To Moderators, Microsoft and B-Hörnchen und A-Hörnchen MVP Volunteer Moderator



To B-Hörnchen und A-Hörnchen (AKA) B-Squirrel and A-squirrel MVP Volunteer Moderator,

German stabbing another German in the back. A German with ability to act like this and giving his own personal authority with No GROUNDS WHATSOEVER DOING WHAT HE HAS DONE out of spite and ignorance and a low self esteem. Must be something. Oh maybe the hide behind the PC big man with the GOD COMPLEX. Ya that is probably it. Cause Everyone ever here can see 1000's times a day happening for what you f....ed with me on and then deleted my articles and my profile. If it is not all back,

I can promise you Mr. little squirrel, if my account and web pages are not restored, You will get Federal Papers for a Lawsuit and Microsoft too.

This is my thread offering a possible solution, when I was targeted by someone who has no clue and decided to delete the evidence of the photos, ON MY OWN CREATED THREAD.

**********Just think if someone was asking for help and posted the same photos showing their Problem, would the MOD delete their photos so they couldn't get some help for the problem.


There would be 20 guys posting a book of web links to the OP of nonsense so they can get badges and money through Directly.


Apply the same god damn rules to everyone.

And Gates might not be there anymore, but he still owns the majority. Can always reach him through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

I not only reported you to Michelle Mad and with my photos on the thread of mine of factual proof, you deleted it for no reason I am submitting it in an email and live chat with Microsoft. Then calling my attorney tomorrow and submitting to him all the proof of weblinks and you name it on this site. That I do nothing wrong or less than that, and I am Banned, Targeted, Discriminated agains and then you deleted all 14 of My Threads I created out of spite for no reasons.

Everyday people on here debate, disagree and post their possible solutions. Most are nonsense but that is OK. The special people on here with Tags like MVP and Moderator, if they disagree, they go to your created thread and delete the evidence that this fixes the issue and could be the fix for many people. But I did nothing wrong. Don Varamu thinks he knows it all and he don't know Jack ..... Jelousy is the obvious. Wanting to be a know it all with nothing from him to back up their claims.

It is no damn coincidence, that a few days ago, Microsoft did something with their Platform and Cloud Services when all these website and browser problems started. And I discovered Disabling Enhanced Protection Mode, not only fixed all issues on this site, but the access to Microsoft Account and Online Email and stopped browser hanging up on any websites. This is absolutely a possible cause and a possible fix. And 30 other people in 24 hours I have talked to, disabled it and there problems were alos GONE. And because you and Don Vanamu disagree, you delete my comments. Then you come to my thread and delete the photos of the factual proof. Then I reply and upload them again, and you block me from all abilities, and deleted all 14 of my threads as you think because you are a MVP and Mod you are correct and therfore you will violate people by deleting their everything and blocking them from site abilities. I put massive time into my Areticles that ACTUALLY REALLY DOES HELP PEOPLE. I am not a moderator or special person with badges and tags trolling websites to post books of nonsense to innocent people looking for help. And mainly, as shown in Michelle Mad's Thread about Directly. And all the other Mods and people complaining about you MODs and special people here posting nonsense to make a $1 through Directly.

And yet, you come to my thread with photos showing people the proof on 34 computers within 24 hours, and delete them. and because I commenbt back to you and upload them back INTO MY OWN THREAD, you delete all 14 of my threads.

Then all because I Create My Own Thread with Proof and photos of turning off Enhanced Protection Mode In Internet Options, will stop you from issues on this site, Your Microsoft Account and E-mail access for a non secured connection

By the looks of your name, probably not in the U.S.A. But here, there are laws about Discrimination, constitution and civil righs. And the rules HERE, MUST BE APPLIED TO EVERYONE EQUALLY, and I have prrof this is not the case whatsoever here. and I have the proof. Targeting and violating my same rights you allow to everyone else on this website 1000's of times a day.

Deleting all my threads, you low life.

And I guarantee for a fact, I will swim circles around 90% of you people here when it comes to all aspects of computers and networks. Your badges and VIP, MVP and Moderator Tags do not mean Jack ....

You deleted all my threads and blocked me, because you have no clue and no right and didn't like me questioning you about your actions.

