control panel

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In start menu Contgrol Panel has been deleted, how do I get it back?

Jeff Richards

If you have turned the Control Panel option off in the first level of the
Start Menu, then you can turn it back using the registry tweaking script at
this site (first one in the list):
Jeff Richards
MS MVP (Windows - Shell/User)
<> wrote in message
> In start menu Contgrol Panel has been deleted, how do I get it back?

John Dulak wrote:
> In start menu Contgrol Panel has been deleted, how do I get it back?


Don't know about getting it back onto the Start menu but Control Panel
appears in the left pane of a Windows Explorer window and in "My
Computer". You can also create a desktop shortcut to it by entering
"C:\Windows\control.exe" as the command line.

If the file does not exist you may have to reinstall it from the CD
but I don't know how you would do this.



'' Madness takes its toll - Please have exact change. ''

John Dulak - Gnomeway Services -

Roger Fink

You used to fix it by downloading and running fixnocontrolpanel.vbs.
Unfortunately, MVP Doug Knox has long since removed this and other Win98
fixes from his terrific website. As a public service, albeit for a small
public, someone should get a hold of him and repost them somewhere. JMHO. wrote:
> In start menu Contgrol Panel has been deleted, how do I get it back?


On Sep 17, 7:14 pm, "Roger Fink" <> wrote:
> You used to fix it by downloading and running fixnocontrolpanel.vbs.
> Unfortunately, MVP Doug Knox has long since removed this and other Win98
> fixes from his terrific website. As a public service, albeit for a small
> public, someone should get a hold of him and repost them somewhere. JMHO.
> wrote:
> > In start menu Contgrol Panel has been deleted, how do I get it back?- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

'fixnocontrolpanel.vbs - Restores Control Panel after lockout with
TweakUI or other utility
'© Doug Knox - 10/28/2001
'This code may be freely distributed/modified

'Downloaded from

Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
'Declare variables
Dim WSHShell, MyBox, p1, t
Dim jobfunc
'Set the Windows Script Host Shell and assign values to variables
Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
p1 = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion
'Describe the funtion of the script for a dialog box
jobfunc = "Control Panel has now been restored." & vbCR
jobfunc = jobfunc & "You may need to log off/log on for the " & vbCR
jobfunc = jobfunc & "change to take effect."
'This section writes the correct values to the Registry
WSHShell.RegDelete p1
t = "Confirmation"
MyBox = MsgBox (jobfunc, 4096, t)

Copy and paste the above into a notepad document, and save it as
fixnocontrolpanel.vbs file. At that point you should be able to
double click it and the magic will happen? Watch out for word wrap...
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