 9e c6 00 78 01 23 00 - f8 9d c6 00 04 00 00 00 ....x.#.........

0006e1a0 01 00 00 00 30 55 09 00 - be 5c 75 71 30 55 09 00 ....0U...\uq0U..

0006e1b0 c4 e3 06 00 3e 11 00 00 - 05 51 75 71 18 41 07 00 ....>....Quq.A..

0006e1c0 b0 e1 06 00 00 00 00 40 - 18 e3 06 00 f4 c8 e5 77 .......@.......w

0006e1d0 30 55 09 00 24 e2 06 00 - b3 57 75 71 30 55 09 00 0U..$....Wuq0U..

0006e1e0 00 00 00 00 1d c8 03 77 - 68 c8 08 77 18 b1 c3 00 .......wh..w....

0006e1f0 10 e2 06 00 54 a4 e3 77 - a4 01 01 00 3e 11 00 00 ....T..w....>...

State Dump for Thread Id 0x458

eax=00083000 ebx=0007fb38 ecx=00bbfbf8 edx=00000000 esi=0007fa08 edi=00000100

eip=77f88b37 esp=00bbfe28 ebp=00bbff74 iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na po nc

cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0038 gs=0000 efl=00000206

function: ZwReplyWaitReceivePortEx

77f88b2c b8ac000000 mov eax,0xac

77f88b31 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:016c9d0f=????????

77f88b35 cd2e int 2e

77f88b37 c21400 ret 0x14

77f88b3a 8bff mov edi,edi

*----> Stack Back Trace Stack Back Trace
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