Windows Search not finding .url shortcuts in indexed locations outside the Start Menu



I am the kind of person who likes to have all his shortcuts in a folder on my Desktop, and have my Start Menu be as pristine and empty as possible. Because of this, I don't have any shortcuts in my Start Menu aside from the default Windows ones. I make sure to clean it out every time I install a program and move the shortcut to my Desktop folder.

I can use Windows Search (the one that pops up when you press the Windows Key + S; and every time I refer to Windows Search, I mean this one) to find shortcuts that are placed within this Desktop folder, because that location is indexed. However, I noticed something strange recently, and I believe it is a bug:

Shortcuts with a .url extension can't be found by Windows Search in this Desktop folders while .lnk shortcuts show up just fine. However, if I move the .url shortcuts to a Start Menu location (like C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs) then Windows Search can find those .url shortcuts just fine.

This is easily noticeable, because all Steam game shortcuts are .url files. I can find my normal programs (and games) just fine through Windows Search, but not my Steam games. If I move the shortcuts for my Steam games to my Start Menu, I can find them through Windows Search.

I can't think of a valid reason why this would be this way by design or limitation, so I believe this to be a bug and/or oversight in the programming. But I first wanted to confirm this with other people before I send out a bug report

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