Bhargava Kakaraparti
Our server Memory utilization will be 92 to 94% consistently. During few ETL runs with SQL Server for a minute or two it will reach more than 97% Memory utilization. Few cases SQL Server got restarted and Few cases windows was crashed. My doubt is with paging virtual memory. To check further on this we moved the cluster roles (SQL) to node 2 and in node 2 we observed same behavior in memory utilization and even once it reached 99.7% but the SQL or Server didn't crashed. And we observed the below log in event viewer
"Windows successfully diagnosed a low virtual memory condition. The following programs consumed the most virtual memory: sqlservr.exe (1) consumed A bytes, xyz.exe (2) consumed B bytes, and svchost.exe (3) consumed C bytes."
Total of A+B+C reached our 100% allocated RAM. But it still didn't crashed.
Paging Virtual memory is given some 'X' value, provided in C drive and it has enough disk space. Where in Node 1 the victim of crashes Paging virtual memory is given with same 'X' value, provided in C drive but it has only 'X/2' disk space available from months. And the crashes are happening from a month.
Is the issue with disk space allocated to Paging virtual memory or is there any-other which is causing this issue?
Thanks in advance.
PS: Excuse for providing variables rather than original values.
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"Windows successfully diagnosed a low virtual memory condition. The following programs consumed the most virtual memory: sqlservr.exe (1) consumed A bytes, xyz.exe (2) consumed B bytes, and svchost.exe (3) consumed C bytes."
Total of A+B+C reached our 100% allocated RAM. But it still didn't crashed.
Paging Virtual memory is given some 'X' value, provided in C drive and it has enough disk space. Where in Node 1 the victim of crashes Paging virtual memory is given with same 'X' value, provided in C drive but it has only 'X/2' disk space available from months. And the crashes are happening from a month.
Is the issue with disk space allocated to Paging virtual memory or is there any-other which is causing this issue?
Thanks in advance.
PS: Excuse for providing variables rather than original values.
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