Recent Update Broke My PC??



Hi everyone,

I'm a new poster and not particularly as well inclined to the workings of Microsoft as some of you are. I recently updated my Microsoft OS and selected shut down after update.

Upon returning to my PC the following day I found that after I restarted the PC it took a few moments the finalize then took me to the, "select a keyboard" phase where I selected "UK".

I am then presented with 4 options

- Continue

- Use another OS

- Troubleshoot

- Turn off your PC

"Continue" Reboots my PC and sends me through the same process again.

"Use another OS" offers me a desktop that is completely inaccessible even on previous version saying something about a hard drive issue.

"Troubleshoot" tells me to acquire the OS on a different PC then plug it back into my PC.

can anyone please shed some light on what may have happened and how to fix?!



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