Windows 10 Backup/System Image creation and Errors



Howdy All,

I have Windows 10 Pro with the latest (April 2018) update

Apparently for some reason at some time a user account named "RDV Graphic Service" was created.

When this account was created "Automatically" by windows two directories were left out in the user

sub-folder, Contacts and Searches.

I came across this when trying to make a system image, The process failed citing the following.

Backup encountered a problem while backing up file C:\Users\RDV GRAPHICS SERVICE\Contacts. Error:(STATUS_WAIT_2 (0x80070002))
Backup encountered a problem while backing up file C:\Users\RDV GRAPHICS SERVICE\Searches. Error:(STATUS_WAIT_2 (0x80070002))

I did the first thing I could think of, Google "RDV GRAPHICS SERVICE". There was a bunch of stuff about how it's used for Hyper-V and remote apps, or some such thing, on windows server. Ok so it's probably not some malicious account. Puzzling that a Windows 10 install has this as I have a pretty fresh install and have yet to enable Hyper-V services, But, Whatever, maybe windows enabled that user in the expectations that I would enable those services since they are on in bios.

Then I did the next logical thing, navigate to C:\Users\RDV GRAPHICS SERVICE\ . So those directories (Contacts, Searches) were indeed missing from this automatically created user account, I added them and tried to make a restore image again, Success.

I then started a chat up with Microsoft Tech support and explained it all to them. But I deleted those directories to illustrate and recreate the problem. I was bumped to tier2 support, Tier1 Support just didn't understand what was happening. I re-created the failure for tech support so they could see what was wrong and how I fixed it. They were apologetic and appreciative of my efforts and ensured that they would pass it on to the developers.

Synopsis( I know put this at the beginning :p )

1. RDV GRAPHICS SERVICE user account is created by windows for some reason or another.

2. In creating that account Windows fails to create directories that the windows backup application relies on

3. backup "fails" (not really a total failure but enough that most non-computer-literates would be lost)

4. I recommended to tech support that a hotfix be rolled out that either ignore that account on backups

or add those directories to the user accounts subfolder.

Why did I go though all of this? I'm migrating my fakeraid 10 HDD to a realraid 10 HDD on an LSI HBA.

I followed this article How to: Create a system image in Windows 10 . It's a good article. One point of curiosity though, Why Win7 backup and restore in windows 10?

Anyways I had the Error with the missing files from an account that windows created and realized what a trap it would be for someone like my Mother,

Brother, Father, Sister, Etc... They would either fall victim to some kind of crap/malware or an unscrupulous/(god forbid unskilled) tech shop.

Hope this helps anyone with the problem I faced, AND I hope Microsoft rolls out a fix for this Quickly.

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