Big thanks to you all


Vodka Shau

I got the same problem to Himanshu Gohel and I'm so greatful seeing your useful advices. Now, my disk space increase from 144mb sometimes even 77.5mb(Jesus!) to more than 2gb. Anyway, just wanna say thanks a lot!

Have a great day!

JS wrote:

You're welcome, sorry I could notreply back sooner but had 3 power


You're welcome, sorry I could not

reply back sooner but had 3 power outages

today, all at unexpected times!

Now as to why there are there are so many files in C:\Windows\Installer:

You will find a good number of these .MSI files belong to software such as

Java, AV Software, Norton Ghost, Microsoft's .NET Framework, File downloaded

during a Windows Update session and so on. It would appear that some

software will clean up after itself and deletes it is file that were in the

C:\Windows\Installer folder. A failed Windows Update will create and leave

folders and files behind each time you try to install the update and

therefore you could end up with a lot of files taking up disk space.

There also could be a lot of orphaned (no longer needed) files.

Using the msizap command (msizap g) removes any cached Windows Installer

data files that have been orphaned.



Previous Posts In This Thread:

On Sunday, August 02, 2009 1:01 PM

Himanshu Gohel wrote:

WinXP recent updates don't succeed...eats up disk space

Machine info: WinXP Home SP2, IE8, Office 2007, Visual Studio 2005 SP1

Recent spate of updates have made my machine extremely irritable. The

first problem I started noticing is that my C: drive kept filling up and

running low on disk space. Yes, it was a bad partitioning choice, but I

have not managed to correct that error. Anyway I freed up about 1.5Gb to

alleviate the low disk space error and I think some more updates did


Now again today I am down to ~0.5Gb free space. Every time an install

fails, it seems the disk space goes down lower and lower. I do not think

it is any malware - I keep an eye on running processes and also run MS

Forefront Client Security.

Second problems is that if I let automatic updates install updates, the

machine never shuts down...after a few times and finding that the

machine was stuck all night at the "do not shut down your computer"

message, I decided to try and install updates one at a time, manually.

The .NET framework 2.0-3,.5 update succeed. "Security Update for

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 (KB971090)" failed again

(see log below). I believe it is running out of disk space again...does

it really need more than 0.5Gb to install? Remember I started off with

1.5Gb ... how can I recover all this space that I am losing every day?



2009-08-02 12:32:28:140 1296 afc Agent *************

2009-08-02 12:32:28:140 1296 afc Agent ** START ** Agent: Installing

updates [CallerId = MicrosoftUpdate]

2009-08-02 12:32:28:140 1296 afc Agent *********

2009-08-02 12:32:28:140 1296 afc Agent * Updates to install = 1

2009-08-02 12:32:28:140 2072 c9c COMAPI - Updates to install = 1

2009-08-02 12:32:28:140 2072 c9c COMAPI RUN --> type in:

"%ProgramFiles%\Windows Installer Clean Up\msizap.exe" g!

--> Click OK.

(The quotation marks and percentage signs and spacing should be exact.)

Then - check again for the files you found with JDiskReport and the answers

are below (the safest way of getting rid of the garbage is above - if still

there after doing the above, take the following answers.)

1) Yes - delete away.

2) Yes - delete away.

3) Yes - delete away.

4) Yes - delete away.

I would still follow my advice about installing the latest Windows Installer

and Windows Update as well as resetting your Windows Update components

afterwards. Then - after doing all that - with the associated reboots -

visit the web page version of Windows Updates and do a customer


SP3 suggestion is to *install* SP3. -)


Shenan Stanley



How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

On Sunday, August 02, 2009 4:48 PM

Himanshu Gohel wrote:

Re: WinXP recent updates don't succeed...eats up disk space

Shenan Stanley wrote:

( list of duplicate msp files deleted )


Thanks for the suggestion - I followed your instructions and just

running that cleaned up the disk and freed up almost 2Gb on the drive.

So I now have Windows installer 4.5, and because of the fiasco with the

automatic updates, last two-three days I have been going to the web page &

attempting updates. It has not prompted me to download anything new, so

I assume I do have the latest Windows update.

What did all this get me?

Armed with 2.21Gb of free space, I first installed "Security Update for

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 (KB971090)" via the web

page. Free space at one point went down to 0.85Gb, then completed

install, and showed 1.22Gb. After a reboot it showed 1.47Gb free space.

This patch apparently chewed up 800MB of disk space.

Next I installed Office 2007 SP2 using a downloaded exe I had from MSDN.

During installation free space went way down to 263MB at one point,

then after install it came back up to 1.2Gb, and after reboot it is

showing 1.16Gb down from the previous reboot at 1.47Gb. So Office SP2

chewed up about 400MB of disk space.

