Major bugs after Windows 10 updates



I have a StarWars Laptop and I unfortunately allowed my computer to install the update. Since then, I haven't been able to view PDF files, print documents, type continuously and most importantly, open settings. When I try to open settings, a window begins to open, then disappears. When I type continuously, the cursor removes itself every 30 seconds, so I have to bring the cursor back to the box I'm typing in. Printing is a joke since HP Print keeps opening up with certain applications; before I can set preferences for the print, the box goes blank to white.

I cannot get into settings to inform you of what I can try. I have also attempted a safe reboot, but instead ended up with a normal pointless reboot. I didn't think that I'd think of this, but is it time for me to consider Apple?

When I used to have an alienware comp, I would just get rid of the update and restore to the prior one. For some reason, I haven't seen links to do that for Windows 10. Windows 7 was a Godsend!

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