Bluescreen; Bug Check Code : 0x00000139



Hello there,

I just had a Bluescreen on Win 10 which has occurred before already a few times:

I extracted the dump file using BlueScreenView. Here are the properties:

Dump File : 062618-4031-01.dmp
Crash Time : 26.06.2018 12:58:46
Bug Check String :
Bug Check Code : 0x00000139
Parameter 1 : 00000000`00000003
Parameter 2 : fffff803`056177d0
Parameter 3 : fffff803`05617728
Parameter 4 : 00000000`00000000
Caused By Driver : ntoskrnl.exe
Caused By Address : ntoskrnl.exe+198330
File Description :
Product Name :
Company :
File Version :
Processor : x64
Crash Address : ntoskrnl.exe+198330
Stack Address 1 :
Stack Address 2 :
Stack Address 3 :
Computer Name :
Full Path : C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\062618-4031-01.dmp
Processors Count : 4
Major Version : 15
Minor Version : 17134
Dump File Size : 452.364
Dump File Time : 26.06.2018 13:02:02

Can anybody help?

Many thanks in advance!

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