Windows 10 (1803) failing to auto deploy\install



We were deploying Win10 1607 with no problems using setupcomplete.cmd and within that I was doing a few items to customize our builds. One of the lines I was doing within the setupcomplete.cmd was: start /wait reg import %systemdrive%\INSTALL\Security\Template\RegImport.reg

Then importing in a bunch of HKLM items to control settings.

When I went to create the same process for 1803 and the previous 1709 our machines just hang at the Just A Moment screen and are stuck. If I remove this registry import line from the setupcomplete.cmd and let the machine rebuild everything processes as normal and other item(s) in that file get set correctly.

Have you seen\heard of anything around trying to kick off a reg import within the setupcomplete.cmd? I have the reg import line at the top of the file so item(s) below it are getting set that I am also doing. I was possible thinking maybe they are getting set, but the machine when hard powered down maybe those registry writes are not actually taking place?

This is my entire setupcomplete.cmd:

start /wait reg import %systemdrive%\INSTALL\Security\Template\RegImport.reg

start /wait secedit /configure /db %systemdrive%\INSTALL\Security\Database\1.sdb /cfg %systemdrive%\INSTALL\Security\Template\Windows10laptopTemplate.inf /overwrite /log %systemdrive%\INSTALL\Security\Logs\1.log /quiet

start /wait %systemdrive%\INSTALL\Security\Template\Windows10advancedAudit.cmd

start /wait %systemdrive%\INSTALL\Security\Template\DisableFeatures.cmd

start /wait %systemroot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass %systemdrive%\INSTALL\Security\Template\Packages.PS1

start /wait %systemdrive%\INSTALL\Security\Template\PowerMgmtInstall.cmd

start /wait %systemroot%\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe /uninstall

reg load "hku\Default" "C:\Users\Default\NTUSER.DAT"

reg delete HKU\default\software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v OneDriveSetup /f

reg unload "hku\Default"


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