HOW DO I STOP MY EMAIL DELETES ON MY WIN 10 FROM effecting my Win 7 computer?



I have just installed a Win 10 and a Win 7 computer. I have tried to unsync everything. I am using the Win 10 email with my Comcast online account and on the Win 7 I am using Thunderbird.

1. When I delete emails on my Win 10, they disappear from my Win 7 Thunderbird inbox too. I need this to stop happening!

I have a 3rd computer that has been running Win 7 with Live Mail for several years and it is still downloading just fine from Comcast and is unaffected by anything I do on Win 10.

2. I installed Thunderbird as I thought that it would be an easy program for my husband to use when we upgraded him from Vista to Win 7 and I can't download the old software from Microsoft anymore. Is there a better email software to use that will mesh well with our shared Comcast online account?

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