EZCast and latest Win 10 builds (1803)


J. B.M

I now have a problem connecting to my EZCast to my PC, it has been `a while since I last used it but I now find that although the device connected to a 2nd display is recognised but now fails to connect. Since I have multiple device connection problems, 2 of which I know were caused by 1803, the others being fax (now cured) and Bluetooth which is still have a problem along with EZCast, I am looking for advise on how to cure the problem with the last 2 connection methods. Like BT, I find EZCast gets stuck half way through the setup cycle but never completes the connection to the stage where it actually works: The connection is reported as made / completed but just does nothing!

What good is an new FEATURE if reliability of basic services is destroyed for many of us, This is ridiculous, I don't want problems every time some moron comes up with a new idea for another quarterly change. Reliably matters more than content any day.

Kick out the idea of the need for a new feature every 3 months and concentrate on making Win 10 work properly everytime! Apple Nanny control everything, a great many of Win 10 users reject that, but the few see reliability for their limited use more important and move over to Apple Mac, every few you lose is yet another diminishment in Microsoft's %age.

I WANT A RELIABLE CORE SERVICE AND NOT THE SAME DEBACLE AS THE WIN 8 TO WIN 8.1 UPDATE EVERYTIME or GFB Vista. I spent months of my free time trying to solve the 1709 Update problem because I am an Insider: A problem that resulted in my having to accept defeat and do a clean reinstall of everything (I use a lot of Software) after multiple tries by Microsoft Help Desk to install that Update and failed, let alone my own 20+ attempts using every alternative method possible! The last 4 quarterly FEATURES have all failed to update first try for some reason or another and had basic problems afterwards!

Some of us use Windows for more than providing a browser and using the basic Apps! I don't want Apple Nanny but if you destroy the difference then the kids will win out with their slavish mindless acceptance of that product and Microsoft will end up a "Hoover" type brand at best, history.

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