The recent update changed my computer's log-in PIN, now I can't access anything.



Windows 10 forced an update on my stock/unmodified 2017 HP 510-p114 desktop tower a few days ago (despite that fact that I didn't want another update to happen at that time). Then it went through the update process, which I did not interfere with in any way. When the process was completed, it would not let me log in to my one and only (administrator) account on the computer. It appears that the PIN was lost, corrupted or changed, because the PIN which work perfectly fine before the update is NOT working now. I have tried dozens of previous passwords too, no password, typing random passwords for over 30 minutes, but no success. I have tried to use the Startup Menu to access and save my 850 gigs of data, but can't access any of it, since it requires a login password/PIN. The obvious answer seems to be to click "I forgot my Password" so I can reset it, right? (*maniacal laughter, like I didn't try that countless times). The system says " Windows couldn't connect to the ProfSvc service. Please consult your system administrator" and it gives no other options. I have click Shift and Restart to access more options, endlessly running through the useless blue screens that offer options that are of no help, such as reverting to a previous version which doesn't work. The ONLY OPTION that looks like it might work to reuse my computer is the nuclear option, in which I am forced by the Microsoft Update's mistakes to delete over 850 GIGS OF DATA, most of which is irreplaceable video and pictures from work and family. I can't even access my data to save it elsewhere before I go through the obnoxious but necessary process of wiping the entire harddrive clean and starting EVERYTHING all over, just to get my computer to function again. I have posted on Reddit about this massive failure of Windows 10 update, asked techy friends for help and browsed Google forums for waaaay too much time. I need someone who really understands this problem to respond, this is an insane failure of the recent Windows 10 update.

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