Exchanging drives



If one wanted to exchange 2 hard drives that are already in the computer, one
should exchange the drive cables and exchange the BIOS hard drive
parameters. What else should one do?

Jeff Richards

If that's all you are doing (ie, no reinstallation of software) then you
will also need to change all drive letter references contained in shortcuts,
file associations etc.
Jeff Richards
MS MVP (Windows - Shell/User)
"b11_" <b11@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> If one wanted to exchange 2 hard drives that are already in the computer,
> one
> should exchange the drive cables and exchange the BIOS hard drive
> parameters. What else should one do?

Don Phillipson

"b11_" <b11@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message

> If one wanted to exchange 2 hard drives that are already in the computer,

> should exchange the drive cables and exchange the BIOS hard drive
> parameters. What else should one do?

Other factors:
1. Your boot drive should be partitioned Primary DOS
(not Ext DOS). PC circuitry expects this to be installed
as a Master IDE drive (not slave).
2. Most HDDs have a hardware jumper that should be set
correctly as master or slave.

It would be prudent to review a manual like Upgrading and
Repairing PCs (Que) for how to instal drives.

Don Phillipson
Carlsbad Springs
(Ottawa, Canada)

Jeff Richards

If OP is exchanging drive cables then the drives are configured Cable
Select, and changing the jumpers is not necessary.
Jeff Richards
MS MVP (Windows - Shell/User)
"Don Phillipson" <d.phillipsonSPAMBLOCK@rogers.com> wrote in message
> snip <
> 2. Most HDDs have a hardware jumper that should be set
> correctly as master or slave.


"Jeff Richards" <JRichards@msn.com.au> wrote in message
| If OP is exchanging drive cables then the drives are configured Cable
| Select, and changing the jumpers is not necessary.

The question is confusing. My understanding is that Cable Select
involves two drives on just one cable. (But so does a Master/Slave
relationship so, I'd check the jumpers to see what it is.) But, if he's
got one drive on one cable & another drive on another cable, he's
probably got two masters.

| --
| Jeff Richards
| MS MVP (Windows - Shell/User)
| "Don Phillipson" <d.phillipsonSPAMBLOCK@rogers.com> wrote in message
| news:%233sAVez7HHA.600@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|> snip <
|> 2. Most HDDs have a hardware jumper that should be set
|> correctly as master or slave.

"b11_" <b11@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
| If one wanted to exchange 2 hard drives that are already in the
| computer, one should exchange the drive cables and exchange the BIOS
| hard drive parameters. What else should one do?

Jeff Richards

We'll wait and see if the problem gets clarified, but I'm not holding my
Jeff Richards
MS MVP (Windows - Shell/User)
"PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
> "Jeff Richards" <JRichards@msn.com.au> wrote in message
> news:%23E8$Ps57HHA.2476@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl
> | If OP is exchanging drive cables then the drives are configured Cable
> | Select, and changing the jumpers is not necessary.
> The question is confusing. My understanding is that Cable Select
> involves two drives on just one cable. (But so does a Master/Slave
> relationship so, I'd check the jumpers to see what it is.) But, if he's
> got one drive on one cable & another drive on another cable, he's
> probably got two masters.


"Jeff Richards" <JRichards@msn.com.au> wrote in message
| We'll wait and see if the problem gets clarified, but I'm not holding
| my breath.

Me, neither. But Phillipson I hope is a deep sea diver-- he's turning

| --
| Jeff Richards
| MS MVP (Windows - Shell/User)
| "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
| news:OrVEygm8HHA.5360@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
|> "Jeff Richards" <JRichards@msn.com.au> wrote in message
|> news:%23E8$Ps57HHA.2476@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl
|> | If OP is exchanging drive cables then the drives are configured
|> | Cable Select, and changing the jumpers is not necessary.
|> The question is confusing. My understanding is that Cable Select
|> involves two drives on just one cable. (But so does a Master/Slave
|> relationship so, I'd check the jumpers to see what it is.) But, if
|> he's got one drive on one cable & another drive on another cable,
|> he's probably got two masters.

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,
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