DiscussionMicrosoft Store package missing - What now? Why doesn't the Microsoft Store require a signature for a package?



microsoft use of fedex is a crime they know they are ripping of there consumers by say they drop off there package at the front door but dont they keep any thing that say microsoft and take it home with them . i know because i have a camera on my door bell that proves that fedex did not leave at my door plus my sister was home at the time of delivery . just to let you guy know the camera take video any one walk in front of my house so there no way it could of missed the fedex driver . so after getting contact with fedex they would say we give you call the next day about your package they never did so i went to microsoft they say the same think never got a call . i had to call them back too. anyway i been getting the run around from both microsoft and fedex. well now i so frustrated that i think i'm just gonna have police deal with because it is a case of theft . ty for listening db frustated

Just recently I noticed that a new Lenovo 2 in 1 laptop was available on the Microsoft store. I liked the specs of the device and proceed to order it online. Got all the nice confirmation emails to affirm my purchase.

However, the trouble started when I checked on the FedEx tracking information one day to see that my package was "delivered." Funny thing was that there was no package in front of my house. Irritated, I decided to call FedEx to figure out what in the world happened to my package. Before calling, I double checked everywhere a package could be possibly hidden.

Behind garbage cans, on the side steps, in the flower bed at front lawn, even in the garbage can. Nothing.

To make sure that everything was clear I went back to the billing account and delivery order to see if there were any errors. Nope no errors in the address. I then, looked at the tracking number to see if there was perhaps some mishap on FedEx's behalf. Nope the address appeared fine.

While looking at the tracking page I noticed, "signature not required" at the bottom of the delivery status. Wait what? A more than $500 dollar package not requiring a signature?! I had a relative wait all day in my house that day just to receive that package and he did not even hear the door bell. The driver appears to have simply dropped off the package and left. Why doesn't the Microsoft store require a signature for packages over $100? It seems utterly absurd that a signature required for my $400 HP printer isn't required on a $700 purchase.

Anyway I decided to give the package another day since I have had this happen to a USPS package before. Tomorrow passes by and still no package.

I gave FedEx a call and they gave me a case number. Gave Microsoft a call and got juggled among different call operators then, got a case number as well. Thus, at the moment I'm stuck.

Has this happened to anyone before? What do you recommend as a course of action? All advice is appreciated.

Thank you,


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Marc Cai
replied on

We would like to let you know that your frustrations are noted and understandable. Losing a package with this cost is a lot, and should be dealt with. However, Microsoft Community cannot handle these kinds of reports.

It would be best to contact the FedEx regarding this. They should also be able to advice the next appropriate actions in this regard. Please advise them (FedEx) to get in touch with Microsoft regarding this, since a communication between the two companies should be able to have quick and proper actions.

We're yet to promise anything since this would also depend on the process of each parties.

We hope that this link will be helpful for you: Contact Us Page.

Feel free to give us an update regarding this.

replied on

Hi Marc Cai,

I did contact FedEx and went through their entire verification process. However at the end of their attempts to search for my package, FedEx suggested that I contact the seller.

So here I am again running around in circles.

I have also contacted the Microsoft help center about the issue. They were nice and provided me a contact number and email to keep me updated on the issue.

I just wished that this could have all been avoided by simply having a required signature on the package. That way the driver would be forced to ring the doorbell and alert my relative inside that a package was delivered. Well what's done is done.

I hope this search process does not become a game of cat and mouse. Thank you for the advice.



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