Game DVR output folder has completely messed my PC up

  • Thread starter Jesper Borgersen
  • Start date

Jesper Borgersen


So I tried to change the output folder when recording with game dvr. I wanted to have videos on my E drive and not my C drive, so naturally I changed the output folder to the videos folder on my E drive. Now, I don't remember quite how it happened, but somehow the videos outputed in my user folder, and not in my videos folder. I then messed up somehow, and my user folder became a video folder just because I changed the location of the Game DVR output folder. It changed icon and name to "videos", but I managed to get it back to "Jesper" (my name), and a normal folder icon, but videos still appear in that user folder. If I try to reset the position of my user folder, Windows wants to reset it to "C/Videos/Captures" for some reason. I really do not know what to do, all because changing the ouput folder of Game DVR is stupidly made.

My problems are:

1. Game DVR videos appear in user "Jesper", and not in "Videos".

2. The original Game DVR output folder on my C drive is gone, so I can't make that the video folder anymore.

3. Since captures are located to "Jesper", I can't change "Jesper" to it's default location, because somehow it wants to go back "C/Videos/Captures", even though "Jesper" is on my E drive.

4. Why can I not make a new folder and change the video ouput to that folder?

My user on my E drive, "Jesper", is basically not a standard user folder anymore, but like a folder I just made. I am scared that I messed up because Microsoft's way of changing a folder is idiotic. I don't know if this made sense, it is very hard to explain.

I want to have my user folder back to normal, so I can't change the location of it.

I want to have my video captures output in "E:/Users/Jesper/Videos/Capturres" and not in "E:/Users/Jesper".

I really hope someone understands what I'm trying to explain, and I hope someone is able to help.

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