
I have been a loyal MS customer for over 34 years. I am proficient at troubleshooting, desktop support, etc., and build my own desktops. NEVER in all this time have I been so upset/frustrated and angry over a MS update.

This last Windows update (1803 17134.81) has BROKE both my desktop and my HP laptop. I have tried everything. Rollback, repair, sfc, DISM, et al. If it's been suggested I have tried it. NOTHING WORKS!!

The only computer hardware that is working properly right now is a tablet with a depiction of this on its back: a piece of fruit with a bite taken out. I am THIS close to switching over to them and NEVER LOOKING BACK after 34+ years!!!

HP Laptop issue: The upgrade removed/deleted my Nvidia GPU and associated drivers; removed/deleted sound (MS drivers); corrupted/removed all association with MS Office 365; removed/deleted wireless/bluetooth (MS drivers); BSOD: Driver Power State Failure (reset the power options which removed that BSOD - but WHY should I have to redo MY power options to accommodate Windows issues???????) I now can't download/create a new USB recovery tool; I also can't download/install my Office 365 subscription. It also corrupted Word documents (both within Word & Wordpad). I refuse to open any of my other documents for fear of them being corrupted, even though they're all safely on my server. Most apps won't launch.

Desktop issue: MS Office 365 was corrupted/removed; can't reinstall it. Most apps won't launch. Can't download/create a new USB recovery tool from MS online sources. Have also tried reinstalling the OS from MS Catalog. Get the same error on both machines: can't install on this machine.

Installed a NEW SSD on desktop on 4/1/18 with a CLEAN INSTALL OF 1709. Everything was working perfectly until the 1803 install.

Reformatted, clean wiped, clean install of 1709 on laptop HDD also on 4/1/18. Everything was working perfectly until the 1803 install.

PLEASE - EVERYONE - DO NOT tell me to do this or that or ANYTHING. I have now spent over 2 weeks on this and NOTHING works. I am also refusing to do a clean install of Windows because I REFUSE TO HAVE TO REINSTALL OVER 180 ITEMS ON BOTH MY DESKTOP AND MY LAPTOP!!!!! That is beyond insane - given this IS NOT MY DOING!!!

Is anyone else as angry with MS as I am right now??? If the updates are suppose to make things better/more secure, then why have almost ALL Windows 10 updates (including Builder's Preview and Upgrade from 7/8/Vista) been nothing but PITA's for me?????????

Mr. Nadella: you broke it, YOU need to fix it!!!!!

MS Moderator: I need MS tech support to fix these issues somehow WITHOUT my losing ANY of my installed apps/programs, etc.!!!!!

Win10 is OBVIOUSLY NOT self-healing!!!!!! If anyone knows of a fix-it-all tool that actually works for Win10 repair, please respond with the name and your experience using it.

Thank you!!

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