how to eliminate the password



My nine years old daughter put the password on her laptop without my
knowlege. You can guess the rest. It does not work. She is lock out of her
computer. Thank God it is hers not mine!!!! I need to do something beside
yelling. Can you help?

Brian A.

"Starbuck" <> wrote in message
> My nine years old daughter put the password on her laptop without my
> knowlege. You can guess the rest. It does not work. She is lock out of her
> computer. Thank God it is hers not mine!!!! I need to do something beside
> yelling. Can you help?

Boot the machine and as soon as you see the POST screen or the manufacturers logo
continually tap the F8 key until you get the startup menu. If you get to the Windows
starting screen you will need to reboot and try again.

At the startup menu use the up/down arrow keys to move the cursor to "Boot to DOS
command prompt only".

At the prompt type the commands below pressing Enter after each one. Spaces
denoted by ^, do not type the ^.

cd ^ c:\windows
dir ^ /p Press Enter to forward to each next page. Look for a user name.pwl file
and take note of it , ex: mine is BrianA10.pwl.

Type and press Enter:

del ^ username.pwl Type the actual noted user name.

It should now reboot back to Windows.


Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
Conflicts start where information lacks.

Suggested posting do's/don'ts:
How to ask a question:


This ASS-U-MEs you are referring to the Windows Password rather than a BIOS

As you won't be able to access your machine in Normal Mode, you'll need to
start it in Safe Mode - which will 'bypass' the Logon window anyway.

In the meantime, take a look at :-
"How to Prevent a Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Me Logon Prompt at
particularly items 8,9 & 10.

When it comes to setting up again (item11), then if you no longer want a
enter a name but DO NOT enter any password at all, then click OK. DO NOT

If instead, your daughter has set a BIOS password, you'll need to confirm
how to reset it (often by temporarily removing the CMOS battery for a short
while) by reference to the User Manual


"Starbuck" <> wrote in message
> My nine years old daughter put the password on her laptop without my
> knowlege. You can guess the rest. It does not work. She is lock out of her
> computer. Thank God it is hers not mine!!!! I need to do something beside
> yelling. Can you help?

On Sep 1, 6:12 am, Starbuck <>
> My nine years old daughter put the password on her laptop without my
> knowlege. You can guess the rest. It does not work. She is lock out of her
> computer. Thank God it is hers not mine!!!! I need to do something beside
> yelling. Can you help?

simple. i assume it is a win98 pc.
Press escape key when you see the login
screen. no actual password needed.


Ron Badour


1. You are talking about a windows logon password and not a BIOS password.

2. She has Windows 98 on the laptop.

Don't try to entry a password, click OK (or any similar button) to gain
access to the desktop. Then set a blank password:

Go to control panel, network, primary network logon and select Windows
Logon. Go to control panel, passwords, user profiles and ensure the "all
user's" box is marked. If you have a password established, go to control
panel, passwords, change windows password, type the password in the old box,
leave the rest blank and OK your way out. If you have forgotten your
password, delete the .pwl file with your user name (mine is ron.pwl)
however, be aware that you will lose all passwords stored in the .pwl file.
If you do not have a password established or have deleted the .pwl file,
when the W95/98 logon screen appears at boot, type a user name only and hit
OK. If the logon screen continues to appear and you have Tweak UI
installed, go to the Paranoia tab and remove the mark from "clear last


Ron Badour
MS MVP 1997 - 2007

"Starbuck" <> wrote in message
> My nine years old daughter put the password on her laptop without my
> knowlege. You can guess the rest. It does not work. She is lock out of her
> computer. Thank God it is hers not mine!!!! I need to do something beside
> yelling. Can you help?
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