new computer help site



no thanks for spam

Thanks for the warning, Robear. As a general rule, I just hope all of the
users of this group have learned not to just click links without taking the
proper security precautions. Ideally, use a search engine about the topic if
you are unsure and then see the rating from a program like site advisor.

"PA Bear" wrote:

> spam/possibly dangerous link


"PA Bear" <> wrote in message
| spam/possibly dangerous link

Thanks for the warning. I'm half tempted to click it, though, just to
see what avast! might detect. But my other half is stronger!


I know I am taking a break from clicking unwanted links for a while. There
is plenty in my life to keep me busy now. <grin>

"PCR" wrote:

> "PA Bear" <> wrote in message
> news:uPv%23mgC8HHA.1188@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl
> | spam/possibly dangerous link
> Thanks for the warning. I'm half tempted to click it, though, just to
> see what avast! might detect. But my other half is stronger!


"Dan" <> wrote in message
| I know I am taking a break from clicking unwanted links for a while.
| There is plenty in my life to keep me busy now. <grin>

Very wise. Besides, it's best not to go against a Bear!

| "PCR" wrote:
|> "PA Bear" <> wrote in message
|> news:uPv%23mgC8HHA.1188@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl
|> | spam/possibly dangerous link
|> Thanks for the warning. I'm half tempted to click it, though, just to
|> see what avast! might detect. But my other half is stronger!

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,

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