How to share a file in the new Windows 1803?



My wife and I have separate new Dell XPS computers with Windows 10. She maintains a Quicken file on her PC and I maintain an Excel budget spreadsheet on my PC. Before this recent Windows update to version1803 we used our Homegroup to share these files so both could be updated on either of our computers. Now, apparently the Homegroup is gone and we can't see each other's computer or files on our network either. Being a little old fashioned, we are adverse to putting our financial documents into the Microsoft cloud to share, possibly with a bunch of hackers.

When I go into my File Explorer and select a file and select the share tab it tells me to select an App to share the file, and then shows me One Drive, Skype, One Note, Mail, etc. none of which I want to put my financial documents into. It also asks for more information and to choose someone who I want to frequently share a file with, (my wife). I haven't figured out how to tell it her name.

So, how can we get back to sharing our documents just with our two computers, which are linked through our ASUS router, and not the whole world?

Thanks for any links or information and remember we are very new to Windows 10 and have used Windows 7 since it was new.

Capt. Brigg Franklin

Vancouver, WA, USA

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