No wonder people on here get no help or post the same questions all the time. People like you removing the proof of what is a high possibility of a fix and no violation of any rules, especiially when it is done on about every thread there ever was. 34 out of 34 PC's was fixed by this one simple disabling EPM. And i have been stomped on by an inept big man hiding behind a PC with the GOD COMPLEX TARGETING ME and DISCRIMINATING AGAINST ME!

And I have 30 people in 24 hours, that are going to provide me a statement that disabling Enhanced Protection Mode ABSOLUTELY FIXED ALL THEIR ISSUES WITH BROWSER, WEB PAGES AND MICROSOFT WEBSITES.

There was no violating of any rules on my thread you just deleted. Targeting me and discrimination. There is plenty proof of it and my attorney and Microsoft will see it all.

Go ahead and Ban Me. You deleted all my f.... Threads and blocked me from any use Just more proof of how this site is run and the favoritism and targeting of some as if you have a Moderator tag or MVP tag then you are the expert and correct and others are not with the FACTS and Proof in photos and 30 others.

I am here to provide actual help with facts to back it up. Not like some I see on here that are privileged with the Special Tags by their User Names.

And then to top it off, my photos clearly showed this website with the same issues people are complaining about. Show turning this off, and the photos show the problem is COMPLETELY GONE. And yet all these comments like the difference between IE and Edge is going to fix this problem. Hilarious. And on my Thread I stated FOR WINDOWS 10 PC's.

Here was my deleted Article. and the 14 links below he deleted.

So tell my, why did you come to my Thread I created in the first place and deleted the photos showing the Proof on 30 PC's with Windows 10.

Oh, I know, because something to actually help someone and with photos of evidence is not acceptable to 2 guys that do know know what they are talking about. The evidence is right here. No Rules violations, just something simple someone can try like every other GOD DAMN THREAD on this website. But mine actaullt works and with photo evidence. Do you think I pulled those photos out of my .....

I do not feed people BS and nonsense like some I see on here doing all the time daily.


Did you ever hear the saying, you want me to draw you a picture so you can better understand or see the proof, well here it is, and I get all 14 of my Threads I spent days on Creating DELETED by one ........ for doing nothing wrong but helping others.

Then this little .... deleted all my 14 Threads. All for posting this thread to help others because he disagrees and does not know jack .....

This is a forum to help people with actual possible solution to their problem. Because Don Varamu and B-Hörnchen und A-Hörnchen disagrees, is not justification to delete my photos of proof ON MY OWN THREAD and then block me from all website access to do anything and delete all my other 14 threads. This is a personal unjust attack. There is a Thread about website issues. I only provided a possible solution to save others agony and possible wasted time with a possible quick and easy fix that 30 out of 30 others PC's in 24 hours had the issues fixed by doing this. REMEMBER, it is an option like every other post on every thread is. that is what a forum is for. And yet, this is what happened to me.

And more proof of targeting. Cristal Reg, obviously a site manager threatened me 2 weeks ago to ban me for posting the most useful and helpful topic. And I am Promoting a Microsoft Windows Product, Windows Media Player. That I went to about 20 threads about windows media play and gave a link to forever play all audio and video files easily and never have issues again all in one player. This is the same thing the SPECIAL PEOPLE HERE do everyday, trolling threads posting books of nonsense to begin with, all to get those badges and thread count up. And to make a $1 from Directly. Doing the same exact thing everyday on 1000's of threads and I do it one time in one night and I am going to be banned. Is this harassment, targeting and discrimination, I bet so and my attorney will agree. I am no idiot. I have ran businesses for over 30 years and I know all about discrimination and violation of people declaration of independance right, civil rights and constiutional right.

The game and rules apply to everyone equally. Not pick and choose. All because 300 moderators on here and they all think they know it all, and i guarantee by 1000's og their comments I seen, far from it. instead of offering the basic or obvious, they tell people to reset their PC or do all this nonsense that I can clearly see. There is a difference of people posting other links from microsoft and others then actually having knowledge and experience. That is the problem with this site.The poor people I see everyday will a comment full of web links and no real help wasting their time sending them in circles.

So if you .... certain people here, you get to be a MOD and pretend you are special and know something. I have seen 7 people here that are very smart, the others are just posting others web links that we all can get on a web search. Years of REAL KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IS WHO i WOULD WANT HELP FROM, NOT SOME JOE SMOE THAT IS GIVING A MVP TITLE THAT NEVER WORKED ON 15 PC'S IN HIS LIFE. IT IS COMICAL AND PATHETIC AT THE SAME TIME.

