Brand new Laptop - BSOD after Windows update (SYSTEM SERVICE EXCEPTION)


Staff member
Jan 10, 2007
I just got this new laptop, complete with Windows 8. Everything was fine until I realized after updating one night, the next time I used it, I got the BSOD, telling me &quotYour PC ran into a problem and needs to restart&quot, then it shows a &quotsystem
service exception&quot. It wouldn't stop crashing, so I restored my computer to the original state (and started everything from scratch). A few days after that, I shut down &amp noticed that the computer was updating again, and sure enough, when I turned
it back on, I got the BSOD again, and again. I didn't think the UPDATE could be the culprit, but it just cannot be anything else! This is crazy! I purchase a new laptop, complete with Windows 8, then as soon as I go online with it, it starts updating which
just happens to screw up my new computer? Do I just refresh my computer again, clearing everything once more, and turn off the updates forever? Or is there something else I could do?

Here are the details of the error report:


Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

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