Lesson learned - with major patches/service packs like this, 2Gb seems

like the minimum free-space requirement although with automatic updates

one would not find that out.

I cannot afford to kill this machine like SP3 did with another PC I had

so I'd like to leave well-enough alone! Topic for another thread though.

Thanks JS and Shenan for your help.



On Sunday, August 02, 2009 5:19 PM

PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:

Why isn't WinXP SP3 installed yet?

Why is not WinXP SP3 installed yet?

About IE7 & IE8 and Windows XP Service Pack 3

I suppose that might answer my question:

The hard disk space requirements for WinXP SP3

You receive error messages if there is insufficient free disk space on the

system drive to install the Windows XP SP3

How to reclaim disk space on a Windows XP-based computer that has a hard

disk capacity of 4 GB or less

Error message when you try to install Windows XP SP3: "You do not have

enough free disk space on %SystemDrive% to archive the uninstall files"

Before installing SP3, you might want to see

The reference to Regulation in the log suggests otherwise. See...

Updates are not downloaded or the "Automatic Updates" icon does not display

the status of downloads when you enable the Automatic Updates service

You may be able install the updates via Windows/Microsoft Update website

(WinXP): Understand that by doing so, you are pushing all other Automatic

Updates users further back in the queue (which may explain, at least in

part, why Automatic Updates has not brought them in for you yet).

If you have any problem installing KB971090, see the "How to obtain help"

section of


~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)

MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002

Himanshu Gohel wrote:

On Sunday, August 02, 2009 6:14 PM

Himanshu Gohel wrote:

My issue has been resolved, and the cause was clearly low disk space.

My issue has been resolved, and the cause was clearly low disk space.

I have posted that in a separate thread, but I'd like to thank you for

your suggestions and am providing some responses below:

PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:

I alluded to this in my other post, but at this point I think this is not

the cause of the disk-full and security patches not being applied

successfully, so I will leave it for later.

I do not believe that WinXP SP3 is being applied - I have asked Windows

Update to not apply SP3 and not remind me about it. The three sets that

were being applied were the .NET framework security update, the VS2005

SP1 security update and Office 2007 SP2.

The VS2005 SP1 security patch was the most troublesome. In the end my

guesstimate says this required about 1.5Gb of free disk space to

install, and 800Mb of permanent disk space, which was was not available

when the patch installation was failing.

I am not sure I completely understand this KB, but I believe the

references to regulation in my windows update log are outside the

start/end markers for the VS2005 security update patch. Specifically

for the VS2005 update failure the error code was:

2009-08-02 12:36:50:812 592 f80 Handler : WARNING: Command line

install completed. Return code = 0x00000663, Result = Failed, Reboot

required = false

2009-08-02 12:36:50:812 592 f80 Handler : WARNING: Exit code = 0x8024200B

2009-08-02 12:36:50:843 592 f80 Handler :::::::::

2009-08-02 12:36:50:843 592 f80 Handler :: END :: Handler: Command

Line Install

This failed too, until I cleared 2.2Gb of disk space on the C drive and

then the patch was installed.

Thanks again for your suggestions.



On Sunday, August 02, 2009 7:11 PM

PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:

Re: WinXP recent updates don't succeed...eats up disk space

You may wish to reconsider: If SP3 is not installed by early next year, the

SP2 computer will not be offered any further critical security updates.

Soon after that, you will not even be able to access/use Windows Update website

without SP3 installed.

If SP3 is installed, critical security updates will continue into 2014.

WinXP SP3 - Read all prerequisites for a successful installation

Back on-topic...

While disk space may have been an issue, the 0x8024200B error in the section

of the log you posted was most definitely pointing to the "Update is not

allowed to download due to regulation" reference just below (and 30

milliseconds after) it.

Himanshu Gohel wrote:

On Sunday, August 02, 2009 8:12 PM

JS wrote:

You're welcome, sorry I could notreply back sooner but had 3 power

You're welcome, sorry I could not

reply back sooner but had 3 power outages

today, all at unexpected times!

Now as to why there are there are so many files in C:\Windows\Installer:

You will find a good number of these .MSI files belong to software such as

Java, AV Software, Norton Ghost, Microsoft's .NET Framework, File downloaded

during a Windows Update session and so on. It would appear that some

software will clean up after itself and deletes it is file that were in the

C:\Windows\Installer folder. A failed Windows Update will create and leave

folders and files behind each time you try to install the update and

therefore you could end up with a lot of files taking up disk space.

There also could be a lot of orphaned (no longer needed) files.

Using the msizap command (msizap g) removes any cached Windows Installer

data files that have been orphaned.



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Deadheads from Egghead are coming out of the woodwork lately as seen here with the

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