Centralized Thumbnail Caching in Windows 8 disabled by default?


Staff member
Jan 10, 2007
Hi everyone,
I have recently installed Windows 8 (RTM) and noticed that it generates thumbnail cache files locally (&quotThumbs.db&quot file created in the local folder, as it used to be with Windows XP) instead of keeping the thumbnail caching features centralized as was the
case with Windows Vista/7 (e.g. in the %LocalAppData%MicrosoftWindowsExplorer folder for Windows 7).
Is there any way to change the thumbnail caching feature backed to a centralized fashion (e.g. by keeping some thumbcache*.db files somewhere in the user folder)? Some registry values
changes, maybe?

Just a couple of things: I am talking about a LOCAL folder (no network share with write access) and I do not want to disable thumbnail caching or to hide system files as some people might suggest.

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