How does Microsoft respond to complaints if it has know way of alowing a complaining customer to contact Micrsoft.

  • Thread starter simonrogermarkwilliams
  • Start date


On starting up my computer, the screen advised me that it was updating and would take some time. After about 30 minutes I returned to my computer which had turned off.

I turned my computer on and eventually was given an option of having my keyboard set to a given language. I accepted ‘United Kingdom’. I then went to a page with various options, ‘continue – use another operating system – trouble shoot – and turn off your pc’.

It appears that whatever option I chose, my computer returned to the same page, initially requesting keyboard nationality and then on to the page giving further options. I have now been sitting at my computer for some 2 hours having chosen the option to ‘repair’ the software. For over an hour, the screen has been stating: ‘attempting repairs’ with a circular movement going round and just now has closed stating ‘unable to repair’.

I hope you understand my loathing for a company that promotes such a poorly structured programme whereby your customer is simply another casualty of Microsoft’s arrogance and complacency.

I can find no telephone number for service. I respectfully ask you to contact me on the following telephone number: 0207 193 1944. My email address is: *** Email address is removed for privacy ***

The time now is 12.30 midday UK time. In my desperation, I will send this email to as many email addresses for your company that I and my staff can possibly find!

The solution way they have offered is a compleat reset. This is totally as i will loose all my applications and in may instances i have lost any relevant paperwork.

Microsoft fails to at responsibly and takes no resposibility for the loss i will incure.

My computer now is totally redundant solely due to Microsoft’s incompetence.


Mark Williams

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