The latest Windows 10 update in mid May 2018 practically destroyed my computer.


Tony De Lima

I am currently living overseas on a business assignment and about a week ago Microsoft made an update on my laptop that put it into a state of total collapse. Prior to the update I had Windows 10 running on my Samsung laptop that I purchased in the US a few years ago that has 8 gb of ram on an Intel 64 bit operating system and a 5.8 Windows experience index now, which never gave me any hardware or software problems until Microsoft insisted to install Windows 10 on me. The last update came with the messages that the computer would start and stop several times that this was a particularly long update and that I should do nothing but wait and let Windows do everything and that this update was to improve my security on navigating the internet. Well when the update was finished and the computer restarted all I had in front of me was a black screen with no indication of anything I had on my computer. All I could see on the screen was the recycle bin on a black screen. I had to consult someone to find out what to do since the computer did not respond to any commands and had no mouse or keyboards response. Well eventually we performed a system reset and it went all the way back to Windows 7 home edition. I lost almost everything I had on the computer. All my bookmarks, favorites, history, passwords, etc.

I don't know what to do now many of the items lost or that I can't find were work related. I don't even know if I should try to get Windows 10 back on the computer since it was the cause of all my problems. If I do get Windows 10 again will I recover many of the things I lost or can't find?

Never again will I let Microsoft do an automatic update on any of my computers until I find out if there have been complaints of problems or bugs when the updates are released. I remember having a problem about a month after I first got Windows 10 on my computer. It froze my computer for a while but I was able to resolve that problem at the time without a major catastrophe but it should have served as a warning to me not to let any automatic changes to my systems in the future. Now I need Microsoft to indicate what would be the best solution to my problem and what direction to take. But don't steer me into a worse situation (if a worse situation is even possible).

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