CHKDSK deleted files & 4 Windows updates wont update


Staff member
May 19, 2012
In the Machine
Ok, so i've got a possibly big problem and sorry i cant be too detailed as this happened at 2am and i had to get up at 5am so i just decided to wait, anyway,
I ran a windows update and when my laptop restarted CHKDSK started running without warning and went though "Deleting corrupt attribute record" and deleted like 470000 somehting files(may have had one less digit, sorry i was really freaking out so im not positive),
then it went and did something along the lines of "Recovering orphaned files," then "Inserting data attribute to files," and then some other numbers and words that i cant remember (sorry).anyway when I finally got back in i got a bunch of messages saying something like my nvidia card had failed and, figuring that one of the optional windows updates and gone wrong, i ran a system restore to just before the updates installed (though now that im
not freaking out anymore I realize that may not have been a great idea) but the restore went without any problems and it started up normally (maybe a bit slow but that could be my imagination) i didn't have any error messages and there doesn't seem to be any
files missing from my computer.However, now ive got 4 important updates that keep failing to update and im still not sure if i should be worried about the whole CHKDSK thingcan someone please tell me 1. What the heck happened, 2. if i need to do something about it(and what would need to do), 3. how to get the updates to download.

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