Windows 10 computer won't wake up after being off for too long


Owen R

I recently got windows 10 and a new 500 gb Samsung ssd for my computer because my old hard drive died. Everything runs fine when the computer is on. I can also restart and shut down the computer for short amounts of time. But the first night, I left it on to update a game. Upon returning to turn it on the next day, it would not turn on-- the power button did nothing. I got it to turn on by turning off the power, unplugging and plugging it back in, and then turning it back on and pressing the on switch. Then the second night I turned it off via the shut down option in the start menu. In the morning the power button did nothing and neither did any combination of switching the power on/off or unplugging/plugging in the power. It is still off since then and has been for a couple days. Please help?

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