Missing HOMEPATH folders and files on networked computers after Windows 10 version 1803 update


Steven Haymes

To all,

After the Windows 10 version 1803 update, most of my HOMEPATH folders and files are missing on 2 networked computers. It appears that when Microsoft decided to get rid of the LAN HomeGroup in the version 1803 update, they made an arbitrary decision to allow only a handful of HOMEPATH folders to be available on the LAN and all other HOMEPATH folders and files are not available now by default. How can I fix this and still maintain LAN-only read-write permissions between LAN-only computers? Give access to -> Specific people -> Choose people to share with -> "Everyone" does not look very secure to me. The following directory listings show the problem:

Dir of laptop network connection point from PC
Volume in drive N is OS
Volume Serial Number is EC9B-B6B2

Directory of N:\

05/09/2018 11:31 AM <DIR> .
05/09/2018 11:31 AM <DIR> ..
05/10/2018 12:10 AM <DIR> Documents
05/09/2018 11:32 AM <DIR> Downloads
05/09/2018 11:32 AM <DIR> Music
05/09/2018 11:32 AM <DIR> Pictures
05/12/2018 01:37 AM <DIR> Videos
0 File(s) 16,384 bytes
7 Dir(s) 373,234,978,816 bytes free

Dir of PC network connection point from laptop
Volume in drive M has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 7C55-11C2

Directory of M:\

05/09/2018 11:07 PM <DIR> .
05/09/2018 11:07 PM <DIR> ..
05/09/2018 08:45 PM <DIR> Documents
05/09/2018 06:55 AM <DIR> Downloads
05/09/2018 02:25 AM <DIR> Music
05/09/2018 02:25 AM <DIR> Pictures
05/09/2018 02:25 AM <DIR> Videos
0 File(s) 0 bytes
7 Dir(s) 717,826,367,488 bytes free

Dir of laptop HOMEPATH from laptop
Volume in drive C is OS
Volume Serial Number is EC9B-B6B2

Directory of C:\Users\Steve

05/09/2018 11:31 AM <DIR> .
05/09/2018 11:31 AM <DIR> ..
09/17/2015 06:43 AM <DIR> .cache
03/08/2018 10:29 PM <DIR> .matplotlib
09/17/2015 10:07 PM 291 .NERDTreeBookmarks
07/19/2016 07:54 PM <DIR> .oracle_jre_usage
07/08/2017 09:20 PM <DIR> .pylint.d
03/08/2018 10:29 PM <DIR> .qgis2
05/09/2018 11:32 AM <DIR> 3D Objects
05/09/2018 11:32 AM <DIR> Contacts
05/09/2018 03:29 PM <DIR> Desktop
05/10/2018 12:10 AM <DIR> Documents
05/09/2018 11:32 AM <DIR> Downloads
03/09/2018 01:58 PM <DIR> Dropbox
05/09/2018 11:32 AM <DIR> Favorites
05/09/2018 11:33 AM <DIR> Links
05/09/2018 11:32 AM <DIR> Music
01/30/2018 10:27 PM <DIR> OneDrive
05/09/2018 11:32 AM <DIR> Pictures
05/25/2017 08:33 PM <DIR> Roaming
05/09/2018 11:32 AM <DIR> Searches
05/12/2018 01:37 AM <DIR> Videos
09/02/2016 02:52 PM <DIR> vimfiles
05/26/2017 08:35 PM <DIR> vimfiles_old_20160902
07/13/2017 11:23 PM <DIR> vimfiles_old_20170713
07/14/2017 09:25 PM 3,974 _gvimrc
09/02/2016 03:24 PM 3,895 _gvimrc.bak
08/16/2017 09:45 PM 4,030 _vimrc
09/02/2016 03:30 PM 3,836 _vimrc.bak
08/13/2016 10:55 AM 3,726 _vimrc_unix
6 File(s) 19,752 bytes
24 Dir(s) 373,233,885,184 bytes free

Dir of PC HOMEPATH from laptop
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 7C55-11C2

Directory of C:\Users\Steve

05/09/2018 11:07 PM <DIR> .
05/09/2018 11:07 PM <DIR> ..
01/26/2018 12:54 PM 242 .bash_history
01/22/2018 05:58 PM <DIR> .cache
03/25/2018 11:29 PM <DIR> .matplotlib
08/15/2015 10:31 AM 301 .NERDTreeBookmarks
03/25/2018 11:29 PM <DIR> .qgis2
05/09/2018 02:25 AM <DIR> 3D Objects
05/09/2018 02:25 AM <DIR> Contacts
05/09/2018 06:34 AM <DIR> Desktop
05/09/2018 08:45 PM <DIR> Documents
05/09/2018 06:55 AM <DIR> Downloads
02/19/2018 08:36 PM <DIR> Dropbox
05/09/2018 02:25 AM <DIR> Favorites
05/09/2018 02:26 AM <DIR> Links
05/09/2018 02:25 AM <DIR> Music
04/30/2018 07:51 PM <DIR> OneDrive
05/09/2018 02:25 AM <DIR> Pictures
05/09/2018 02:26 AM <DIR> Saved Games
05/09/2018 02:25 AM <DIR> Searches
05/09/2018 02:25 AM <DIR> Videos
01/22/2018 05:55 PM <DIR> vimfiles
07/14/2017 09:25 PM 3,974 _gvimrc
07/14/2017 07:22 PM 3,974 _gvimrc.bak
01/22/2018 05:56 PM 4,030 _vimrc
01/22/2018 05:34 PM 4,052 _vimrc.bak
6 File(s) 16,573 bytes
20 Dir(s) 717,845,794,816 bytes free

The following 2 images also show the problem where vimfiles is the directory for my ViM programming editor's plugins:

These diagnostics should clearly show the problem.


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