Windows 10 Feature Update 1803 failures - one reason


Olli V_Fin

I reported earlier problems with Feature Update 1803 for Windows 10 (Pro) and browsers (especially, Chrome hanging). As I can't answer my own posting I use question to report my analysis of reasons and one solution which helped me.

Same time the update 1803 had been installed (twice, due to auto installion failure?), I first had noticed high cpu due Remote Host processes (multiple instances) which I assumed possibly due backups failing to network drive. After reboot the Chrome started hanging with 9-10 processes created for it. I focused on Chrome and couldn't get it working even with total re-install. As I tried to recover Windows 10 I only succeeded return system state prior last 1803 installation (of 2, no recovery option to go beyond).

After this Firefox started showing new tabs from page which pointed to adware presence. After following instructions in net for removing this adware my system is in state thar works at least "some level". Chrome is not configured yet but clearly works. Firefox is working with Malwarebytes reporting website/ip adressa trying to run

How do I proceed? I will enable Windows update but not allowing automatic updates any more.

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