Task Scheduler did not launch task - Event ID: 153 Missed task start rejected



Hi Everyone,

I'm facing issue related to windows task scheduler in windows 2012 R2 server system. The job is currently configured through windows task schdeuler (not via GPO), the tasks are visible in the group policy window and in the scheduled task window.

option Run task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed is unchecked in the settings tab, as we do not want to check this Option.

I noticed a strange issue with respect to the windows scheduler tasks that is configured. The jobs are then disabled and enabled, the jobs that are configured daily once is not triggered (for eg: - 1.00 PM on every mon, tue, wed & thu) ,but it is running on the next day at the same scheduled time.

This issue is not appearing if the job is configured for every 10 or 15 min.

Below warning message is appearing in the History tab for the job that missed the schedule

LogName: Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational

Source: TaskScheduler

Event ID: 153

Task Category: Missed task start rejected

Task Scheduler did not launch task "\Test" as it missed its schedule. Consider using the configuration option to start the task when available, if schedule is missed.

Can anyone please let me know why this issue is happening, I suspect this is an issue from Windows 2012 R2 Operating system. Am I missing any hotfix or any update for this OS?

Please let me know if you need any additional input.

Appreciate your response. Thanks in advance.

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