Justifyably critisize Microsoft for a very real lack of support, anything above very basic support, apprently is beyond them.



After 60+ hours of remote assist by elevated support over 6+ weeks, has not helped my issue(caused by The Team placing insiders under the control of a domain, in work-groups, none of which i was aware of, let alone greed with or gave my consent to) Over time they have taken control over more of the system, settings and network, until over the last year we see many more experiencing loss of ownership, access denied and control issues of a broadly similar nature causing catastrophic failure that appears unrecoverable!! I have come across details that suggest my allegation, documented but not enough to prove my preceding opinion. Never the less i am personally convinced and satisfied that opinion has much merit!!! BEWARE!!

Enough to decide that my best action at present, would be to opt out of insider preview's permanently which hopefully makes Domain control pointless and thus deleted from my life while regaining control. To that end i went to implement my decision of opting out only to find that tskn had lredy bee doe for me. Many thanks to the domain controller and domain administrators, great minds think alike but you also need to delete me from domain and work-group, to accomplish the job in full. That is not a request but a serious demand to remove yourself ASAP from my device, completely or you-may find out just how illegal and serious the consequence of your brain fade, to be. Yesterday an insider, today no longer which is the best evidence so far that i am close to the truth here, very dumb move. After alluding to as much in my letter in feedback hub of yesterday critical of your lack of response among other facts.

I will also take your advice to use my local tech is small town Australia to assist me as you suggested Mon just gone, that you could help me no further. A spot on observation but strange admission of defeat and incompetence of a multinational, well resourced and funded tech support dept, who by admission have less to offer than a 1 man, self-taught tech in a 10,000 pop town, outback Australia!!! He will be pleased at your robust assessment! As for the usefulness of an unsatisfactory, high overhead and basically, by admission, incompetent dept to Microsoft Management?? Get out while you can, enroll in some t=basic tech courses and do some upskilling.

Oh and i am going to cut my losses, install a new HDD in my device, since you have destroyed this one and according to Acer you purposely deleted/formatted device recovery partitions in all devices that had windows p reinstalled, to prevent anyone from accessing factory default and ditching Windows??? There is another evidential practice, among others, all documented for any possible class actions that may arise, in the future!!

Thus I AM NOT NOW OR NOT EVER REINSTALLING< POSSESSING OR USING A WINDOWS PRODUCT OR SERVICE EVER AGAIN!! Pressing win+del out of my life for good and in my best interests considering there are now many, much better, and free open source, OS, programmed and platforms out there. I suggest that others suffering as a direct result of dodgy Microsoft practices, would do well to ditch this company completely.

Lastly tomorrow i will delete my Microsoft account, live, outlook, skype etc permanently unless of course you are kind enough to once again do it for me.

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