Oh and FYI, this is not even turned on by default that I know of, unless you buy an OEM PC as they always tweak system settings, and then it might be. So it is not like I was going to cause a security breach by telling people to turn it off. Pathetic.

Fix IE and Other Browsers with Site Issues Here and on Microsoft Account Access, Email, etc.

Microsoft has made some kind of change the other day. Causing Mostly Internet Explorer to hang and not be able to access email and Microsoft account from IE browser. Not even able to sign in. There is also issues in Chrome and Opera. FireFox worked Just fine. I have not checked Chrome or Opera since disabling "EPM", but I suspect they will be fine too. Probably including fixing Edge.

But I have figured out how to fix this. I triple checked it and this is definitely the cause on 4 PC's in my home.

And Obviously, I am on IE 11 and have now posted photos and a weblink using editing tools in this Thread.

This is what you get with Internet Options "Enhanced Protection Mode" Turned "On".

Make sure to Apply after Disabling it "OFF". Close out browsers, restart PC.

Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Internet Options>>Advanced Tab

On bottom in the last Section of Advanced Settings.


I have it turned OFF already.


Before Disabling "Enhanced Protection Mode" Setting in Internet Options. Microsoft Websites and Services not working or no access to them for Account and E-mail, etc.


Selecting sign in or outlook, this is what was happening. You might not have seen this, but this is another thing that could happen. Did not do it the first 3 days, then today it did this. I have the cleanest, safest, secure, PC's, & Network you can have that is flawless. 20 years and never any issues with anything.


After Disabling "Enhanced Protection Mode" Setting in Internet Options. All is fixed and logs in automatically as it should and you can access email and account. Performance issues are also now gone with the Browsers.


WOW, it is all fixed by turning OFF ENHANCED PROTECTION MODE IN WINDOWS 10. No more issues with any websites and browsers is not hanging up anymore.


Before Disabling "Enhanced Protection Mode" Setting in Internet Options. On the Microsoft Community Forum Website. Buttons missing on this site, no editing tool icons and might not upload photos or links here.



After Disabling "Enhanced Protection Mode" Setting in Internet Options: All issue on Microsoft Community Forum is all fine and dandy now.



Also, I have been setting up internet options since Windows 98 - 10. I have always set them the same on this link below. I have always been secure and never have any issues with any websites in 20 years. I have also always used IE, but all browsers worked flawlessly.

Not many people I know set up their internet options and security. They are not even aware of this and that they control 95% of all your browsers, including Edge.

This link will show you in every tab how to set it up, keep "Enhanced Protection Mode" "OFF" now.

Tips for Fixing Browser Issues Accessing or While on Web Sites:

Set Up Internet Options for XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 10 - Microsoft Community

More Helpful Topics and Tips:

Connecting PC’s and Users for Sharing XP, Vista, 7, 8 & 10- Microsoft Community

Network & HomeGroup Setup and Sharing XP, Vista, 7, 8 & 10 - Microsoft Community

Home Network Modem-Router & PC Security & Settings - Microsoft Community

Network Setup for Dynamic IP Addressing - Microsoft Community

Fix Homegroup Password, Joining and Unjoining Issues - Microsoft Community

How to FIX Missing Computer Icons in Network Folder - Microsoft Community

How to Install Devices & Software from Older Windows OS's on Newer OS's - Microsoft Community

Try to Fix System Problems During or After Windows Update-Upgrade - Microsoft Community

Recover Windows Hung Up on Boot or Update Installations - Microsoft Community

Fix IE & Other Browsers with Web Site Issues & Microsoft Account Access, Email, etc. - Microsoft Community

Set Up Internet Options for XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 10 - Microsoft Community

Editing Photos in Paint - Resolutions-Resizing, Adding Text and More - Microsoft Community

Add Quick Launch Toolbar To Taskbar In Windows 10 - Microsoft Community

How to Add a Pagefile to USB Thumb Drive - Microsoft Community

Stop Windows Auto Deleting Thumbnail Cache Updated - Microsoft Community

Windows Media Player - Play ALL Video & Audio Formats Easily - Microsoft Community

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