Why has Windows become so Anal?



When you switch off Firewall & other security settings in Defender Windows 10 just switches them all back on again. But it doesn't stop there, because this OS doesn't want you to think for yourself & its obvious that Microsoft wants everyone to become as dumb as a post when it comes to computing.

Now I'm not from this bottle fed era where everything is done for the PC user because most of them are Nit-Whits with the attention span of a Goldfish.

Like many others I grew up on Windows 95,98, 2000, ME, XP, & Vista etc. Using those versions you surfed the Net by the seat of your pants all the while fighting off viruses & the like left right & center. But we survived & even with all the security holes it was a much better experience that I'm having now.

I know what I am doing & I know what I want windows to do for me but windows 10 won't let me do things my way. It's so caught up in its own importance that it has become a loathsome boring & predictable OS.

All of the choices have gone & in their place we have this,,this thing that paints everyone with the same brush & tries to do everything the same for everyone. YES MASTER,, NO MASTER.

But the problem is that not all of us want it to be that way. I want to be able to choose my options & if I blow it and make a mistake then so be it. I don't need a Nanny like Windows 10 to do everything & all the thinking for me. I want real options again.

Give me the old days when computing was an exciting experience & windows was still drive-able & occasionally even a joy to use.

Win 10 = 3/10

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